Sunday, March 17, 2013


Right now is a great time to quit smoking. Why? In as little as 20 minutes you'll start to feel the benefits of not smoking. Curious how long nicotine stays in your body? What types of nicotine withdrawal symptoms you'll have? Want to find out how many tobacco-free days it will take for your body to recuperate and no longer be at risk of the dangers of smoking? 20 Minutes After You Quit The effects of quitting start to set in immediately. Less than 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate will already start to drop back towards normal levels. Two Hours After You Quit After two hours without a cigarette, your heart rate and blood pressure will have decreased to near healthy levels. Your peripheral circulation may also improve. The tips of your fingers and toes may start to feel warm. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually start about two hours after your last cigarette. Early withdrawal symptoms include: • intense cravings • anxiety, tension or frustration • drowsiness or trouble sleeping • increased appetite 12 Hours After You Quit Carbon monoxide – which can be toxic to the body at high levels – is released from burning tobacco and inhaled as part of cigarette smoke. Because carbon monoxide bonds so well to blood cells, high levels of the substance can prevent these cells from bonding with oxygen, which in turn causes serious cardiovascular problems. In just 12 hours after quitting smoking, the carbon monoxide in your body decreases to normal levels, and your blood oxygen levels increase to normal. 24 Hours After You Quit The heart attack rate for smokers is 70 percent higher than for non-smokers. But, believe or not, just one full day after quitting smoking, your risk for heart attack will already have begun to drop. While you're not quite out of the woods yet, you're on your way! 48 Hours After You Quit It may not be life-threatening, but deadened senses – specifically smell and taste – are one of the more obvious consequences of smoking. Luckily, after 48 hours without a cigarette, your nerve endings will start to re-grow, and your ability to smell and taste is enhanced. In just a little while longer, you'll be back to appreciating the finer things in life. Three Days After You Quit At this point, the nicotine will be completely out of your body. Unfortunately, that means that the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will generally peak around this time. You may experience some physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, or cramps in addition to the emotional symptoms mentioned in 12 Hours After You Quit. To fight the mental symptoms, reward yourself for not smoking; use the money you would have spent on cigarettes to treat yourself to something nice. Two to Three Weeks After You Quit After a couple of weeks, you'll be able to exercise and perform physical activities without feeling winded and sick. This is due to a number of regenerative processes that will begin to occur in your body; your circulation will improve, and your lung function will also improve significantly. After two or three weeks without smoking, your lungs will start to feel clear, and you'll start breathing easier. For most smokers, withdrawal symptoms disappear about two weeks after quitting. One to Nine Months After You Quit Starting about a month after you quit, your lungs begin to regenerate. Inside them, the cilia – the tiny hair-like organelles that push mucus out – will start to repair themselves and function properly again. With the cilia now able to do their job, they will help to reduce your risk of infection. With properly functioning lungs, your coughing and shortness of breath will continue to decrease dramatically. Even for the heaviest smokers, withdrawal symptoms will go away no more than several months after quitting. One Year After You Quit The one year mark is a big one. After a year without smoking, your risk for heart disease is lowered by 50 percent compared to when you were still smoking. Another way to look at it is that a smoker is more than twice as likely as you are to have any type of heart disease. Five Years After You Quit A number of the substances released in the burning of tobacco – carbon monoxide chief among them – cause your blood vessels to narrow, which increases your risk of having a stroke. After 5 to 15 years of being smoke-free, your risk of having a stroke is the same as someone who doesn't smoke. 10 Years After You Quit Smokers are at higher risk than non-smokers for a daunting list of cancers, with lung cancer being the most common and one of the most dangerous. Smoking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer deaths worldwide. It'll take 10 years, but if you quit, eventually your risk of dying from lung cancer will drop to half that of a smoker's. Ten years after quitting, your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas also decreases. 15 Years After You Quit Fifteen years of non-smoking will bring your risk of heart disease back to the same level as someone who doesn't smoke. You'll no longer be at a higher-than-normal risk for a wide range of conditions like heart attack, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, angina, infections of the heart, or conditions that affect your heart's beating rhythms. Long Term Benefits The long-term benefits of quitting smoking are fantastic. According to the American Heart Association, non-smokers, on average, live 14 years longer than smokers. Quit today, and you'll extend your life span and live those extra years with a functional cardiovascular system, while being active and feeling great. see donportercancer for more Health reality Source:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Antibiotics Overuse (BAD NOW) Could End in Disaster

Antibiotics Overuse Could End in Disaster Posted: 04 Mar 2013 Antibiotics overuse could spell disaster in the form of a massive outbreak of a “SUPER-BUGS” – a bacterium or group of bacteria that has developed resistance to all known antibiotics and against which there is no known defense. Drug-resistant bacterial strains are growing worldwide, such as this strain of TB (tuberculosis) as reported by this study in the Lancet. The issue is that a dose of antibiotics is the easy solution (too easy) to any bacterial disease. It may be warranted in extreme cases, but in general Western doctors have lapsed into overprescribing them, possibly out of laziness, possibly out of ignorance and possibly out of bribery (Western doctors are routinely bribed by Big Pharma reps and given kickbacks to prescribe certain drugs). Far too often, using antibiotics is like using a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito, and as the saying goes, ”if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see all problems as nails.” Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, good or bad, and destroy delicate balance of a body’s ecosystem. Your immune system is constantly on a seek-and-destroy mission status - on the lookout for foreign invaders, naturally occurring cell defects and mutant cells. The immune system has a vast capacity to remember bad guys and deploy tactics that worked in the past to annihilate the enemy. Some of the fastest growing cells in the human body are immune cells. Over 80% of the body's immunity is built in the intestinal tract by the friendly bacteria balance that resides there. The intestinal flora starts building in an infant while in the womb but doesn't really take off until after eight days of age. Starting with the colostrum milk, the gut begins to populate with more bacteria while the infant's immune system starts an inventory of good and bad cells in the body. This inventory is a life-long process and the immune system never forgets an invader. Please refer to my previous article HOW ANTIBIOTICS DESTROY YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM to understand how antibiotics destroy our immune system. Allopathy (Western medicine) does not train its doctors to look at the body as holistically as other medical traditions do, such as Chinese medicine, naturopathy or homeopathy. It does not recognize the existence of prana, chi, ki, mana or the meridians that govern the flow of energy throughout the body and determine the state of health one enjoys. Western doctors (in general) are quite content to prescribe a drug which may solve a problem in part of the body, but contain side-effects which later manifest as disease in another part of the body. They then prescribe more drugs for that, and the cycle continues on and on, like a dog chasing its tail, with the initial imbalance simply moving to another part of the body and transforming into another disease. True health is a state of complete balance. The idea of “killing” a disease in one part of the body, only to have it resurface in another, is absolutely ludicrous to any true healer. What is the point of merely kicking the can down the road as antibiotics overuse does? And yet, due to the Rockefeller’s insidious influence, Western Medicine has formed an unholy alliance with Big Pharma, and the two have become so intertwined that now patients have become customers – and a patient healed is a customer lost to the giant pharmaceutical cartel. The Beginning of the End of Allopathy? In this excellent article David Stewart declares that we may be witnessing the end of allopathy as we know it. He states that “sooner or later, all synthetic drugs and antibiotics (will) become ineffective or lethal and have to be discontinued … patented medicines are all unnatural, composed of molecules never before existing on planet earth. Our bodies were not made to utilize, metabolize, and eliminate such substances. This is why all pharmaceuticals, without exception, have negative side effects.” He also indicates that allopathic drugs, including all antibiotics and synthetic pharmaceuticals, are already starting to become so ineffective and obsolete that drug companies will have to engage in endless research just to keep ahead of the curve – and there may be a limit to how long they can do this. Such is the flawed paradigm of allopathic synthetic drugs. Antibiotics overuse is a serious problem, not just because it may lead to the rise of a super-bug, but also due to fact that antibiotic drugs are toxic in and of themselves. This Natural News article highlighted the fact that there are countless injuries and side-effects caused by antibiotics, just as with vaccines, but with the difference being that vaccine victims have a support network, whereas antibiotic victims do not. The common fluoroquinolone antibiotics are popular, but the side effects are grave, ranging from the tearing of tendons, the crippling losses of motor abilities, difficulty thinking, tinnitus, anxiety, chronic insomnia and depression. 80% Antibiotics to Animals for food Think carefully before taking antibiotic drugs. Antibiotic overuse is rife. If you do need to, make sure you balance your system by taking probiotics for many weeks afterwards, as well as eating healthy fermented foods such as raw miso, sauerkraut and kefir, to help restore the healthy intestinal flora in your digestive tract. Source: