Friday, June 13, 2014

Red Meat Linked to Breast Cancer in Harvard Study

The diet that can prevent heart disease is also an anti-cancer diet. More evidence, in a release from PCRM:

A high-fat, high-cholesterol diet increases the risk... for breast cancer, according to a study published in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. Researchers tracked the dietary habits of 88,804 women for 10 years from Harvard’s Nurses' Health Study II. Results showed that a diet high in animal fat increased the risk for breast cancer by 18% among all women and 21% among postmenopausal women. Dietary cholesterol increased the risk for developing breast cancer by 32% among premenopausal women. Saturated fat and monounsaturated fat also increased the risk for developing breast cancer.

This study supports recent findings by the National Cancer Institute.

Farvid MS, Cho E, Chen WY, Eliassen AH, Willett WC. Premenopausal dietary fat in relation to pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2014;145:255-265.

Red Meat Linked to Breast Cancer in Harvard Study


VOA News  June 11, 2014 4:19 PM

Eating red meat as an early adult could increase the risk of breast cancer, according to new research.

Researchers from Harvard University analyzed data on over 88,000 premenopausal women aged 26 to 45 who are taking part in the Nurse’s Health Study II and completed a questionnaire on their eating habits in 1991.

The Nurse’s Health study has been monitoring the health of female registered nurses since 1976.

Red meat included unprocessed beef, pork, lamb and hamburger, and processed red meat included hot dogs, bacon and sausage.  For the questionnaire, the nurses were asked to rate the frequency they ate red meat from among nine categories ranging from “never or less than once per month” to “six or more per day.” Taking into account factors like age, height, weight, family history and race, the researchers were able to identify 2,830 cases of breast cancer cases over 20 years.

Using statistical modeling, the researchers say they were able to estimate breast cancer risks for women with different diets. They said that for each increase from among the nine options for red meat consumption, there was an increase in developing breast cancer.  Researchers said a higher intake of red meat was associated with a 22% increase in risk of breast cancer. Each additional serving per day upped the risk by 13%.   Substituting chicken for one serving of red meat per day actually reduced the risk of breast cancer by 17%, the study said.  In concluding, the study’s authors said that eating a lot of red meat in early adulthood "may be a risk factor for breast cancer, and replacing red meat with a combination of legumes, poultry, nuts and fish may reduce the risk of breast cancer."

They cautioned, however that further study of the relation between diet in early adulthood and cancer is needed.   A diet high in red meat has long been linked to colon cancer and pancreatic cancer, but its relationship to breast cancer has been little understood.

Not all were convinced by the study.  The GREEDY self serving 

“As several researchers who have analyzed this study have already pointed out, the totality of the available evidence indicates that red meat consumption has little or no effect on breast cancer risk,” said the American Meat Institute’s vice president for scientific affairs, Betsy Booren, PhD in an emailed statement.
 “This study with extremely weak associations based on self-reported food intake doesn’t add much to our current knowledge on this complex condition. It is well known that the best steps women can take to reduce their breast cancer risk are maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, reducing alcohol consumption and not smoking.”

Another expert said the study was not definitive.

"The women who ate less red meat may have a healthier lifestyle, and that reduces their risk of cancer, Dr. Stephanie Bernik, chief of surgical oncology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City told the website Healthday. “The increased risk tied to red meat might only stand in for other unhealthy behaviors," she said. "A healthy lifestyle can lower your risk of cancer in general."

Mia Gaudet, director of genetic epidemiology at the American Cancer Society, told the Associated Press that eating red meat as an early adult could be connected to increased risk of developing breast cancer.  "Breasts are still developing and are more susceptible to carcinogens before women have their first full-term pregnancy," she said.

The American Cancer Society recommends people eat a "plant-based" diet.

"It's important to have a healthy lifestyle throughout your life and not just as you get older and more worried about cancer," Gaudet told the AP. "People should perhaps consider ordering a salad or a vegetarian option sometime."

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Christina Sarich by Christina Sarich  added by Don Porter 6-5-2014 - I despise the AMA & their VILE No Heal No Cure system

The National Cancer Institute says that cancer treatment costs between $31,500 and $400,000 over several years, depending on the type of cancer one is suffering from. One of the cheapest ways to treat cancer is probably something you’ve never heard of, yet Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Rome found a possible treatment that takes around three weeks and costs literally pennies. But his simple, yet revolutionary idea was shunned by the medical industry, even though he was a successful oncologist. Nonetheless, Simoncini has destroyed cancerous tumors with nothing more than sodium bicarbonate, otherwise known as baking soda. see Dr. Otto Warburg Nobel Prize Winner

Baking soda works by ‘shocking’ cancer cells with alkalinity. The extracellular (interstitial) pH (pHe) of solid tumors is significantly more acidic compared to normal tissues.

Furthermore, cancer cells cannot live in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate administered either orally, by IV, or via aerosol caused apoptosis of cancer cells in numerous of Simoncini’s patients. Yet, while many drs. refused to believe this was possible, there was already evidence that baking soda even improved the effects of ‘traditional’ cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

Many drs agree that cancer happens in a body that is too acidic. In early stages of body acidity, we have mild symptoms, like headaches, acne, allergies, cold, flu, and sinus problems. In later stages of imbalanced alkalinity, we can start to develop cancerous cells. According to Dr Simoncini’s instructions:

“The maximum limit of the dosage that can be administered in a session gravitates around 500 cc of sodium bicarbonate at 5% solution, with the possibility of increasing or decreasing the dosage by 20% in function of the body mass of the individual to be treated and in the presence of multiple localizations upon which to apportion a greater quantity of salts.”

This renders the body more alkaline, and therefore kills cancerous cells.

Go Alkaline to Defeat Cancer - As Drs. & USA Medical System "DO NOT WANT a Cancer Cure", Cancer is a VERY BIG MONEYMAKER. What happens to the Thousands of people that are supposedly seeking a Cure for cancer, like The American Cancer Society?  I cured Cancer - ALMOST ANYONE can also !

The American Cancer Society says there is no evidence to support Simoncini’s claims, but others disagree. Numerous scientists have proven that by raising a body’s alkalinity levels and increasing oxygen, cancer can be killed. In fact, white blood cells kill cancer cells by injecting them with oxygen! Oxygen has been used by many to wipe out all types of disease.  PubMed article demonstrates how baking soda and dimethyl sulfoxide help in treatment of pain in cancer patients. It was found that, “the application of DMSO and SB solution intravenously could lead to better quality of life for patients with nontreatable terminal cancers.” The thing is – ‘non-treatable’ cancers don’t exist. The body knows how to heal itself if we help it. Another scientific study found that sodium bicarbonate inhibited the formation of prostate cancer cells, but the mechanism by which this occurred was not understood:

“Although the mechanism of this therapy is not known with certainty, low pH was shown to increase the release of active cathepsin B, an important matrix remodeling protease.”

Actually one many managed to reverse his Stage IV prostate cancer using baking soda and molasses. It had already advanced enough that it was metastasizing in his patient’s bones. Some cancer experts believe that by buffering the tumor microenvironment with an alkalizing compound, [like baking soda] the pH of tumors can be raised enough to starve them and stop their growth and spread. This is what happened for Vernon Johnston who was suffering from prostate cancer. Read his story. Also Don Porter (donportercancer), and Dr. Anthony J. Sattilaro& his book Recalled by Life.  USA Medical System of "NO HEAL NO CURE - NEVER SEEK THE CAUSE OF ILLNESS"  is VILE & DISGUSTING ! However AMA  etal defend it as makes VAST revenues !

Otto Warburg may have discovered the underlying cause for all forms of cancer when he won two Nobel Prizes 50 years ago for his work proving that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He found that:   The cause of Cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements. Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for Cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of Cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.”  Furthermore, in the 1950s, Dr. Carl Reich M.D. discovered that his patients were able to treat themselves of almost all degenerative diseases by consuming several times the recommended daily allowance of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and other nutrients. This, in essence, alkalized their bodies. What does baking soda do? Alkalize the body. Enough said.  

Additional Sources:  Pubmed/10362108   Other Popular Stories:

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