Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Medical Science Proves Sodium Bicarbonate(Baking Soda) Cures Cancer
(Donald J. Porter updated June. 17, 2015-   See donportercancer,   DJP Protocol Below). 
It is not a common day that a person's medical work is confirmed strongly. Recently, medical scientists published vindication for Dr. Tullio, and others, which favor oral and transdermal use of bicarbonate instead of using it intravenously. It is not only vastly less expensive to use bicarbonate (baking soda) orally and transdermally in baths, etc., however it is safer and now proven to be effective. It is gratifying to have seen written and published  in:
DJP Baking Soda Protocol
Donald Porter was recently interviewed by Lisa Wilson  
and discussed this protocol he used for himself.
DJP  Baking Soda Protocol – This creates a high pH (8+) thereby kills Cancer Cells, and; has worked for me, 8 yrs., after following a modified “Plant Based ALKALINE Diet (Macrobiotic)” to restore/re-build my immune system, NO CHEMICALS eat Organic ! Get Alkaline – Change Acidic Cell Environment can createCancer ! 

 I Did “NO” Chemo, NO Radiation, Minimum Drugs 
We All Require – 4mos. To change our blood – Do ORGANIC, Plant Based Diet get Alkaline - NO CHEMICALS  makes Immune system stronger
AVOID Any forms of SUGAR - Eat Organic food-for about 1 mo. ( If cancer severe, start Protocol Immediately) then Initiate as follows:
·       1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with & 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals), 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) Heat @ “LOW” temp in pan for 5 min. STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BSM into “YOUR own Trojan Horse” to benefit your body -immune system. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, is a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells in hrs). We have 100 Trillion cells. 
·         2nd day – repeat, also Do DEEP breathing- 30x do 3-10x dayOXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
·       3rd day – same  Cancer cells thrive on sugar so when you use sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (9pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
·        4th day – same  2X day goal get to 8.0 – 8.5 pH & hold 4-5 days &  cancer cells dormant @ pH 7.5+ & kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.5.  My pH was 8.53 on 3rd day with a blood & urine test. 
·         5th daystarted taking the solution – 2 tspns BS & 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
·      6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS & 2 Tspn of BSM & 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.35. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body. BREATHE DEEPLY !
·     7th – All ok - lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing ALL cancer cells! Also on day 7, increased BS to 2+ Tspns. & got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous & had a slight headache, so I reduced it. I had slight confusion.
·         8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high-could be health issues with too much BS
·       9th dayA little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intakeAll experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing.  KILLING cancer cells most important !   Walk Barefoot on ground
·        10th dayHeadache more persistent, body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
·     11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.  

Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium organic foods Watch blood pressure-take Potassium.  Potassium 200+mg intake is IMPORTANT. Exercise/walk 30 min. daily.
Do 30+ DEEP breaths MANY times per day–VERY IMPORTANT - Oxygen kills cancer cells
Calcium 1,200 mg, Potassium 200 mgAstaxanthin, Sun Chlorella, Astralagus,  Herbal ALOE Force, Magnesium, Maitake-d-fraction, Vit. D/D3 10,000 iu’s, Filter Water, Tumeric and THERACURMIN, Celery Seed, BREATHE Deeply 

Seek to maintain ORGANIC Alkaline Diet  to let your Immune System rebuild from MANY years of harmful chemicals, etc, in Pkgd/Fast foods! Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies, evening Primrose Oil some fruits, NO fruit w/cancer. Pay for Organic now or pay Drs. Later. Take Essiac Caps fromTruecanadianhealthproduct,  Walk 30 min. daily.  see donporter cancer
·         Room temp filtered water & Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha-Hojicha, Dandelion Root, Pu-erh, Essiac.
·         Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.2 – 7.45).  A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.4 is alkaline. NO Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/ Poultry/Beef, Easy/NO fish & related-clams-muscles-lobster, etc. Be good to your immune system – It WILL be good to you with – ORGANIC Alkaline Food        WASH ALL FOOD !   NO Overcooking!
Acidic conditions creates Cancer environment – Alkaline Environment KILLS cancer cells ! (Alkaline = more Oxygen in cells)
Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim  threatened with jail  unless he stoped administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree!  Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Baking soda).  Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts syrup. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min. 2 tspns per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks. 

CANCER CURE? - 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg, 2X Nobel Prize Winner PROVED that all forms of cancer are characterized by 2 basic conditions: acidosis & hypoxia (lack of oxygen). “Cancerous tissues are acidic, healthy tissues are alkaline. Cancer can’t survive in an alkaline body or in Oxygen. All people with Cancer have a pH that is too acidic. High pH kills cancer cells ! 
99% of terminal cancer victims are 1,000x more acidic than normal.

A Few Related “GOOD”Internet Searches and; Authors to read of 100,000+– I researched:
  • Recalled By Life, Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, Heart
  • Cesium Chloride,  Forks over Knives
    • The pH Miracle–R. Young, Dr. Sanjay Gupta-CNN, Search – donportercancer
    • Dr.Otto Warburg cures Cancer

Dr. Esselstyn- Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn’s 25 year study. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet–if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong. “Some people think the “Heart diet” is extreme.  Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery.  Some people would call that extreme  CAUSES- IGNORED. . Drs. and AMA are treating the symptoms - NOT the Cause. A NO HEAL, NO CURE AMA policy to Max Revenues;  Organic Alkaline Food is the BEST Medicine.  Try Farmers Markets.  STOP chemicals from entering our bodies & OVERWHELMING OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS, Creating ACIDITY, allowing many diseases, EAT a strict ORGANIC  Alkaline Plant Based Diet to Maximize your Health.    Food is The Best Medicine ! 
 Stop eating  Pkgd. or Fast Foods. creating  ACIDIC  cells in YOUR body 

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; thus, I have not been formally “miseducated.” I am not certified in medicine; therefore, there is no certificate or diploma disgracing the interior of my home or office and no monument to the biggest revenue generating fraud ever perpetrated on human kind. This Blog/website/Protocol  is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, my experiences in beating Stage IV caner, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that I am practicing medicine. A conscious effort has been made to present information on my experiences that are both accurate and truthful. Much is based on Dr. Otto Warburg.My statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.
- Donald J. Porter  Related Articles: donportercancer,

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Friday, September 12, 2014

by Christina Sarich  Don Porter Sept 12, 2014
For those suffering from prostate, esophageal, colorectal and lung cancer, you may want to take note. Selenium is a naturally occurring trace element which is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and protection from oxidative damage and infection.

It also is a cancer preventative like nobody’s business!  Studies from Cornell University and the University of Arizona alike show that those who took selenium supplements for at least 10 years had almost half (41%) the rate of cancer as those taking a placebo.

Gerarld F. Combs, Jr. a nutritional biochemist and Professor of nutritional sciences said:
“Although more than a hundred of animal and dozens of epidemiological studies have linked high selenium status [in comparison to] cancer risk, this is the first double-blind, placebo-controlled cancer prevention study with humans that directly supports the thesis that a nutritional supplement of selenium, as a single agent, can reduce the risk of cancer.”
Those suffering from Prostate, esophageal, colorectal and lung cancers faired the best with up to a 71% reduction in cancer rates than the placebo group. At least 70 micrograms a day is recommended, but no more, since an overdose of selenium can cause diarrhea, foul breath, and even hair loss. A safe dosage can be taken simply by eating foods high in selenium since the naturally occurring trace element is balanced with other phytonutrients.
There are two forms of selenium as well – organic and inorganic, but both are safe to take. Since selenium is a cancer-preventative to the highest degree –where can you get it if you don’t want to take a supplement?
Selenium occurs in its organic form in many of the foods you likely already eat. You can increase your dosage of these foods to get the trace element in its purest form. Selenium is available in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian forms:
The selenium content in foods depends on the concentration of selenium in the soil where the crops were grown. The following foods are generally considered good sources of selenium:

·         Brazil Nuts     
·         Sunflower Seeds
·         Fish (tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon)
·         Shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops) 
·         Meat (Beef, liver, lamb, pork)
·         Poultry (chicken, turkey)
·         Eggs
·         Mushrooms (button, crimini, shiitake)
·         Grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats)
·         Onions

Always combine with Lots of DEEP Breathing & 6+ glasses filtered water daily !

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Battle against the Profitable Cancer Industry Oncologist's Kill Millions

-by Margaret B. Bermel, MBA and Don Porter

Cancer is A DEADLY American DISASTER with Oncologists legally killing Millions -NOT Necessary !

Most people accept the concept of chemotherapy unquestioningly, afraid to depart from conventional thinking. Dr. Ulrich Abel declared chemotherapy to be a “scientific wasteland,” and found that “at least 80% of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless—but neither dr. nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy, even though there is no scientific evidence that it works.” Dr. Gregory Foltz discovered that oncologists have been targeting the wrong cells in the treatment of brain cancer. Cancer stem cells cause the growth of cancer cells, and stem cells resist chemotherapy. Dr. Foltz explains that this is why “standard cancer treatments so often fail: those therapies target the wrong cells.” A survey of oncologists at McGill Univ. Cancer Center found that 75% would refuse any type of chemotherapy, citing the “ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity.” A study conducted by Harvard researcher John Cairns showed that chemotherapy is “somewhat effective in only 2–3% of cancer patients, primarily those with the rarest kinds of cancer.” The overall contribution of curative & adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.

The new biotech cos. recognize that conventional chemotherapy treatments do not work. The researchers are starting to “think outside the box,” shifting to a systems approach to solve the cancer problem. Why wasn’t this shift made years ago, after the failure of chemotherapy was first observed? The millions of failed trials as evidenced by the deaths of millions of people clearly indicate that the toxic method is erroneous. The chemo experiment is flawed because it does not compare the results of a treatment group taking chemotherapy to the results of a control group that does not take chemotherapy. Yet the cancer industry continues to cling to this “treatment,” ignoring its failure rate. Developed from the mustard gas used in the World Wars, chemo is experimental therapy embraced by mainstream medicine. Cancer patients are the unwitting guinea pigs, participating in a bad science "Big payoff" experiment.

We have all been brainwashed into believing that chemo is the only option when faced with a cancer diagnosis. Until people question the basic premise of chemo, it will remain the knee-jerk reaction to cancer. “Big Pharma”, supported by the FDA, has developed a monopoly on the cancer industry. Natural substances can’t be patented and do not generate the billions of dollars that chemical substances do. Natural substances are viewed as a threat to the monopoly because they are inexpensive and effective. Consequently, any alternative natural treatments are systematically suppressed and discredited by the FDA. Once people understand that chemotherapy is about the money, people are empowered to make an informed health care decision
The FDA’s suppression of alternative cancer cures has led to the success of the monopoly, all in the name of protecting the public. In 1986, Mary Yevchak testified before Congress that she was forced to undergo nearly fatal chemotherapy treatment, and had to leave this country for the non-toxic treatment which cured her. Still, the cancer industry is pushing toxic treatments that do not work, and suppressing non-toxic treatments that
do work. In 2011, my neighbor’s daughter travels to Germany for treatment, years after a U.S. cancer center told her she had just months to live. The cancer industry is on the wrong path, and people still have to leave this country for non-toxic cancer treatment. Things have not changed in the approach to cancer, and things will not change until we demand change. American citizens should not have to leave this country to obtain medical treatment of their choice. Be inspired by the efforts of those who are fighting, not only cancer, but the larger battle against the cancer industry. 

Treatment should result in health, not death. How many people do you know who had chemotherapy and died? People must be offered the freedom to choose non-toxic treatments in this life and death decision. We need to question conventional thinking; we need a thought revolution to change the way we approach cancer.
 See Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize Winner in 1931 "Acidity is where Cancer thrives" Alkalinity in cells causes more Oxygen to come into cells, Oxygen kills cancer cells !
To Stall Cancer Stop all:
• Red Meat 24 hrs digest filled w/antibiotics-chemicals
• Dairy, Cheese, Milk, Margarine  
•  French Fries, Salt-Sea Salt only
• Packaged-Fast-Canned foods (high temp kills enzymes+)
• Drink only Unfiltered water (Brita ok)
• Easy on food amts.  No high heat cooking or strong spices  
 • No Sugar, Fruit, Stress while Cancer present
•  Non-stick pans/skillets, Aluminum buy Stainless Steel pans • Late night eating, 2-3 hours no food prior to going to bed. • Easy on oils - Olive etc. • Bread, unyeasted 2x week ok • Sodas, Caffeine, Easy on Gluten • Cold Water, Fruits Peanuts • Alcohol of any kind • Saturated fats, white flour • No farm Raised Fish ever • Pork Bacon (any animal protein), Hot Dogs, Prepared meats, etc.  Don Porter stated that nearly ANYONE can beat cancer with Organic Macrobiotic Diet & Baking Soda (High Alkalinity for 11 days) see books:  Recalled By Life- Anthony J. Sattilaro, M.D., was Pres/CEO of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia, Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy by Dirk Benedict of The A-Team, Charlies Angels, Battlestar Galactica.

 The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies.
Source - Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Abstract  AIMS: The debate on the funding and availability of cytotoxic drugs raises questions about the contribution of curative or adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to survival in adult cancer patients.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:  We undertook a literature search for randomised clinical trials reporting a 5-year survival benefit attributable solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy in adult malignancies. The total number of newly diagnosed cancer patients for 22 major adult malignancies was determined from cancer registry data in Australia and from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data in the USA for 1998. For each malignancy, the absolute number to benefit was the product of (a) the total number of persons with that malignancy; (b) the proportion or subgroup(s) of that malignancy showing a benefit; and (c) the percentage increase in 5-year survival due solely to cytotoxic chemotherapy. The overall contribution was the sum total of the absolute numbers showing a 5-year survival benefit expressed as a percentage of the total number for the 22 malignancies.
RESULTS: The overall contribution of curative & adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.