Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good Info

Beating Cancer With Nutrition

Nutrition is an important part in beating cancer. Wrong foods place an enormous amount of stress on the body’s cells, causing normal body cells to become acidic, high in sugar, and cancerous during the dividing process. It is important to adopt an alkaline diet filled with raw fruits and vegetables, and to avoid white flour, sugar, meat and dairy products.

An Easy Daily Diet Protocol to Beat Cancer

This easy daily diet protocol for cancer involves avoiding meat, sugar and dairy products (with the exception of cottage cheese) and drinking 1 liter (or 1/4 gallon) per day a combination vegetable / fruit juice consisting of raw beetroot, broccoli, tomato and carrot, all of which contain proven anti-cancer properties as well as eating 3-5 cloves of garlic each day and 1 diced whole "red" onion each day. Notes: Raw beetroot should be juiced without pre-cooking and should be mixed with the pulp, to preserve it’s anti-cancer properties. Crush raw gloves of garlic and leave for 15 minutes prior to eating. This amount of time is needed to release an important anti-cancer enzyme called allinase. You may eat anything else within reason on this diet.

Many scientific and clinical studies around the world have demonstrated the anti-cancer properties found in beetroot, broccoli, tomato, carrot, red onions and garlic. Beetroot contains BETACYANIN that restores cell respiration and inhibits cancer cell growth. Broccoli contains SULFORAPHANE that causes cancer cell death. Tomato contains LYCOPENE that is a powerful antioxidant for fighting cancer, and carrot contains FALCARINOL that suppresses cancer cell growth. Garlic has been clinically shown to restore Natural Killer cell function important for fighting cancer and the SULPHUR of red onions has been shown to slow down and prevent cancer cell and tumor growth. It is important to note that the sulphur of red onions is the main ingredient in leading alternative cancer treatments DMSO and MSM.


1. "Our previous studies identified the extract of Beta vulgaris (beetroot), commercially also known as betanin, as a potent cancer chemopreventive agent. An in vivo anti-tumor promoting activity evaluation against the mice skin and lung bioassays revealed a significant tumor inhibitory effect. The combined findings suggest that beetroot ingestion can be one of the useful means to prevent cancer. The most interesting observation is that the cancer chemopreventive effect was exhibited at a very low dose used in the study and thus indicating that beetroot warrants more attention for possible human applications in the control of malignancy." [Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Howard University, Washington, DC]

2. A team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has shown that red beetroot pigments boost levels of proteins, called phase II enzymes, that help detoxify potential cancer-causing substances and purge them from the body. [Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry]

3. "Beets clean up cancer faster than the liver is capable of processing all the wastes dumped into it at any one time. Consequently, the internal administration of beetroot needs to be staggered out somewhat, and closer attention given to detoxifying the liver and colon at the same time the beetroot therapy is commenced. Never drink beet juice by itself. Pure beet juice can temporarily paralyze your vocal chords." [Cancer Nutrition Center] Note: Drinking ORGANIC beet juice reduces paralyzation effects on vocal chords. [Caution: Too much beet-juice can over-toxify the liver and cause harm or even death].


1. "At least eight papers slated for the meeting further illuminate the cancer-protective properties of broccoli, which are packed with sulforaphane. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine made the groundbreaking findings of the cancer-protective properties of sulforaphane present in large quantities of broccoli." [American Association for Cancer Research 95th Annual Meeting]


1. "The health benefits of tomato products came to light when a Harvard study showed that risk of prostate cancer was a third lower in men who consumed more tomato products," says Steven Schwartz, Ph.D., Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at The Ohio State University. "Since then, new research has supported a link with tomato products and decreased risk of other cancers, including pancreatic cancer, lung and colorectal cancer."


1. Researchers have isolated a compound in carrots called falcarinol that may be largely responsible for their anti-cancer benefits. Rats fed either the compound falcarinol or raw carrots (containing falcarinol) in addition to their normal food had a one-third lower risk of developing colorectal cancer than rats not fed them. [Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry]


Natural Killer cells are the most powerful infection fighting cells in the white blood cell arsenal. NK cells kill cancer cells, viruses, fungus and bacteria. A study published in the German Medical Journal "Deutsche Zeitshrift" reports on the results of 7 patients taking 5 grams of garlic daily. They said that "6 of the 7 patients had normal NK cell activity after 6 weeks and that all had normal NK activity after 12 weeks." Click here for more research.


1. According to William Castelli, MD, director of the Framingham Heart Study, vegetarians live three to six years longer than meat eaters. He said, "vegetarians have the best diet. They have the lowest rate of coronary disease of any group in the country and they have a fraction of our heart attack rate and they have only 40% of our cancer rate."

2. In 1997 the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute of Cancer Research jointly published an extensive, global review of the role of food and nutrition in the prevention of cancer. The WCRF/AICR panel ranked the evidence and found that "a high intake of vegetables and fruit decreased the risk of cancer."

Red Meat, Full-Fat Dairy Increases Cancer Risk

1. Young women who eat a lot of red meat and full-fat dairy products such as cheese, ice cream and butter appear to be raising their risk of breast cancer, the largest study of its kind has found. "When we compared the women in the highest fat intake group with women in the lowest intake group, those with the highest intake had a 33% greater risk of invasive breast cancer," said Dr Eunyoung Cho. [Harvard University Medical School study - Journal of the National Cancer Institute]

Red Onions and Sulphur

1. Sulphur is the principal chemical constituent in onions and helps to detoxify the body and prevent the growth of cancer cells. According to the National Cancer Institute “Allyl sulphur compounds, which occur naturally in garlic and onions (especially red onions), make cells vulnerable to the stress created by products of cell division. Because cancer cells divide very quickly, they generate more stressors than most normal cells. Thus, cancer cells are damaged by the presence of allyl sulphur compounds to a much greater extent than normal cells.

2. A recent study from the National Cancer Institute found that individuals who ate the most allium vegetables (red onions, scallions, garlic, chives and leeks) had a nearly 50 percent lower cancer risk than those who ate the least. Some laboratory studies have shown that the natural substances in these vegetables have anti-tumor effects. Other studies link the vegetables with a lower risk of cancer of the colon, stomach, prostate, esophagus, breast and endometrium (lining of the uterus).

3. As well as sulphur, red onions are rich in quercetin. In a Johns Hopkins study, published in the August issue of Clinic Gastroenterology and Hepatology, five patients with an inherited form of precancerous polyps in the lower bowel known as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were treated with regular doses of curcumin (the chemical found in tumeric) and quercetin, an antioxidant in red onions, over an average of six months. The average number of polyps dropped 60.4 percent, and the average size dropped by 50.9 percent.

4. It is important to note that sulphur, the key ingredient of red
onions, is the active component of many leading alternative cancer therapy compounds, including DMSO and MSM.


Spirulina is a blue-green alga that contains concentrations of nutrients unlike any other single grain, herb, or plant. It has the essential fatty acids gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linoleic and arachidonic acids; is virtually the only vegetarian source of vitamin B12, which is (needed for healthy red blood cells; and contains significant amounts of iron, protein (60 to 70 percent), essential amino acids, the nucleic acids RNA and DNA, and chlorophyll. Spirulina is a naturally digestible food that helps to protect the immune system, reduce blood cholesterol levels, and boost the absorption of necessary minerals.

1. In a 2002 Japanese study, 12 adult males were administered an oral hot water extract of spirulina, and the number and activity of their natural killer (NK) cells was measured before and after treatment. (NK cells destroy tumor cells by binding to them and delivering lethal chemicals that kill on contact.) At the study's end, there was a significant increase in the production and cancer-killing ability of these subjects' NK cells. When their NK cells were exposed to a bacterial product after treatment, production of interleukin-12 (IL-12), a measure of immune strength, was significantly increased in comparison to IL-12 production in NK cells without pre-exposure to spirulina.

2. There have also been studies in India showing that spirulina reduces the number of tumors (called the "tumor burden") in experimental animals with various types of cancer. In mice with chemically induced stomach cancer, the tumor burden was reduced to half that of the control animals using high-dose spirulina treatment (500 mg/kg body weight). In skin cancer, the tumor burden was reduced to less than one quarter, even with low-dose treatment (250 mg/kg body weight).

3. "We found that nutrient-rich spirulina is a potent inducer of interferon-gamma (13.6-fold increase) and a moderate stimulator of both interleukin-4 and interleukin-1beta (3.3-fold increase)," says Eric Gershwin, professor and chief of the Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology at UC Davis. "Together, increases in these cytokines suggest that spirulina is a strong proponent for protecting against intracellular pathogens and parasites and can potentially increase the expression of agents that stimulate inflammation, which also helps to protect the body against infectious and potentially harmful micro-organisms." [In the body, the preferential increase in the production of interferon-gamma over interleukin-4 would shift the immune system towards mounting a cell-mediated immune response instead of a humoral response. A cell-mediated response includes the activation of T-cells and antibodies that work with macrophages, another type of immune system cell, to engulf invading micro-organisms and cancer cells in the body.]


Lemons have been used for centuries to purify the body and the bloodstream of toxins, impurities and most importantly, fungus. As cancer is a fungus, lemons are ideally suited to heal the body of this disease. See: The Lemon Cancer-Fungus Treatment (channeled by Spirit to rid the body of fungus) and the Whole Lemon Drink to detox and flush the master immune system organ - the liver.

Leading Anti-Cancer Diets: Budwig and Gerson

The Budwig Diet and Gerson Therapy Diet are the two leading anti-cancer diets in the world today. These diets can be viewed in more detail by clicking on the above links. The Brandt Grape Cure is another diet, however it is more extreme in its approach.

The Importance of Incorporating an Alkaline Diet

It is critical for the cancer patient to adopt an alkaline-based diet in order to heal from cancer. See ph and Cancer to understand how your body's acidic cell-pH has allowed cancer to form within your body and how you can easily correct this.

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