Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Plant Based Diet beats Melanoma

Donald Porter stated - Recently a 10 year Cancer victim (incl. Melanoma) who went on My (also others) Diet & then a Baking soda protocol was told by his Drs. of 10 years that recently removed more of his body, "We don't know what you are doing & KEEP IT UP as there is no cancer in your body now, not even in your lymphnodes" !

Lemon for alkaline health

To paraphrase John Kennedy: "Ask not what you country can do for your health, ask what YOU can do for your health."
The truth of the matter is that nothing is as strong and as capable as the anatomy & metabolism of the patient's immune system, nourished properly & with chemicals minimized, ability to restore themselves, and it's a very hard sell, as somewhere in there, we see this ugly equation of finances & brainwashing in the name of revenues.
A friend got lemon juice, added tofu, & swirled it around... then decided, "I've got to do this in a cake." I took a healthy birthday cake, split in half, & made layers of the lemon tofu topping & thickened pineapple juice filling

Bill Clinton -Dr Esselstyn Diet chats with CNN Dr Gupta

Bill Clinton, Champion Of The Plant-Based Diet, Goes Vegan

First Posted: 8/18/11 05:42 PM ET Updated: 8/19/11 01:51 PM ET
Bill Clinton , Vegan Diet , Cnn , Plant Based Diet , Video , Bill Clinton Diet , Bill Clinton Vegan , Bill Clinton Vegetarian , Healthy Living Health News , Bill Clinton Vegan Diet , Clinton Vegan Diet , Healthy Living News
Bill Clinton is a vegan -- or is, at least, very close to being one.
The former U.S. president told CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta this week that he doesn't eat any dairy, eggs or meat, and consumes very little oil. He first opened up about his new plant-based diet last year to CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Clinton has turned to eating solely plants in order to keep weight off and his heart healthy.
Clinton -- who used to be a huge fan of hamburgers, steaks and other foods of the like -- underwent the diet overhaul to reverse the heart disease he's been plagued with in the past. He underwent a quadruple bypass surgery in 2004 because blood flow was blocked to his heart, and just last year he had to have two stents put into his heart to "open up veins from his bypass surgery," according to CNN. Since his diet change, Clinton has lost more than 24 pounds, CNN reported. For the full interview, click here. There have been numerous studies linking a veggie-heavy diet with good heart health. For ex., research shows that fewer vegetarians than meat-eaters have metabolic syndrome, a condition where you possess three of five heart-risk factors, Everyday Health reported. The factors include high blood pressure, triglycerides and blood sugar, low "good" cholesterol and a large waist size. In addition, research shows that a nutrient-dense, vegetarian-based diet can lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol.
Clinton joins the company of other vegan politicians and celebrities, including Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, "Biggest Loser" trainer Bob Harper, actress Olivia Wilde and even Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. Colorado Congressman Jared Polis -- while not a strict vegan or vegetarian -- keeps a meat product-free home with his vegan partner, Marlon Reis, Politico reported. And former Indiana Congressman Andrew Jacobs Jr. is a vegetarian, according to Vegetarian Times magazine.
Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, told Eating Well that her and her husband's vegan lifestyle is inspired by compassion for living things, sustainability and health. "We're constantly traveling through different time zones. The vegan diet just gives us energy," Elizabeth Kucinich told Eating Well. "We're not trying to convert anyone, but we do talk about the benefits of the choices we've made."
While Clinton's diet change is rooted in health reasons, there are many other power-players who are turning to the vegan lifestyle for other reasons, Bloomberg Businessweek reported.
From Businessweek:
It shouldn't be surprising that so many CEOs are shunning meat, dairy, and eggs: It's an exclusive club. Only 1% of the U.S. population is vegan, partly because veganism isn't cheap: The cost comes from the value of specialty products made by speciality cos. with cloying names (tofurkey, anyone?). Vegans also have to be powerful enough to even know what veganism is.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dr. Esselstyn Ornish & Bill Clinton on CNN with Dr. Gupta

What did you think of "The Last Heart Attack"? We thought CNN did an outstanding job. We appreciated the clear message that a healthful plant-based diet can be the primary means to eradicating America's #1 killer.

Bill Clinton Diet Near Vegan now


CNN Dr. Gupta Interview

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Drs. are Dangerous

Drs. are money driven, controlled by the AMA (American Medical Assoc) DANGEROUS people ! AMA lobbies for politicians to allow Drugs, Chemicalized food, many forms of pollution - ALL in the name of REVENUE, NO healing & curing is allowed. WAKE UP AMERICA !

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Verne Varona

The Greater Perspective
10 Self-Healing Traits For Recovery
by Verne Varona
The healing path is composed of many roads all leading to the same destination: the place where body, mind and spirit are resurrected. The road, or roads we choose to adventure on should be based on fulfilling the incomplete areas of our lives; areas we’ve neglected, that beg for greater self-nurturance and expression.
These roads may be named Faith, Purpose, Nutrition, Love, Honesty, Compassion, Immunity, Passion, Spirit, Forgiveness and Gratitude. In the relatively young field of allopathic medicine—the kind that’s practiced by most conventional medical doctors today—we’ve only recently recognized that healing efforts must not only be personalized for the patients special needs, but must offer some semblance of control, encouraging the patient to make informed choices instead of being hi-pressured by “experts” into believing that there are no other options available.
Clinical research, as well as scores of anecdotal testimony, has repeatedly demonstrated that the people who survive cancer have much in common with the following ten traits:

1. A Focused Life Purpose
2. Positive Attitude
3. Good Nourishment
4. A Healthy Lifestyle
5. Manageable Stress
6. A Sense of Humor
7. Love and Social Support
8. Emotional Expression
9. Get Daily Physical Exercise
10. Have A Strong Faith

These ten traits can have a vital healing influence. In seminars, where I speak about these self-healing characteristics, participants who are challenged by various diseases are asked to consider the areas they need to emphasize for more comprehensive healing. Suddenly, an inner dialogue is inspired that begins to redefine and question everything about the way we live, love and care for ourselves. The beginning of whole healing occurs when we commit ourselves to examining and integrating those missing ingredients, which are essential for a more healthy, passionate and resilient life that can only be savored by living each moment fully for the present.
“Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about, yesterday.” — A. Hopkins

Some General Cancer Prevention & Treatment Suggestions
Below is a lengthy list of suggestions organized categorically for your good health, or recovery. Do what you can and continue to add as they become a part of your lifestyle.
Food Related
1. Find a physician that will help monitor your progress and be a supportive member of your healing team.
2. Eat whole food. That means, whole grains, vegetables, beans, bean products, and sea vegetables as principle fare. Select small quantities of fruit and (optional) animal protein as a dietary supplement. Use good quality sea salt that is cooked into your food. Introduce some traditional fermented foods from other cultures such as sauerkraut, miso soup and even lightly salted vegetable pickles. Enjoy a variety of non-caffeinated teas.
3. Speak with your alternative health practitioner about recommended Western and Chinese forms of adjunctive healing such as: Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Herbs, Immunity Nutraceuticals, Enzymes, Food-Based Supplements, Algae Products, etc.
4. Enjoy relaxed mealtimes, chew well, but not laboriously and give thanks for your nourishment.
5. Buy organic items whenever possible. Toxic residues from pesticides and herbicides affect liver function and typically store themselves in your fat tissues.
6. Avoid tap water. Use recently checked well water, natural spring water or if these choices are not available use reverse osmosis. Consider the investment of a water ionizer that makes your drinking water more alkaline.
7. Do not store your water in plastic containers. Use glass.
8. Get shower filters so that you are not breathing chlorine fumes during hot showers or baths.
9. Eat more in frequency, less in volume. Better to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals, than 2 or 3 big meals.
Avoid late night eating by giving yourself at least 3 hours from dinner to bed. Sleep is for rest, not digestion.
Mind Related
1. Engage in daily creative expression. Anytime you’re really engrossed in something you’re passionate about, you are in the moment. That moment usually contains minimal stress and great fulfillment. It is a wonderful place for healing and we all need more time in what philosopher, Ken Wilbur calls, “Timeless Moments.”
2. Make your home a sanctuary of comfort and retreat. Scale down, bulk up, create a new space for your new direction. Make it yours, make it comfortable.
3. Study — Take a class, correspondence course or an e-course. Challenge your mind and continue to grow.
4. Make a list of things you want to do, places you want to visit, pictures you want to take and people you want to meet.
5. Get psychological support. The value of another helping you to look at core issues cannot be underestimated. Read about Byron Katie and “The Work.” See: http://www.thework.com
6. Read the writings of Thich Nhat Han. Han has become the messenger of “mindfulness.” See: http://www.plumvillage.org
Body Related
1. Get bodywork whenever you can. Shiatsu, Jin Shin, Tai Massage, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Rolfing, Reiki, Polarity, etc.
2. Practice Yoga. Yoga exercises were based on animal postures and finding ways to duplicate those positions with the human form. It influences respiration, all acupuncture meridians and muscle groups. Practice, if only 2 to 4 postures nightly, at least, try it. 3. Infrared Therapies. This low volume but penetrating Sauna heat penetrates deep into tissue and helps restore cellular heath as it detoxes. Infrared heat treatment can also be done with hand wands that are applied to different areas of the body, both a diagnostic and treatment aid. See: http://www.gaiahh.com/farinfrared.html
4. Get to bed early, get up early. Rest during the late afternoon, if possible. In the acupuncture cycle of energy clock resting at this time benefits the kidneys--our vitality organs, as well as the adrenal glands situated on top of each kidney. The adrenal glands exert a strong influence on how we respond to stress, as well as the quality of our sleep.
5. Enjoy physical movement each day. Walk, hike, bike, swim, light jog, row, but get those muscles and lungs active.
Emotionally Related
1. Make peace with unresolved relationship issues—especially with –ex’s, parents, children, etc. If the people you want to heal with have passed on, forgive, talk to them and find a way to let it go. Holding on never really serves you. Mark Twain
said, “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Something to think about.
2. Love those that you are close to, or give through volunteer efforts.
3. Keep a daily or weekly journal of your insights, feelings and thoughts. You don’t have to write War & Peace, just brief entries to give an overview or express yourself.
4. Say good-bye to negative people who are self-absorbed and drain your energy.
5. Avoid isolating yourself. Reach out via support groups and cancer survivors.
6. Make time for friends and family, primary or extended. Don’t just do things, talk, laugh, create something together. Find the common thread.
Spirit Related
1. Engage in some form of spiritual practice daily.
2. Meditate! Put aside 20 minutes daily to meditate or visualize your health goals. Get some support to do this. Read: Simonton’s: “Getting Well, Again” and other books on visualizations or simple meditation.
3. Spend time in Nature. Find some grass, trees, a field, a lake, a park and lose yourself. Our “vegetal mother” nourishes us.
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

— Helen Keller
Verne Varona has become known as one of the most captivating and dynamic health educators in the country. For
thirty-five years, his lectures, workshops and media appearances have motivated thousands of people to take better and more conscious care of their health. His appeal transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation. A highly sought after speaker on health, fitness and motivation, he has become a renowned keynote speaker throughout the US, Europe and the Middle-East. His captivating style uses humor, insight and common sense to improve and enrich the lives of many. He studied Oriental Medicine and Macrobiotic principles at the East West Foundation of Boston, Massachusetts (1970-1974).

Verne is a frequent guest on a variety of television and radio media where his research expertise and entertaining teaching style make him a welcome and often repeat visitor. For five years, he was the nutritional consultant and cofounder
of a popular Beverly Hills medical group with a clientele that featured well-known entertainment and sports professionals. With his physician associate, Verne co-created, The ODDS Program (Off Dangerous Drugs Safely); a dietary program designed to reverse pharmaceutical drug dependency such as hypertension and over-the-counterdrug dependency with dietary and lifestyle guidelines featured in his published books.

Verne's first book, Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods (2001—Penguin Books), is currently in its sixteenth printing and used as a textbook in a number of academic health and wellness institutions. His second book, Macrobiotics for Dummies (May, 2009—Wiley Publications), is part of the internationally popular Dummies series. Verne divides his time between New York City and Miami. He can be reached at: vv@vernevarona.com, or via his website: http://www.vernevarona.com

The First Annual Laurie Porter Campbell Wellness Event

Public Event.RSVP:Yes · No · Maybe.

Kimberly Porter Dowie and Cindy Porter Marsella
86 people like this.

Location LaTrattoria Restaurant
21 Old Albany Turnpike, Canton, Connecticut.
Presenting, "Peter Lareau"- World renowned fitness trainer and body builder. Other health professionals as well!

Kimberly Porter Dowie
Photo of Laurie in Las Vegas with her sisters - Johny Mathis
The First Annual Laurie Porter Campbell Wellness Event

Man with 10 year CANCER Melanoma History Beats it

Don Porter Facebook

Beating Melanoma for friend with 10 yr cancer history

We Contributed to a man with a serious 10 year history of CANCERS being told by Drs., "you have no cancer anywhere, even not in your lymphnodes - whatever you are doing keep it up" ....

August 13 at 7:31am · Unlike · · Share

Forks Over Knives Dr. Esselstyn



GREAT sites & Fabulous BOOK !

Go see this docuentary - A valueable one !

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dr. Sattilaro Beat Cancer with a Plant Based Diet - Macrobiotic

Anthony J. Sattilaro, M.D., was president of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, bones, brain, right shoulder, & testicles. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, incl . 3 operations in 3 weeks. He became perhaps the most famous advocate for the use of diet against cancer. In his best-selling book “Recalled by Life”, he told how he adopted a low-fat, Macrobiotic diet and far outlived(11 years) the grave prognosis he had been given. The diet he followed is called "Macrobiotic" which is drawn from the best elements of a traditional Asian diet, including generous amounts of rice, whole grains, vegetables, beans, & nuts, . NO –oil, sugar, flour, fish, fruit, and all organic. Our immune systems are overwhelmed by the chemicals/preservatives (poisons), pesticides, growth hormones, etc. overly used to extend shelf life, make food look/taste & smell good & create revenues from packaged foods.
We are the sickest country due to the money driven monopolistic FDA, Pharmaceutical cos., AMA, it’s MD’s ignoring chemicalized diets as “the cause of most illness & diseases” & MD's staggering abuse of drugs. This vile & parasitic medical establishment has sickened, maimed, & killed hundreds of millions of people while building a MASSIVE health care industry of ongoing poor health, chemical/pkgd. diets, with a strong overweight public component.
When Dr. Sattilaro, picked up two hippie hitchhikers one day, they told him that "Cancer isn't all that hard to cure." Ridiculous though the statement would seem to a hospital president such as Dr. Sattilaro, the issue was awfully close to home. Dr. Sattilaro, still in his 40’s, had terminal cancer. The dr. had already received the worst possible news: cancer had spread throughout his body. It was inoperable and untreatable. He was going to die. If hunger is the best condiment, then desperation must surely be the most teachable moment. The seemingly inane remarks by his counterculture passengers prompted Sattilaro to try a rigid meatless macrobiotic diet, high in whole grains, beans & vegetables. Astonishingly, it worked. In a matter of months, his Drs. could not find any trace of cancer in his body
Throughout this book I've been asking the rhetorical question, "Who are the quacks?" I've strongly implied, to say the least, that they are the conventional, tunnel-visioned, synchophantic yes-persons of the medical, dietetic and pharmaceutical professions. Not alone in this criticism, I quote endocrinologist Deepak Chopra, MD, author of many best-selling books: "More people live off cancer than die from it." There is no profit in prevention, but plenty of money in disease. Like the "firemen" in Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, medical science encourages fires and then glamorizes their bungled attempts to put them out. By ignoring the evidence (and saying it is anecdotal or non-scientific), doctors and dietitians have closed the moseleum door on millions.
A bizarre scenario indeed is our "war on cancer."

See link below


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beating Melanoma with 10 year cancer history

We Contributed to a man with a serious 10 year history of CANCERS being told by Drs.,after scans & blood tests that, "you have no cancer anywhere, even not in your lymphnodes - whatever you are doing keep it up" !
That is the normal result from eating a "Plant Based Diet" with NO: red meat, chemicalized packaged foods, sugar, salt, dairy, minimize stress,saturated fats,animal protein, peanuts,seek to filter 6+ glasses water, much deep breathing, exercise (walk 30+ minutes daily), Kukichha & Bancha Green tea.
More info in Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy, Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, The China Study, Forks Over Knives, ALL info on a Plant Based Diet for Heart issues & more strict for Cancer issues.
I beat Stage IV Metasticised Prostae Cancer with a strict Plant Based Diet. Confessions Of a Kamikaze Cowboy was my bible !