Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Half of all hospital rooms contaminated with deadly superbugs

Half of all hospital rooms contaminated with deadly superbugs

Jonathan Benson NaturalNews Nov 7, 2011

Many people still assume that hospitals are generally clean, sanitized places where harmful pathogens would have a difficult time surviving. But a new study published in the American Journal of Infection Control says otherwise, having found that nearly half of all hospital rooms tested were contaminated with a deadly, drug-resistant superbug known as Acinetobacter baumannii (MDR-AB).

For their study, researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine tested bed rails, tables, supply
carts, door knobs, nurse call buttons, infusion pumps, various equipment touch pads, and floors for the bacteria. They found that in 48% of rooms tested, nearly 10% of surface samples contained MDR-AB.

Leading the pack were cart handles, which were found to be contaminated 20% of the time. Floors around hospital beds were second, representing a 16% contamination rate. Following these were infusion pumps at 14%, ventilator touch pads at 11.4%, and bed rails at just over 10%.

“For patients with MDR-AB, the surrounding environment is frequently contaminated, even among patients with a remote history of MDR-AB,” said the researchers in their journal release. “In addition, surfaces often touched by health care workers during routine patient care are commonly contaminated and may be a source of (hospital-based) transmission. The results of this study are consistent with studies of other important hospital pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus and Clostridium difficile.”

Because MDR-AB infections typically only take hold in people who are already ill or who have weakened immune systems, those admitted to hospitals have the highest risk of infection. In fact, a 2010 study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that 48,000 hospital patients die every year from infection with hospital superbugs (http://www.naturalnews.com/028441_s…).

But the solution is not to pump more drugs into patients with the hopes that they will somehow gain better protection from infection. On the contrary, boosting a patients immune systems naturally through improved nutrition and superfoods, for instance, is one way to help them stave off deadly infection.

Another way is to disinfect hospitals naturally with things like copper solution, which has been shown to
kill 97% of hospital superbugs, rather than conventional chemical solutions that are only increasing the prevalence and severity of existing superbugs (http://www.naturalnews.com/033398_s…).

Sourcesfor this article include: http://health.usnews.com/health-new…

Learnmore: http://www.naturalnews.com/034071_hospitals_superbugs.html#ixzz1d2yr0HqE

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Health Thru Nutrition

1. Introduction
2. Disease and its CAUSE
3. The Healing Capability of the Body

Dr. Robbins did his undergraduate work at San Jacinto College in Houston, TX, majoring in pre-med. In 1978 he graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City, MO. with a degree in Chiropractic, (DC). He did a residency in Clinical Nutrition and received his Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) degree from anglo-American Institute of Drugless Therapy. Dr. Robbins received his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the British West Indies College of Medicine. Dr. Robbins has been operating his Health and Wellness practice in Tulsa, OK since 1978. His goal is to find truth concerning health and disease and then pass this knowledge on to sincere health seekers, so they too can have the gift of health.

If we take an honest look at nature, we will observe that three things are present:
1) Nature follows definite laws which are not subject to opinion or variance; and
2) Every aspect of life is reflected by nature.
3) Nature is governed by the law of CAUSE and EFFECT.
If we have violated a natural law, we have created a Cause, for which we will suffer an Effect.
Our ignorance of the laws of Nature does not change these laws.
There are two reasons for disease, or lack of health
1) Ignorance
2) Laziness

In the field of health, there are a few good rules to follow to achieve health.
1) Follow the laws of Nature
2) Let Truth be your authority, not authority your truth.
One of the Laws of Nature is that the innate intelligence of the body strives to keep the body alive, regardless of the cost. The "cost" is what we call "disease". Disease is the effort of the body to keep us alive.
The body will keep us alive and healthy provided that we feed it "Real Food". Real food is a food which is compatible with the body; that in no way takes from the body, but lends itself to the building up of health and maintaining life. It contains nothing that is harmful, toxic or non usable by the body.
Real Food is defined for us by Nature as follows:
1) Something edible grown by Nature - of the Plant Kingdom
2) Food which can be eaten without processing in any way.
3) Food which comes to us from Nature as "complete packages", that is, they contain naturally everything in them necessary for the body to process and assimilate that food.
The only qualities of food which the body requires in a complete package are the following:
If all of these components are in the food, the food is complete. If any of these are missing, the food is not "Real Food".
Real Food is provided by Nature in this form as raw fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables contain all of the parts mentioned above. If food has been processed, cooked or altered in any way so as to change or eliminate any of the above ingredients, it is no longer "Real Food" as far as the Human Body is concerned.
The plant kingdom utilizes sunshine, carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and organic minerals in the process of photosynthesis to feed itself and grow. The result is a living plant (food for animal consumption) containing:

* glucose
* protein
* fatty acids
* organic minerals
* organic enzymes (vitamins)
* water (pure)

Inorganic Mineral from the Earth + Photosynthesis = Organic Minerals from Plants which provide Protein and Enzymes for animals and humans.
The animal kingdom does not possess the ability to perform photosynthesis, therefore must rely on the plant kingdom to prepare its food.
Any form of processing nature's foods (such as pasteurization, cooking, adding preservatives, etc.) breaks the bonds between the food components and their attached enzymes as well as destroys the enzyme. The result is inorganic or denatured food components and thus inorganic food.
The enzyme must be alive and attached to the mineral or food component in order for the body to utilize it. The enzyme acts as a "passport" to get the mineral into the cell of the body and aids in the cell's utilization of that mineral. Raw foods are living and thus produce life in the body; because they have intact enzymes they are organic. Enzymes are catalysts - substances which help the body work more efficiently in utilizing food for life maintaining purposes.
An example of an inorganic substance is table salt. It is simply sodium and chloride. No enzymes, thus it is dead and the body cannot use it. Our bodies cannot attach an enzyme to inorganic substances, except at great cost. It is only the plant kingdom, through the process of photosynthesis, that can attach enzymes to inorganics and make them living or organic.
The more we process a food, the less nutrient value it retains. This is because living foods are organic foods. Processed foods, to various degrees, are inorganic or "dead" foods.
The following is the hierarchy of food preparation starting at the top with no preparation leaving the food with its full nutrient content, ending at the bottom with the most processing, rendering the food dead and useless to the body - little or no nutrient value retained:
JUICED and consumed immediately once the skin of fruits or vegetables is broken, oxygen combines with the enzymes and kills them (this process is called "oxidation")
loses 2-5% of nutrient value dried without chemicals or additives
commercial brands of dried fruit contain sulfur dioxide; exception: raisins)
freshly picked and frozen immediately
loses 5-30% of nutrient value
loses 15 - 60% of nutrient value
steamed means the green bean is still a bit crispy (if it's limp, its cooked)
baked, broiled, boiled, grilled, steamed too long, home canned
the green bean is limp
loses 40 -100% of nutrient value, depending on how long it is cooked
Loses 90 - 99% of nutrient value
these not only lose 100% of their nutrient value, but have toxins added to them

The Textbook of Medical Physiology by Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., probably the most recognized authority on human physiology states: "...the regulation of hydrogen ion concentration (pH or acid/alkaline balance) is one of the most important aspects of homeostasis." (Homeostasis is where the components involved seek an equilibrium.)
ph = measure of how acid or how alkaline a substance is.
ph scale = scale of measurement for acidity and alkalinity.
acid neutral alkaline
1 7 14
All chemical processes have an ideal pH at which they are most efficient. For example the body functions best with an internal chemistry being slightly alkaline (pH of 7.0 to 8.0). The pH of the blood is even more specific:
BLOOD ph 7.4 = Normal 7.2 = DEATH
Our internal body chemistry functions in an alkaline environment. Our blood must maintain a pH of 7.4. If it drops below that to 7.2 we die.
The cells of the body in health are alkaline. In disease the cell pH is below 7.0. The more acid the cells become, the sicker we are and feel. The cells won't die until their pH gets to about 3.5. Our bodies produce acid as a by-product of normal metabolism. This is the result of our bodies burning or using alkaline to remain alive. Since our bodies do not manufacture alkaline, we must supply the alkaline from an outside source to keep us from becoming acid and dying.
Food is the means of replenishing the alkaline to the body. The main determining factor of alkaline is the organic minerals. One can equate organic minerals with alkaline for better understanding. Foods are of two types, acid or alkaline. This refers to the ash value of a food. (Meaning the type of residue that remains after the food is digested and processed). Is it acid, or is it alkaline? If there is an acid residue (inorganic acids), the body must neutralize this acid to keep the blood from getting acid. The acid is neutralized with alkaline.
Ideally there is adequate alkaline in the diet to do this. However, if there is not, the body must extract alkaline from its cells to neutralize the acid. This, of course, causes the cells to become acid, and thus diseased. Because our bodies are an alkaline entity, in order to maintain health, the majority of our diet must consist of alkaline ash foods.
We can remain in health by consuming a diet that is 70-80% alkaline and 20-30% acid. The more alkaline the better. If we become too alkaline by eating a majority of alkaline foods, we will lose our appetite and automatically want to fast, during which time the normal acid metabolic by-products will return the body's pH back to normal. It is interesting to note that some foods which qualify as a real food have an acid ash reaction. This is probably nature's way of keeping a balance so that the real food consumer does not become too alkaline. Also note that the acid content of these acid ash real foods is very low and they still contain valuable nutrients which can be utilized by the body.
On this page is a chart of the acid and alkaline foods:
The breakdown of foods into acid ash and alkaline ash categories would generally be as follows:
NOTE: Foods in the Acid Ash column are listed in order of least acid to most acid; in the alkaline ash column, foods are listed in order from most alkaline to least alkaline.
SOME RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (cranberries, blueberries, plums, prunes, squash)
DAIRY PRODUCTS (cheese, eggs, milk, etc.)
WHITE MEAT (fish, fowl) Raw, Rare, Well Done
RED MEATS (beef, pork, mutton) Raw, Rare, Well Done
RAW NUTS (almonds, pecans, cashews, etc.)
HERBS, SPICES, CONDIMENTS, SPICY FOODS (garlic, hot peppers, onions, horseradish, etc.)
The average American diet consists of: 20-30% alkaline foods, & the diet should consist of at least: 70-80% ALKALINE FOODS & 20-30% ACID FOODS. It is not unusual for the average American to go 7 to 14 days without eating ANY alkaline foods.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If Joe Frazier had done what I did - he would likely still be alive !

If Joe Frazier had done what I did - he would likely still be alive ! Why didnt his Drs. advise him to strengthen his immune system as many have ?
PHILADELPHIA -- He beat Muhammad Ali in the Fight of the Century, battled him nearly to the death in the Thrilla in Manila. Then Joe Frazier spent the rest of his life trying to fight his way out of Ali's shadow.

That was one fight Frazier never could win. UNLESS he had done what Don Porter did.
Joe Frazier will be forever linked with Muhammad Ali, but Smokin' Joe was so much more than Ali's foil, writes Dan Rafael. Story

• Mulvaney: The "Fight of the Century"
• Photos: Frazier through the years
• Topics: Joe Frazier | Thrilla in Manila
• Sporting world remembers Frazier

He was once a heavyweight champion, and a great one at that. Ali would say as much after Frazier knocked him down in the 15th round en route to becoming the first man to beat Ali at Madison Square Garden in March 1971.

But he bore the burden of being Ali's foil, and he paid the price. Bitter for years about the taunts his former nemesis once threw his way, Frazier only in recent times came to terms with what happened in the past and said he had forgiven Ali for everything he said.

Frazier, who died Monday night after a brief battle with liver cancer at the age of 67, will forever be linked to Ali. But no one in boxing would ever dream of anointing Ali as "The Greatest" unless he, too, was linked to Smokin' Joe.

"I will always remember Joe with respect and admiration," Ali said in a statement. "My sympathy goes out to his family and loved ones."

They fought three times, twice in the heart of New York City and once in the morning in a steamy arena in the Philippines. They went 41 rounds together, with neither giving an inch and both giving it their all.

In their last fight in Manila in 1975, they traded punches with a fervor that seemed unimaginable among heavyweights. Frazier gave almost as good as he got for 14 rounds, then had to be held back by trainer Eddie Futch as he tried to go out for the final round, unable to see.

"Closest thing to dying that I know of," Ali said afterward.

Ali was as merciless with Frazier out of the ring as he was inside it. He called him a gorilla, and mocked him as an Uncle Tom. But he respected him as a fighter, especially after Frazier won a decision to defend his heavyweight title against the then-unbeaten Ali in a fight that was so big Frank Sinatra was shooting pictures at ringside and both fighters earned an astonishing $2.5 million.

The night at the Garden 40 years ago remained fresh in Frazier's mind as he talked about his life, career and relationship with Ali a few months before he died.

"I can't go nowhere where it's not mentioned," he told The Associated Press. "That was the greatest thing that ever happened in my life."

Don King, who promoted the Thrilla in Manila, was described by a spokesman as too upset to talk about Frazier's death. Bob Arum, who once promoted Ali, said he was saddened by Frazier's passing.

"He was such an inspirational guy. A decent guy. A man of his word," Arum said. "I'm torn up by Joe dying at this relatively young age. I can't say enough about Joe."

Frazier's death was announced in a statement by his family, who asked to be able to grieve privately and said they would announce "our father's homecoming celebration" as soon as possible.

Manny Pacquiao learned of it shortly after he arrived in Las Vegas for his fight Saturday night with Juan Manuel Marquez. Like Frazier in his prime, Pacquiao has a powerful left hook that he has used in his remarkable run to stardom.

"Boxing lost a great champion, and the sport lost a great ambassador," Pacquiao said.

Don King, who promoted the Thrilla in Manila, was described by a spokesman as too upset to talk about Frazier's death.

Though slowed in his later years and his speech slurred by the toll of punches taken in the ring, Frazier was still active on the autograph circuit in the months before he died. In September he went to Las Vegas, where he signed autographs in the lobby of the MGM Grand hotel-casino shortly before Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s fight against Victor Ortiz.

An old friend, Gene Kilroy, visited with him and watched Frazier work the crowd.

"He was so nice to everybody," Kilroy said. "He would say to each of them, 'Joe Frazier, sharp as a razor, what's your name?' "

Frazier was small for a heavyweight, weighing just 205 pounds when he won the title by stopping Jimmy Ellis in the fifth round of their 1970 fight at Madison Square Garden. But he fought every minute of every round going forward behind a vicious left hook, and there were few fighters who could withstand his constant pressure.

AP PhotoJoe Frazier's decision victory over Muhammad Ali in 1971 was the first in a trio of legendary fights.

His reign as heavyweight champion lasted only four fights -- including the win over Ali -- before he ran into an even more fearsome slugger than himself. George Foreman responded to Frazier's constant attack by dropping him three times in the first round and three more in the second before their 1973 fight in Jamaica was waved to a close and the world had a new heavyweight champion.

"Good night Joe Frazier. I love you dear friend. George Foreman" read Foreman's Twitter page.

Two fights later, Frazier met Ali in a rematch of their first fight, only this time the outcome was different. Ali won a 12-round decision, and later that year stopped Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle in Zaire.

There had to be a third fight, though, and what a fight it was. With Ali's heavyweight title at stake, the two met in Manila in a bout that will long be seared in boxing history.

Frazier went after Ali round after round, landing his left hook with regularity as he made Ali backpedal around the ring. But Ali responded with left jabs and right hands that found their mark again and again. Even the intense heat inside the arena couldn't stop the two as they fought every minute of every round, with neither willing to concede the other one second of the round.

"They told me Joe Frazier was through," Ali told Frazier at one point during the fight.

"They lied," Frazier said, before hitting Ali with a left hook.

Finally, though, Frazier simply couldn't see and Futch would not let him go out for the 15th round. Ali won the fight while on his stool, exhausted and contemplating himself whether to go on.

It was one of the greatest fights ever, but it took a toll. Frazier would fight only two more times, getting knocked out in a rematch with Foreman eight months later before coming back in 1981 for an ill-advised fight with Jumbo Cummings.

"They should have both retired after the Manila fight," former AP boxing writer Ed Schuyler Jr. said. "They left every bit of talent they had in the ring that day."

Born in Beaufort, S.C., on Jan. 12, 1944, Frazier took up boxing early after watching weekly fights on the black-and-white television on his family's small farm. He was a top amateur for several years, and became the only American fighter to win a gold medal in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo despite fighting in the final bout with an injured left thumb.

I thought he was as honest and as real a fighter as there ever was. He followed in a tradition of (Jack) Dempsey and (Rocky) Marciano as the 'Warrior King.'
” -- HBO broadcaster Larry Merchant
on Joe Frazier's fighting prowess

"Joe Frazier should be remembered as one of the greatest fighters of all time and a real man," Arum told the AP in a telephone interview Monday night. "He's a guy that stood up for himself. He didn't compromise and always gave 100 percent in the ring. There was never a fight in the ring where Joe didn't give 100 percent."

After turning pro in 1965, Frazier quickly became known for his punching power, stopping his first 11 opponents. Within three years he was fighting world-class opposition and, in 1970, beat Ellis to win the heavyweight title that he would hold for more than two years.

A woman who answered Ellis' phone in Kentucky said the former champion suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but she wanted to pass along the family's condolences.

In Frazier's adopted hometown of Philadelphia, a fellow Philly fighter, longtime middleweight champion Bernard Hopkins, said Frazier was so big in the city that he should have his own shadow, like the fictional Rocky character.

"I saw him at one of my car washes a few weeks ago. He was in a car, just hollering at us, 'They're trying to get me!' That was his, hi," Hopkins said. "I'm glad I got to see him in the last couple of months. At the end of the day, I respect the man. I believe at the end of his life, he was fighting to get that respect."

HBO broadcaster Larry Merchant, who became close with Frazier after covering him as a reporter in Philadelphia, was crushed by the news.

"This is a body blow to me because I knew him personally as well as professionally," Merchant told ESPN.com's Dan Rafael. "I thought he was as honest and as real a fighter as there ever was. He followed in a tradition of (Jack) Dempsey and (Rocky) Marciano as the 'Warrior King.' "

It was his fights with Ali that would define Frazier. Though Ali was gracious in defeat in the first fight, he was as vicious with his words as he was with his punches in promoting all three fights -- and he never missed a chance to get a jab in at Frazier.

Frazier, who in his later years would have financial trouble and end up running a gym in Philadelphia, took the jabs personally. He felt Ali made fun of him by calling him names and said things that were not true just to get under his skin. Those feelings were only magnified as Ali went from being an icon in the ring to one of the most beloved people in the world.

After a trembling Ali lit the Olympic torch in 1996 in Atlanta, Frazier was asked by a reporter what he thought about it.

"They should have thrown him in," Frazier responded.

He mellowed, though, in recent years, preferring to remember the good from his fights with Ali rather than the bad. Just before the 40th anniversary of his win over Ali earlier this year -- a day Frazier celebrated with parties in New York -- he said he no longer felt any bitterness toward Ali, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and is mostly mute.

"I forgive him," Frazier. "He's in a bad way."

Information from The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

IF Andy Williams does what I Did - HE CAN BEAT CANCER - NO Chemo or Radiation

Singer Andy Williams announces he has cancer

From Chuck Johnston, CNN

updated 12:13 PM EST, Sun November 6, 2011(CNN) -- Singer Andy Williams told fans at a concert in Branson, Missouri, Saturday night that he has bladder cancer, a reporter who attended the concert told CNN on Sunday.

"I do have cancer of the bladder. But that is no longer a death sentence. People with cancer are getting through this thing," Williams said, according to Tyler Francke with the Branson Tri-Lakes News.

"They're kicking it, and they're winning more and more every year. And I'm going to be one of them," Francke quoted the singer as saying.

Williams, 83, shared the news during his Christmas Show at the Moon River Theater, which he founded in 1992, according to the theater's website. "Moon River" was one of Williams' most popular songs.

The description of Williams' Christmas Show on his website lists several guest stars, and notes that "due to health reasons, Andy may not make a live appearance in his Christmas Show."

Attempts by CNN to contact the Moon River Theater for comment were not immediately successful.

Williams began his singing career as a child in a quartet with his three older brothers. He later got a regular gig on Steve Allen's "Tonight" show and then his own variety program, "The Andy Williams Show," in the 1960s.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why MSG is unhealthy

Why MSG is unhealthy

Wed, Nov 02, 2011 by: Shona Botes

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034031_MSG_health_effects.html#ixzz1cdzaWxOB

(NaturalNews) Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG as it is most commonly known as, is found in almost all convenience foods, fast foods and processed foods. It is used as a flavour enhancer in cheap, processed foods to make their taste more appealing. While making bland foods taste more appealing, this chemically structured ingredient is shown to cause neurotransmitter damage and is also linked to the skyrocketing cases of obesity we see today.

MSG was discovered in 1908 by Kikunae Ikeda, a Japanese scientist at the Tokyo Imperial University. He managed to isolate the flavour from a seaweed broth, and with the help of Ajinomoto Corporation of Japan, he patented it in 1909. It was then that it became available commercially for the first time. It is used in most restaurant cooking, especially in vegetarian dishes and low-protein foods.

MSG masquerades on food ingredient labels under many names: including glutamic acid, glutamate, autolyzed yeast, autolyzed yeast protein, yeast extract, textured protein, monopotassium glutamate, sodium caseinate, natrium glutamate, flavours, so-called `natural` flavours, hydrolyzed corn, yeast food and ultra-pasteurized and any enzyme-modified ingredients. Many manufacturers of medications use MSG as a filler ingredient in tablets and other medications.

Even personal care products like shampoos, soaps and cosmetics are not exempt from containing MSG. Look for ingredients that include the words `hydrolyzed,` `protein` and `amino acids.`

MSG has been known to cause an extreme rise or drop in blood pressure, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), depression, dizziness, anxiety or panic attacks, migraines, mental confusion, stiffness, muscular swelling, lethargy, seizures, joint pain, flu-like body aches, chest pains, loss of balance, slurred speech, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, hives, blurred vision and difficulty in concentrating.

MSG is a glutamic acid which stimulates brain cell activity. This is why it is also known as an excitotoxin. Glutamates are responsible for the signaling of nerve impulses in certain neurons. Tests done in the 1950s showed that when rats were given a single dose of MSG, it destroyed the neurons in the inner layer of their retinas. The hypothalamus of the brain was also severely damaged in the process. It has been shown that humans are up to six times more sensitive to the effects of MSG than rats.

Evidence has shown that MSG disrupts the endocrine system and reduces the thermogenicity of brown fat while also suppressing the intake of food. In other words, even if you were to significantly reduce your caloric intake in order to lose weight, consuming any food which contains MSG or any of its derivatives would actually cause you to gain weight instead.

MSG is definitely a food additive which should be avoided as much as possible, especially where children are concerned.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034031_MSG_health_effects.html#ixzz1cdzHF2Nm

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Boost Testosterone Naturally

Boost testosterone naturally
Sat, Oct.29,2011 by: Dr. David Jockers

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034007_testosterone_hormones.html#ixzz1cSgmsK29NaturalNews)

Most people associate testosterone with facial hair, gigantic muscles & illegal steroids. Naturally produced testosterone plays a very important role in male/female metabolic function. Lowered testosterone is a chronic epidemic that is threatening lives all around the world. Boost your testosterone levels naturally through healthy lifestyle measures.

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone that plays a critical role in metabolism, sex drive, muscle building, mood regulation, memory & cognitive function. Normal testosterone levels play a huge role in maintaining optimal weight as well as reducing risk of degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, & certain cancers.

Women produce testosterone but in significantly lower amounts than men. In the man, testosterone is produced in the testes and adrenal glands.
Meanwhile, women produce it in the adrenals & ovaries. Testosterone is known to peak in the early twenties and then drop about 10% with each successive decade. Post-menopausal women lose the function of their ovaries and are at risk for low testosterone later in life. With inadequate testosterone, women are at much greater risk for developing osteoporosis/osteopenia and other chronic diseases.

Men are said to lose 1.5% of their testosterone production each year beyond 30. Men, who lose a greater proportion of their testosterone, are said to have andropause. The Alliance for Aging Research has indicated that one third of American men over the age of 39 have reported two or more symptoms of low testosterone. Symptoms of male andropause include lowered libido, decreased muscle mass, increased abdominal fat accumulation, depression and lack of drive.

The changes involved in andropause are gradual over time. They often go unnoticed for years. In a large study of 858 males over 40, men with low testosterone had an 88% increase risk of death compared with those who had normal levels.

Reducing Inflammation
The key to stabilizing testosterone levels begins with an anti-inflammatory diet. This should be loaded with phytonutrient rich fruits and vegetables. Grains and sugars stimulate higher levels of insulin and cortisol. Cortisol is the anti-thesis to testosterone. The body produces high cortisol when faced with chronic chemical, physical, & emotional stressors. Healthy blood sugar balance is critical to stabilizing cortisol and boosting testosterone.

Healthy fat sources are extremely critical for good hormone function. Fats and cholesterol play a critical role in forming the structure and rigidity of our cell membranes. These fats impact cell messaging by acting as enzyme and hormone regulators. The nutrition plan should consist of ample amounts of good fats such as avocado, coconut, & olive oil. Saturated fats, cholesterol, conjugated linoleic acids and essential omega 3 fatty acid from healthy grass-fed animal products are excellent.

Xenoestrogens, artificial hormone mimicking substances, are linked to lower testosterone levels. These xenoestrogens are found in tap water, plastics, home cleaning agents, deodorants, soaps, make-up & body lotions. Many medications also contain heavy amounts of synthetic xenoestrogens as well. Avoiding these sources along with ensuring a diet rich in raw and lightly cooked fruits and vegetables will provide fiber and phytonutrients that help the body eliminate these toxic substances.

High Intensity Exercise
High intensity exercise is crucial to boosting testosterone. Exercises should be explosive in nature and maximize the resistive overload on the muscles. Large muscle group compound lifts such as squats, deadlifts & burpees are some of the best testosterone boosting exercises. The training session should be short (5-30 mins) and have very little rest periods between sets.

Using high quality non-denatured sources of whey protein post-exercise boosts testosterone. This is due to the high concentration of branched-chain amino acids such as leucine that are rich in whey protein. These BCAA's stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which boosts testosterone production.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034007_testosterone_hormones.html#ixzz1cSgVwxSY