Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Boost Testosterone Naturally

Boost testosterone naturally
Sat, Oct.29,2011 by: Dr. David Jockers

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034007_testosterone_hormones.html#ixzz1cSgmsK29NaturalNews)

Most people associate testosterone with facial hair, gigantic muscles & illegal steroids. Naturally produced testosterone plays a very important role in male/female metabolic function. Lowered testosterone is a chronic epidemic that is threatening lives all around the world. Boost your testosterone levels naturally through healthy lifestyle measures.

Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone that plays a critical role in metabolism, sex drive, muscle building, mood regulation, memory & cognitive function. Normal testosterone levels play a huge role in maintaining optimal weight as well as reducing risk of degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, & certain cancers.

Women produce testosterone but in significantly lower amounts than men. In the man, testosterone is produced in the testes and adrenal glands.
Meanwhile, women produce it in the adrenals & ovaries. Testosterone is known to peak in the early twenties and then drop about 10% with each successive decade. Post-menopausal women lose the function of their ovaries and are at risk for low testosterone later in life. With inadequate testosterone, women are at much greater risk for developing osteoporosis/osteopenia and other chronic diseases.

Men are said to lose 1.5% of their testosterone production each year beyond 30. Men, who lose a greater proportion of their testosterone, are said to have andropause. The Alliance for Aging Research has indicated that one third of American men over the age of 39 have reported two or more symptoms of low testosterone. Symptoms of male andropause include lowered libido, decreased muscle mass, increased abdominal fat accumulation, depression and lack of drive.

The changes involved in andropause are gradual over time. They often go unnoticed for years. In a large study of 858 males over 40, men with low testosterone had an 88% increase risk of death compared with those who had normal levels.

Reducing Inflammation
The key to stabilizing testosterone levels begins with an anti-inflammatory diet. This should be loaded with phytonutrient rich fruits and vegetables. Grains and sugars stimulate higher levels of insulin and cortisol. Cortisol is the anti-thesis to testosterone. The body produces high cortisol when faced with chronic chemical, physical, & emotional stressors. Healthy blood sugar balance is critical to stabilizing cortisol and boosting testosterone.

Healthy fat sources are extremely critical for good hormone function. Fats and cholesterol play a critical role in forming the structure and rigidity of our cell membranes. These fats impact cell messaging by acting as enzyme and hormone regulators. The nutrition plan should consist of ample amounts of good fats such as avocado, coconut, & olive oil. Saturated fats, cholesterol, conjugated linoleic acids and essential omega 3 fatty acid from healthy grass-fed animal products are excellent.

Xenoestrogens, artificial hormone mimicking substances, are linked to lower testosterone levels. These xenoestrogens are found in tap water, plastics, home cleaning agents, deodorants, soaps, make-up & body lotions. Many medications also contain heavy amounts of synthetic xenoestrogens as well. Avoiding these sources along with ensuring a diet rich in raw and lightly cooked fruits and vegetables will provide fiber and phytonutrients that help the body eliminate these toxic substances.

High Intensity Exercise
High intensity exercise is crucial to boosting testosterone. Exercises should be explosive in nature and maximize the resistive overload on the muscles. Large muscle group compound lifts such as squats, deadlifts & burpees are some of the best testosterone boosting exercises. The training session should be short (5-30 mins) and have very little rest periods between sets.

Using high quality non-denatured sources of whey protein post-exercise boosts testosterone. This is due to the high concentration of branched-chain amino acids such as leucine that are rich in whey protein. These BCAA's stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which boosts testosterone production.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034007_testosterone_hormones.html#ixzz1cSgVwxSY

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