Sunday, February 19, 2012

NO alternative treatment for cancer will be acknowledged by mainstream medical TOO revenue destroying

Will Cancer ever be cured ? The ACTUAL REALITY is -"NO"

"NO alternative treatment for cancer" is going to ever be acknowledged by mainstream medical authorities or related. And this is especially true for any cancer treatment that would be cheap, safe, freely available or easy to administer.

There are literally billions of dollars (est. $200 billion) being made off of the cancer industry, along with MANY jobs.

Any change in the cancer paradigm would mean the loss of this profit stream. Thousands, if not millions of people would lose their jobs. Large, billion dollar multinational Health, Big Pharma cos. would incur massive losses, common stocks would crash along with many other assets. Media outlets would then lose the advertising cash stream from pharmaceutical/drug cos., and that means billions of dollars in advertising revenues lost. USA's medical system DOES NOT & WILL NO allow healing & curing as medical revenues would collapse !
ALL cancer entities supposedly seeking a cure would be forced to "CLOSE UP" lost salaries, advertising, retirement benefits, expense accounts, status, & MORE ! Keeping it simple or short, there are just too many people making money from the medical status quo for anyone involved to complain about the horrendous health mess or allow any intrusion to the long standing money spigot .
I Beat Stage IV Metastasized Cancer, spent 10,000 hours researching ALL illnesses, hooked up with many experts worldwide such as Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn ,Jr & his Plant Based Diet that former Pres. Bill Clinton is on and feeling better than he has in decades & @ his HIGH SCHOOL weight. Don Porter, see: donportercancer- Google search
The theory about sodium bicarbonate does make sense. Researchers all over the world have found that cancer cells do tend to favor/require an acidic pH environment. In fact, cancer cells cannot function in an alkaline environment. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is known to be a powerful buffering agent, and also works to alkalize the body, thereby getting rid of acidic conditions in the body. In fact, when the sodium bicarbonate hits the cancer cells, the alkalinity also brings a burst of oxygen into them. From previous information, we know that tumor cells do not like oxygen, and that they function off of anaerobic respiration. Cancer cells die in the presence of high oxygen levels. The medical establishment does not like substances like sodium bicarbonate because it is safe, cheap, widely available and highly effective against cancer.
Even if sodium bicarbonate is only slightly effective against cancer, it is not dangerous or poisonous like chemotherapy drugs, radiation therapy or surgery. In a worst case scenario, no harm would be done by the use of baking soda as a cancer treatment. Baking soda (pH of 9+) does not require a prescription, is available from your local grocery store or drug store, and is many times safer than chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The only thing to be careful of with sodium bicarbonate is that it should not be taken when you recently eaten (2 hours from food), as it can & does produce gas & alter the pH of your stomach etal for ideal digestion, which can damage the stomach. You really owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to learn more about sodium bicarbonate, as it is a wonderful substance that is really a natural part of the body.
What does it mean for a solution to be acidic or basic (alkaline)?
It all has to do with hydrogen ions (abbreviated with the chemical symbol H+). In water (H2O), a small number of the molecules dissociate (split up). Some of the water molecules lose a hydrogen and become hydroxyl ions (OH−). The "lost" hydrogen ions join up with water molecules to form hydronium ions (H3O+). For simplicity, hydronium ions are referred to as hydrogen ions H+. In pure water, there are an equal number of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions. The solution is neither acidic or basic.
An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions. Because of this, when an acid is dissolved in water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions is shifted. Now there are more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions in the solution. This kind of solution is acidic.
A base is a substance that accepts hydrogen ions. When a base is dissolved in water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions shifts the opposite way. Because the base "soaks up" hydrogen ions, the result is a solution with more hydroxyl ions than hydrogen ions. This kind of solution is alkaline.
Acidity and alkalinity are measured with a logarithmic scale called pH. Here's why: a strongly acidic solution can have one hundred million million (100,000,000,000,000) times more hydrogen ions than a strongly basic solution! The flip side, of course, is that a strongly basic solution can have 100,000,000,000,000 times more hydroxide ions than a strongly acidic solution. Moreover, the hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion concentrations in everyday solutions can vary over that entire range.
In order to deal with these large numbers more easily, scientists use a logarithmic scale, the pH scale. Each one-unit change in the pH scale corresponds to a ten-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. It's a lot easier to use a logarithmic scale instead of always having to write down all those zeros! By the way, notice how one hundred million million is a one with fourteen zeros after it? It's not coincidence, it's logarithms! To be more precise, pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration: pH = log 1/[H+ = −log [H+]] .

The statistics show that no more people are surviving now than 25 years ago. Both chemotherapy and radiation injure the immune system which is vital for surviving cancer.

The cancer cartel has no interest in curing cancer because chemotherapy drugs are an enormously profitable product for the pharmaceutical industry. An important clue proving that there is no sincere interest in curing cancer is provided by the fact that only .5% (one half of one percent) of the dollars spent on cancer research is spent on research directed at stopping the spread[2] of cancer (metastases). When a cancer fails to spread the patient can live many comfortable years in an uneventful manner.

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