Friday, April 27, 2012

Kill cancer tumor cells with Green tea extract coupled with quercetin

Green tea extract coupled with quercetin kills cancer tumor cells April 23, 2012 by: John Phillip Learn more: (NaturalNews) Green tea catechins such as EGCG have effectively been shown to increase metabolism as an aid to weight loss and have demonstrated a long history as a potent tool to fight many different types of cancer. Compounds in green tea act as powerful antioxidants that can promote apoptosis or programmed cell death, a mechanism missing in cancer cells that permits uncontrolled cell growth.
Researchers from Rutgers Univ have published the result of a study in the journal Food and Function that explains a synergistic health-promoting relationship when green tea polyphenols and the flavonoid quercetin are provided through diet or supplementation. Quercetin helps boost the levels of green tea polyphenols in cancer cells to decrease methylation of their anti-cancer compounds, effectively increasing the green teas potency as a cancer-fighting agent. Quercetin boosts green tea antioxidant capacity two to fourfold to fight cancer development In past studies, scientists have demonstrated that green tea catechins undergo extensive methylation after ingestion, lowering the effectiveness of the health-promoting compounds to shield against cancer proliferation. Quercetin is a known inhibitor of methylation in normal metabolism, and a study was conducting using mice to determine if the naturally occurring flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables could increase the potency of green tea catechins (specifically epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG).
Mice with severe combined immunodeficiency were given brewed green tea & a diet supplemented with 0.4% quercetin alone or in combination for a period of 2 weeks. Researchers determined that the supplemented group experienced a 2-3X increase of total and non-methylated EGCG in the lung and kidney along with an increasing trend in the liver. The study found that combining quercetin with fresh brewed catechins from green tea increased the cellular adsorption of EGCG four times in lung cancer cells and two times in kidney cancer cells, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of this natural cancer fighting compound in vivo. Additionally, quercetin decreased methylation of green tea polyphenols, which would otherwise limit their chemopreventive potential.
The research team concluded that "in order to have a maximum anticancer effect, green tea or green tea extract should be used together with quercetin." They noted that green tea catechins exhibit higher antioxidant potential than either vitamin C or E, and indicated that consuming the beverage was associated with reduced risk for a number of forms of malignancy including skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer and bladder cancer. Three to five cups of fresh-brewed green tea daily combined with quercetin from fruits and vegetables or supplementation are recommended to synergistically boost the cancer fighting abilities of EGCG catechins. Sources for this article include: Learn more:

Soft drinks: Public enemy No.1 in obesity fight?

Soft drinks: Public enemy No.1 in obesity fight? By Caleb Hellerman, CNN Fri April 27, 2012 STORY HIGHLIGHTS About 1 in 4 Americans gets at least 200 calories a day from sugary drinks Although soda consumption has declined, U.S. obesity has increased Many experts say cutting sweetened drinks would fight obesity or diabetes Soft drink industry says their product has been unfairly singled out This weekend on "Sanjay Gupta MD," Dr. Gupta takes a critical look at sugar and the impact it has on our bodies. Don't miss the in-depth investigation Saturday at 4:30 p.m. ET, and Sunday at 7:30 a.m. ET on CNN. (CNN) -- Pushing her meal cart into the hospital room, a research assistant hands out tall glasses of reddish-pink liquid, along with a gentle warning: "Remember, you guys have to finish all your Kool-Aid." One by one, young volunteers chug down their drinks, each carefully calibrated to contain a mix of water, flavoring and a precisely calibrated solution of high fructose corn syrup: 55% fructose, 45% glucose.
The participants are part of an ongoing study run by Kimber Stanhope, a nutritional biologist at the Univ of California, Davis. Volunteers agree to spend several weeks as lab rats: their food carefully measured, their bodies subjected to a steady dose of scans and blood tests. At first, each volunteer receives meals with no added sugars. But then, the sweetened drinks start showing up. For the final two weeks of the study, volunteers drank three of the sweet concoctions daily -- about 500 calories of added sugar, or 25% of all calories for the adult women in the study. Within just two weeks, their blood chemistry was out of whack. In one striking change, the volunteers had elevated levels of LDL cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease.
While force-feeding junk food may sound extreme, this controlled diet is not so far from the real world. A 20-ounce regular soda contains 227 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). That single drink is more than 10% of the total calories an adult woman needs to maintain a healthy weight, according to USDA diet guidelines. Meanwhile, about 1 in 4 Americans gets at least 200 calories a day from sugary drinks. These numbers, along with work like Stanhope's, gives ammunition to doctors and public health officials who say soda should be treated as public health enemy No. 1. About 1 in 4 Americans gets at least 200 calories a day from sugary drinks.
"Soft drinks and sugar-containing beverages are the low hanging fruit in public health today," says Dr. David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center, at Children's Hospital in Boston. "Many children are consuming 300 calories per day or more, just in sugar-containing beverages. Compare the challenge of giving up three glasses of sugary beverages, versus getting them to do two hours of moderate physical activity." "If you switch from Coke to water, that's easy," says Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, a professor at the University of North Carolina and a recent president of the American Diabetes Association. "You don't have to make big complicated changes in how you cook, and shop, and all that. And the number of calories you can save, can be substantial."
Related story: Are sugar substitutes worse than the real thing? Some in the soft drink business say their product has been unfairly singled out. "Consumption of added sugars is going down," says Karen Hanretty, Vice-President of Public Affairs for the American Beverage Association. "Soda consumption has declined, even as obesity has increased. To say that sugar is solely responsible for obesity, doesn't make sense." Coca-Cola has adapted to meet consumer demand, says Rhona Applebaum, the company's Vice President and Chief Scientific Regulatory Officer. More than ever, she says, those consumers choose low-sugar products. Today, Diet Coke and Coke Zero make up 41% of Coke's soda sales, up from 32% a decade ago. "Our products are part of a balanced, sensible diet, and they can be enjoyed as a valuable part of any meal, including snacks," says Applebaum. Buried in the flood of horror stories about America's obesity crisis, are a few hopeful signs. Not only is sugar consumption going down, but obesity rates among girls and women have actually stayed flat since 1999, according to Cynthia Ogden, a scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For boys and men, those levels have increased only modestly since around 2006, Ogden says.
Coincidentally or not, the leveling off of obesity coincides with a drop in the amount of soda that Americans consume. Consumption of soda -- both regular and diet -- has fallen by 17.3% since 1998, according to Beverage Digest. Soft drinks and sugar-containing beverages are the low hanging fruit. Dr. David Ludwig, New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center Of course soda isn't the only concern. An 8-ounce glass of fruit punch or apple juice has nearly 130 calories. The same glass of chocolate milk has more than 200 -- a solid 20% of all recommended daily calories. Overall, added sugars -- which includes both natural sugar, and high fructose corn syrup -- make up about a sixth of all calories taken in, according to USDA figures. Somewhat more than a third of those sugars come from soda and other drinks.
That's why most people who take a hard look at American diets say that cutting out sweetened drinks, is the first step for anyone struggling with weight or diabetes. "If we create the "If we create the assumption that doing one thing will reduce the epidemic [of obesity], we're making a mistake," says Dr. William Dietz, director of the CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. "But within the dietary side, we have to focus on where the biggest action is." The action, says Dietz and others, lies with sugar and its close cousin, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Most sweet drinks, including nearly all soda in the United States, use HFCS. Not everyone agrees they're equivalent. While most studies show that table sugar and HFCS play an equal role in weight gain, some research suggests that HFCS -- which usually contains 10% more fructose than sucrose -- is more likely to change the body's metabolism, in ways that can increase risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
But most scientists say the differences are subtle. That includes even Stanhope, whose work has focused on comparing the effects of fructose and other sugars. In terms of advising patients or making public health policy, she says, there isn't much difference. "I think we really, at this point, need to treat them all alike." "Are sweetened drinks the only reason we have epidemics of obesity and diabetes? No, they're not," says Mayer-Davis, the past ADA president. "But sometimes the easy answer, is the answer."

Monday, April 23, 2012

Green tea extract coupled with quercetin kills cancer tumor cells Monday, April 23, 2012 by: John Phillip Learn more:
(NaturalNews) Green tea catechins such as EGCG have effectively been shown to increase metabolism as an aid to weight loss and have demonstrated a long history as a potent tool to fight many different types of cancer. Compounds in green tea act as powerful antioxidants that can promote apoptosis or programmed cell death, a mechanism missing in cancer cells that permits uncontrolled cell growth. Researchers from Rutgers University have published the result of a study in the journal Food and Function that explains a synergistic health-promoting relationship when green tea polyphenols and the flavonoid quercetin are provided through diet or supplementation. Quercetin helps boost the levels of green tea polyphenols in cancer cells to decrease methylation of their anti-cancer compounds, effectively increasing the green teas potency as a cancer-fighting agent. Quercetin boosts green tea antioxidant capacity two to fourfold to fight cancer development In past studies, scientists have demonstrated that green tea catechins undergo extensive methylation after ingestion, lowering the effectiveness of the health-promoting compounds to shield against cancer proliferation. Quercetin is a known inhibitor of methylation in normal metabolism, and a study was conducting using mice to determine if the naturally occurring flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables could increase the potency of green tea catechins (specifically epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG).
Mice with severe combined immunodeficiency were given brewed green tea and a diet supplemented with 0.4 percent quercetin alone or in combination for a period of two weeks. Researchers determined that the supplemented group experienced a two to three times increase of total and non-methylated EGCG in the lung and kidney along with an increasing trend in the liver. The study found that combining quercetin with fresh brewed catechins from green tea increased the cellular adsorption of EGCG four times in lung cancer cells and two times in kidney cancer cells, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of this natural cancer fighting compound in vivo. Additionally, quercetin decreased methylation of green tea polyphenols, which would otherwise limit their chemopreventive potential. The research team concluded that "in order to have a maximum anticancer effect, green tea or green tea extract should be used together with quercetin." They noted that green tea catechins exhibit higher antioxidant potential than either vitamin C or E, and indicated that consuming the beverage was associated with reduced risk for a number of forms of malignancy including skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer and bladder cancer. Three to five cups of fresh-brewed green tea daily combined with quercetin from fruits and vegetables or supplementation are recommended to synergistically boost the cancer fighting abilities of EGCG catechins. Sources for this article include: Learn more:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Galley Girl: Bill Clinton Has a Healthy Appetite for Diet Books

Bill Clinton Has a Healthy Appetite for Diet Books By Andrea Sachs Read more: reporter Andrea Sachs writes about the book industry here every weekend.
It was a mournful day for late-night comedians in 2010 when Bill Clinton told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he had become a strict vegetarian. The comics had lost a surefire punch line. No more jokes about Bubba and barbecue; no more Saturday Night Live skits about the former President scooping uneaten French fries off of startled diners’ plates at McDonald’s. In his place, here was a newly trim man who had undergone a quadruple bypass and a recent stent replacement, announcing his allegiance to what has become a popular yet still counterculture lifestyle. (Only an estimated 3% percent of Americans are vegetarians, and 1% are vegans.) “The short answer is, I went on essentially a plant-based diet,” Clinton told the host. “I live on beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit. I drink a protein supplement every morning. No dairy. It changed my whole metabolism and I lost 24 lb., and I got back basically to what I weighed in high school.” It is only now, though, that the extent of Clinton’s dedication to a meatless way of life has become apparent. In the past few months, Clinton, at 65, has become the Blurber-in-Chief, an activist health convert who has enthusiastically endorsed three diet books. His touts, not surprisingly, are emblazoned across the covers of these fortunate authors’ books. The man who was once derided as a junk-food junkie has become the Roger Ebert of diet books, giving enthusiastic thumbs-up to the ones he likes. In all, since he announced his gustatory transition, he has publicly applauded seven diet authors. Not bad for a person who was derided as resembling “fat Elvis.” (MORE: The Top 10 Moments in Reading in 2011) Clinton’s trail of diet blurbs gives clues to his present state of mind. In the foreword to Eddie Shapes Up (Zagat Survey), a children’s book by former New York City mayor Ed Koch that came out in September, Clinton writes, “I’m delighted to see books like Eddie Shapes Up encouraging children to embrace wellness at an early age. After undergoing two heart surgeries, I knew I would have to change my lifestyle in order to stay well. The rewards of good health have made it all worthwhile. I only wish I had started on this adventure as a young man.” This month, the former President’s imprimatur is also on Think and Grow Thin by weight-loss coach Charles D’Angelo (Robert Kennedy Publishing). D’Angelo told us that he has never trained Clinton, but several of Clinton’s friends had successfully worked with him, and he had a chance to meet the former President. “I have long admired his foundation’s wonderful work combatting childhood obesity,” D’Angelo says. “His passion for service has served as a compass and inspiration to me countless times over, and I just had to meet him. I was privileged with an opportunity to personally share with President Clinton my painful story of being an overweight child and teen, being bullied, ridiculed and ready to give up on life.”
And in February, on the cover of The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now, a new book by Dr. Mark Hyman, former co-medical director of Canyon Ranch Lenox, Clinton declares, “I’ve made drastic changes to my own diet and exercise routine since my heart troubles surfaced in 2004 and I hope Dr. Hyman’s new book will inspire you as he has inspired me.” So what has made the former President such an ardent blurbmeister? His spokesperson is silent on the matter, since his office will not comment on his diet. But it is instructive to look at Clinton’s earlier pronouncements in considering his current burst of blurbdom. His first three endorsements of diets, which came during the original 2010 Wolf Blitzer interview, foreshadowed his recent burst. “This movement has been led by a doctor named Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Dean Ornish out in California, the doctors [T. Colin and Thomas] Campbell, father and son.” This foursome has produced a collection of notable diet books: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Esselstyn; Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease and the Campbells’ China Study. The common message of these doctor-authors, based on decades of studies, is that not only can heart disease be headed off, it can also be reversed by a spare yet nutritious diet.
One of the recipients of Clinton’s praise was obviously surprised. “I’ve never met the man,” Esselstyn, the pioneer of this movement, told us this week. “I’ve never spoken with the man. I’ve never looked him in the eye; he’s never shaken my hand. But through a friend, he obtained a copy of the book. He obviously has devoured it, and, hopefully, he has applied what we have indicated in the book is the appropriate way to arrest and reverse this disease.” Esselstyn’s inspiring words make you want to throw away the half-eaten roast chicken in your refrigerator. “For them to realize that this is not just the luck of the draw, that this is something that you yourself can control,” he insists. “You can become the locus of control for this disease that is the leading killer of women and men in Western civilization. It’s truly nothing more than a toothless paper tiger that need never ever exist, and if it does exist, it need never progress. This is a food-borne illness.”
Esselstyn clarified one point that the media hammered away at: by his own description, Clinton is not a vegan. The doctor makes veganism sound casual in comparison with his own recommended regimen. “[Clinton's plan is] not vegan. It’s not vegetarian. It’s whole-food, plant-based nutrition. I treat vegans for heart disease. Vegans eat French fries. Vegans eat oil. Vegans eat glazed doughnuts.” (MORE: The All-TIME 100 Nonfiction Books) In his passion for blurbing the work of others, Clinton has not ignored his own writing. His latest book, Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy (Knopf), has been on the New York Times nonfiction list for six weeks. The subject is far afield from his diet-book enthusiasms. Which makes us wonder: Will some smart publisher capitalize on the First Dieter’s zest and entice Bill Clinton to write his own diet book, detailing his vegetarian journey?
Read more:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

6 Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food

6 Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food Let's call it "foodiness." Like Stephen Colbert's truthiness, which wasn't about truth, we're not consuming food as much as we're consuming an edible manufactured doppelganger designed to look and taste like food, but isn't actually food. Garden burgers. Power bars. Protein brownies. Bottled water that makes you thin, young and smart. And we used to wonder what they put in Pop Rocks... These days it's hard for even die-hard foodies to know what they're eating or drinking. That's because food has changed from something that didn't need a modifier -- if it walked, swam, flew or grew out of the ground, it was food -- to something that stopped off at Mr. Burns' nuclear plant on the way to your plate. Let's call it "foodiness." Like Stephen Colbert's truthiness, which wasn't about truth, we're not consuming food as much as we're consuming an edible manufactured doppelganger designed to look and taste like food, but isn't actually food: like veggie puffs with no vegetables; fruit bars with no fruit; like goldfish crackers with no goldfish. And now, below, a look at some typical foodiness ingredients that are packaged, flavored and presented as food. TBHQ, A.K.A: Butane
Turns out butane isn't just for lighters anymore - it's also an artificial antioxidant that they put it in chicken nuggets to keep them "fresh" tasting. So instead of your chicken nuggets being fresh, butane keeps them "fresh." Eating butane probably wasn't what you had in mind last time you lit up, got the munchies, and ordered those nuggets. Try these homemade chicken tenders instead, for fuel-free fuel. Found in: Frozen, packaged or pre-made processed foods with long shelf lives such as frozen meals, crackers, chips, cereal bars and fast food. Estrogen
Regular milk is full of hormones used by the milk industry to keep the cows knocked up and lactating all year round. Sound gross? It is. So when you drink regular milk you take a shot of hormones with it. And all you wanted was a bowl of cereal. Found in: All non-organic dairy, so organic is recommended. But don't jump straight to raw milk before you know the facts. Spinach Dust
Think that green sheen on your veggie snacks is giving you your daily serving of vegetables? Think again. That's just powdered spinach dust, which is spinach that has been dehydrated and sucked dry of its nutritional value. So the upshot is that green sheen is about as nutritious as actual dust. Found in: "Healthier" vegetable flavored snack foods. Propylene Glycol, A.K.A antifreeze
Antifreeze is used in cars, pills, cosmetics, deodorant, moisturizer...and, in a way, food! It keeps your car from freezing over, your moisturizer moist, and your fat-free cookie dough ice cream creamy, smooth and juicy. If it's good enough for your SUV it's good enough to eat, right? Right?? Right??? Found in: Cake mix, salad dressings, low-fat ice creams and dog food. Wood Pulp: Vanillin Vanillin, which is a byproduct of the pulp industry, is used as an artificial vanilla flavor. Ester of wood rosin, which comes from pine stumps, is in citrus-flavored sodas to keep the citrus flavor evenly distributed through the can (try these natural ones if you're cutting down on pine stumps). Found in: Artificially flavored yogurt, baked goods, candy and sodas Castoreum
Castoreum comes out of a beaver's behind -- it's extracted from their anal glands -- and is used to make artificial raspberry flavoring. Try not to think about that next time you order the diet raspberry tea. Found in: Artificially raspberry flavored products such as cheap ice cream, Jell-O, candy, fruit-flavored drinks, teas and yogurts.

The "Money Driven" Collapse of Quality Natural Western Medicine

The "Money Driven" Collapse of Quality Natural Western Medicine April 8, 2012 S. D. Wells & D.J. Porter, etal It is truly SAD having witnessed the U.S. A. deteriorate from having the best scientists in the world who were discovering vitamins, minerals, vaccines and cures for disease, to the American Medical System ("AMA") times, where the only medicine available is dollar driven and toxic with horrific side effects, and where nutrient-void, chemical-laden food is being sold at almost every restaurant and grocery store, all in the name of corporate profits that keep the public sick and in need of expensive care? Where the FDA & most exploding Government is run be the HIGHEST bidders !
In the early 1900′s, America was chock full of small farms and families who ate fresh food from those farms. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s barely existed because the soil was rich in nutrients and minerals, and if you did get sick, a doctor would come to your home and give you some herbal tinctures or natural remedies, and that was that. Then, after World War II, many families left their rural farms and moved closer to factories and began eating processed food that was canned packaged and bagged (for max profits), lacking the nutrients they had just a decade earlier. Then, fast food operations like McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King opened up franchises all over America, feeding the public saturated fat and sugar-loaded meals that were hot, cheap, convenient and chemically polluted and dangerous.
The United States of America is the land of the free and the home of … toxic food and venomous medicine, with chronic care waiting for its next 80 million victims. Here are some basic statistics of a country riddled with disease: • Cancer: 1,500,000 diagnosed each year; over 50% will die of it. • Diabetes: 25,000,000 people are diabetics right now (including children); 80,000,000 are borderline. • Heart Disease and Strokes: 81,000,000 (every third adult) has some type of cardiovascular disease. • Alzheimer’s Disease: 5,400,000 have Alzheimer’s right now (every 8th senior) • Birth defects: One in every 33 babies is born with one (accounts for 20% of all infant deaths). ( Most U.S. politicians have no ethics and no morals are for sale to the highest bidders
Once upon a time, insider trading was a scary law that meant prison time for those who violated it. Now, politicians make money off wars they declare themselves, and health insurance cos invest in fast food operations that slowly kill their own clients. Pharmaceutical cos (Merck, Pfizer, Bayer, Bristol Meyers, etc.) are run by CEO’s who served as Governors, Senators, and heads of the FDA, and the Supreme Court itself seats Judges who worked for major pharmaceutical firms, and who will return to those jobs after writing new legislation to benefit their current investments. Make no mistake, the pesticides used on most U.S. farms give humans cancer, and the politicians who support genetically mutated foods know it. GMO means that the seedlings of fruits and vegetables are spliced with toxic pesticides in a lab, so even if you wash off your food, you are still eating dioxin, the same toxic chemical (Agent Orange) the U.S. dumped on Vietnam which gave our own soldiers cancer. ( We also now have a massive "DEAD ZONE" in the Gulf Of Mexico along with Oil and gas fills to further damage our beaches and shorelines The agencies you trust so much (FDA/CDC/AMA/CDC/ACS/Major Insurance Cos) support toxic food and toxic medicine Politicians are supposed to represent the greater good of the people, but now politics is about bastardizing the system for as much money as possible before getting ousted from office about 4 years later. Food, medicine and vaccines have become toxic catapults for profiteering by Big Pharma and Government agencies (undercover corporations). Raids ib food stores and related by Gestapo like troops are becoming commonplace. Ever wonder how health insurance cos. drum up future business? They invest in corporations whose products cause chronic degenerative disease, driving people’s health care costs through the roof. The U.S. and Canadian health insurance giants own nearly $2 billion worth of stock in fast food giants like McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, and Taco Bell. So now, the USA is ranked "47th" in worldwide longevity and recognized as the "sickest" country in the world, after spending more per capita for Healthcare than any place on Earth. While also created a STAGGERING Debt mess that is VERY volatile & mounting, stunning bankruptcies, TRILLIONS in CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS etc. ! References - Sources for this article include: g2Q

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sugar – the “White Death”

Sugar – the “White Death” Sugar is NOT your friend. It may “feel like” your friend when it comforts you (due to the beta-endorphin rush in your brain), but sugar is actually your enemy. Truth be told, regular consumption of sugary foods is one of the worst things that you can do to your health. Modern scientific research has shown us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that sugar in your food (in all its myriad of forms) is taking a devastating toll on your health. Just take a look at the sugar consumption trends of the past 300 years: • In 1700, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year. • In 1800, the average person consumed about 18 pounds of sugar per year. • In 1900, individual consumption had risen to 90 pounds of sugar per year. • In 2012, more than 50% of all Americans consume 1/2 pound of sugar PER DAY—translating to a whopping 180 pounds of sugar per year! In 1890, only 3 people out of 100,000 had diabetes. In 2012, diabetes strikes almost 8,000 out of every 100,000 people!
The “sugar rush” has really been targeted at children. American children are consuming about TEN TIMES as much sugar as they were in 1900, especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is the average American’s largest source of calories! Highly addictive HFCS contains fructose and glucose, but they are NOT bound together (as they are in table sugar) so your body doesn’t need to break it down. Therefore, the fructose is absorbed immediately, going straight to your liver, which turns it into FAT (VLDL and triglycerides). According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, “Fructose also tricks the body into gaining weight by fooling your metabolism (it turns off the appetite-control system. Fructose does not appropriately stimulate insulin, which in turn does not suppress ghrelin (the “hunger hormone”) and doesn’t stimulate leptin (the “satiety hormone”), which together result in your eating more and developing insulin resistance.” But just because you avoid HFCS doesn’t mean that you’re in the clear. Excess intake of ALL processed sugars results in compromised immune function (decreasing the white blood cells’ ability to destroy bacteria), obesity, and diabetes. Remember, sugar is cancer’s favorite food! And since half of the white sugar in the USA comes from sugar beets, you should remember that most beets are now genetically modified. Yet another reason to stay away from the “White Death” isn’t it? I personally recommend that you avoid white sugar, brown sugar, agave, and all artificial sweeteners. If you have a sweet tooth, it’s best to stick with stevia, xylitol, raw honey/maple syrup, molasses, and coconut sugar. The bottom line: If you want to be healthy, you MUST take control of your sugar intake so that it doesn’t take control over you.
It is easy to become confused by the various sugars and sweeteners, so here is a basic overview: • Saccharide = sugar • Glucose (aka “dextrose” or “grape sugar”), galactose (“milk sugar”), and fructose (“fruit sugar”) are all “monosaccharides” (i.e. single sugar molecules), known as “simple sugars.” The primary difference between them is how your body metabolizes them. • Glucose is the form of energy you were designed to run on. Every cell in your body uses glucose for energy. • High amounts of fructose are very damaging to the body, since if fructose isn’t burned immediately for energy, it travels directly to the liver, where it is converted to triglycerides (fats). Excess triglycerides “disaccharide” comprised of 50% glucose and 50% fructose. • “Refined” white sugar (pure sucrose) is washed with a syrup solution, then with hot water, clarified (usually chemically) to remove impurities, decolorized, concentrated, evaporated, re-boiled until crystals form, centrifuged again to separate, then dried. By this point, any remnants of “natural goodness” and “nutritional value” have completely disappeared! Quite frankly, white sugar should be considered to be an “industrial product” rather than a “food.” • “Brown sugar” is just white sugar mixed with molasses. • “Raw” sugar is not really raw – it has been cooked, and most of the minerals and vitamins are gone. But it’s probably a little better than refined white sugar because it has a little of the molasses remaining. • Aspartame is a neurotoxic rat poison … need I say more? • Splenda (sucralose) is NOT a sugar, despite its deceptive marketing slogan, “made from sugar.” It’s a chlorinated artificial sweetener in line with aspartame, though not quite as harmful. • Honey is approximately 50% fructose, but in natural (raw) form contains many health benefits. • Stevia is an extremely sweet herb derived from the leaf of the South American stevia plant, which is completely safe (in its natural form). • Agave nectar is made from the agave plant, which is a cactus. Sound natural, right? Like maple syrup from a tree, or honey from a beehive. Only it isn’t. Agave is HIGHLY processed, and the end product does not even remotely resemble the original agave plant. And agave is approximately 80% fructose (much higher than honey and maple syrup). • HFCS is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. • Rapadura is the pure juice extracted from the sugar cane (using a press), which is then evaporated over low heats, whilst being stirred with paddles, then seive ground to produce a grainy sugar. It has not been cooked at high heats, and spun to change it into crystals, and the molasses has not been separated from the sugar. “Sucanat” is the USA trade name for Rapadura. • Coconut sugar is made from the sweet watery sap that drips from the cut flower buds of fresh coconuts. It has a low glycemic index (GI) and is rich in amino acids. It is typically less than 10% fructose, with sucrose being the primary component. • Xylitol is a sweetener known as a “sugar alcohol” (or polyol). Sugar alcohols are neither sugars nor alcohols – they are carbohydrates (with structures that happen to resemble sugar and alcohol). Xylitol is extracted from birch cellulose. Unlike sugar, Xylitol is slowly absorbed, does not cause a rapid blood sugar increase, and does not require an immediate insulin response from the body to be metabolized. And because Xylitol is anti-bacterial, many studies have shown that it actually helps prevent dental cavities, ear infections, and some evidence suggests that it helps prevent gum disease.