Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Clinical Trials for Sodium Bircarbonate

Clinical Trials for Sodium Bircarbonate

Clinical Trials now planned on 
Sodium Bicarbonate as a cancer 

The Univ. of Arizona Cancer Center has been working for a decade on the use of Sodium Bicarbonate as a biological buffer and an anti-cancer agent. For example, in 2003 (Raghunand) they showed how drinking sodium bicarbonate resulted in the alkalisation of the area around cancer tumours resulting in a cessation of new metastases. But the work has largely been conducted in mice. Further research has shown that sodium bicarbonate had an effect on breast and prostate cancers but had mixed results with other cancers.

Now Dr. Marty Pagel, PhD is going to research the effects of sodium bicarbonate with breast cancer patients. The research funding will come from a $ 2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the organisation set up in the USA to sponsor the development of Complementary and Alternative Therapies.. 
Robert J Gillies working at  the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Centre in Tampa, Florida is also interested in Sodium Bicarbonate. To quote from H. Lee Moffitt´s web site on their Clinical Trials:

This project focuses on the role of the tumor physical microenvironment in tumor growth and invasion and as a potential target for therapy with components in both basic science and clinical translation. In the basic science studies, we focus on the interaction of the organic components of the microenvironment, particularly angiogenesis and blood flow, with the physical parameters such as oxygen, glucose, and H+ concentrations. In the clinical translation, we center much of our research efforts on clinical trials investigating the role of increased systemic buffering capacity (through oral ingestion of sodium bicarbonate) in 2 settings: First, a study on the role of systemic buffers in relieving cancer-related bone pain. Second, a Phase 1/2 study that will add an escalating dose of oral buffer (sodium bicarbonate) to standard of care therapy (gemcitabine) in patients with metastatic or unresectable pancreatic cancer.

The Universities collaborated previously (along with scientists from the Department of Pharmacology in Wayne State Univ, Detroit, Michigan) in research already covered by CANCERactive. (2009, Robey et al showed that drinking sodium bicarbonate caused new metastases to stop, whilst injection of Bicarbonate into tumours caused regression of the cancer.)

Ed: At CANCERactive we have a simple view that is identical to that of American cancer researcher Ralph Moss. This is research every cancer patient should know about. If drinking sodium bicarbonate can restrict cancer metastases then it should be considered as a part of an Integrated Cancer Treatment Programme, especially if it enhances the action of chemotherapy drugs. We await the results of the Clinical Trials.

Readers should also note the CANCERactive view on Dr Simoncini. Simoncini has been struck off in Italy for treating patients with Sodium Bicarbonate. Whatever the merits of sodium bicarbonate, Simoncini believes that cancers are a fungal ´over-growth by candida albicans. He believes that an alkaline body kills this fungus; and sodium bicarbonate can provide this alkalinity. However, nowhere in any of the research studies from Arizona or H. Lee Moffitt is it mentioned that a fungus is involved.

While the late Gerald Green, who worked with CANCERactive, also had a similar argument to that of Simoncini, we are of the view that there is no one single cause of cancer nor is all cancer the same indeed, we believe it is as individual as you are, and research analysis of tumours shows that no two are the same biochemically. It may well be true that some cancers are greatly influenced by the involvements of yeasts (leukaemia is one such cancer where yeasts do cause severe problems). There is little doubt that some cancers are strongly associated with fungal infections. For example, a number of oncologists report yeast infections found during operations for colorectal cancers. The Mayo Clinic has confirmed that Basidiobolus ranarum can be found in the intestine and is linked to IBS and even cancer. Johns Hopkins research also showed that the anti-fungal drug Itaconazole (used for toenail infections and so on) by coincidence blocked angiogenesis the formation of blood supplies to a tumour.  It also reduced the number of metastatic cells circulating in the body.

However, this Arizona/Moffitt/Detroit research work is about alkalising the body and the tumour (which can have an acid core) and thus stopping its chemical reactions, and alkalising the area around the tumour and stopping the chemical reactions that cause metastases. 

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