Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Beat Cancer -DJP Baking Soda Protocol worked for me in Beating Stage IV Metasticized Cancer

DJP Baking Soda Protocol  This creates a high pH (8+) thereby kills Cancer Cells, and has worked for me, 7+ yrs. after following a modified Macrobiotic “Plant Based Diet” to restore/rebuild my immune system,  As Anyone Can !   I am not providing medical advice, simply “revealing my experiences and protocol”, resulting in eliminating Stage IV Metasticised cancer. This is 8-1-2014 !
  I Did “NO” Chemo, NO Radiation, Minimum Drugs .    We all Require - 4mos. To change our blood - Do ORGANIC Plant Based Diet, NO CHEMICALS, AVOID Any forms of SUGAR-Eat Organic food-for about 1 month, LOTS of DEEP breathing, then Initiate as follows:
• 1st day-1 Teaspoon of BS soda with 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals), 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) Heat @ “LOW” temp in pan for 5 min. STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar and BSM into “YOUR own Trojan Horse” to benefit your body-immune system. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) and the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup/BSM), being very alkaline, is a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells in hrs). We have 100 Trillion cells. 
• 2nd day – repeat, also Do LOTS of DEEP breathing (30x-3-10x day or more). OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
• 3rd day – same Cancer cells gobble up sugar so when you use sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse”. The sugar is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (14pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
• 4th day – same 2X day goal get to 8.0 - 8.5 pH and hold 4-5 days and cancer cells dormant  at pH 7.5+ and kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.5. My pH was 8.53 on 3rd day with a blood and urine test
.• 5th day - started taking the solution - 2 tspns BS and 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
• 6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS and 2 Tspn of BSM and 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.5. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body.
• 7th – All ok - lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lot deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing bone/ALL cancer! Also on day 7, increased BS to 3 Tspns. got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous and had a slight headache, so I reduced it. I had slight confusion. Do 30+ DEEP breaths several times per dayVERY IMPORTANT !
• 8th day – double dose 3x a day to get pH high- could some be health issues with too much BS Potassium 200+mg intake is IMPORTANT. Filtered water also and Exercise/walk 30 min. daily.
• 9th day – A little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intake. All experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing. Ok KILLING cancer cells more important !
• 10th day - Headache more persistent, body sweats SO- I cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
• 11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache, night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.5 goal achieved and I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days.              NOTE: Key Points: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium organic foods, SUPPLEMENTS, vitamins, minerals, herbs as recommended for Cesium/Baking Soda Therapy by others with noted successes.
• Watch blood pressure-take Potassium. IMPORTANT –Temporary High pH-BAD for Cancer cells! Take: Calcium 3000 mg, Vit. D/D3 10,000 iu's, Astralagus, Spirulina, CoQ10-200 mg, easy, Tumeric- Walking 30+ min a day Maitake d-fraction, Potassium 200 mg, Milk Thistle 1000 mg, Sevent Flower, Sun Chlorella, Herbal ALOE Force, Magnesium • Seek to maintain ORGANIC Diet to let your Immune System rebuild from MANY years of harmful chemicals, etc, in Pkgd/Fast foods! Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies & some fruits, NO fruit w/cancer. Pay for Organic now or pay Drs. Later
• Room temp filtered water, Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha-Hojicha, Dandelion Root, Pu-erh.
• Organic only, quality fish - NO Farm Raised. Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.2 - 7.45). A pH of 7.0 is neutral. A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.2 is alkaline. Easy, or NO- Eating Most acidic foods– Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/ Poultry/Beef, Easy on fish & related-clams-muscles-lobster, etc.
Be good to your immune system - It WILL be good to you with - ORGANIC Food !  NO HEAL NO CURE is an AMA standard, along with ignore Causes.
Baking Soda –Molasses “BSM” also done with success by others: maple syrup can be used instead of molasses • Jim Kelmun 75, (truck driver), treated 200+ terminal cancer sufferers, 185 lived @ least 15 years. Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree! Jim’s Remedy – Maple Syrup & BS (Baking soda). Mix 1 part BS to 1-3 parts syrup. Heat LOW HEAT, stir rigorously in a pan for 5 min. 2 tspns per day 1st week, 1 tspn per day for 2 weeks. Stop Remedy after 3 weeks.
1931 Dr. Otto Warburg, 2X Nobel Prize Winner proved that all forms of cancer are characterized by 2 basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). “Cancerous tissues are acidic, healthy tissues are alkaline. Cancer can't survive in an alkaline body or in Oxygen. All people with Cancer have a pH that is too acidic. High pH kills cancer cells ! ! 99% of terminal cancer victims are 1,000x more acidic than normal.
A Few Related “GOOD” Internet Searches and Authors to read of 100,000+-- I researched:
• Dr. Caldwell B Esselstyn, Jr, Heart • Cesium Chloride, China Study
• Forks over Knives –Heart Issues •
• Vernon Joshtini, Dr.Otto Warburg
• 8-22-11 Dr. Gupta
• The pH Miracle–R. Young,   Dr. Sanjay Gupta-CNN,   Bill Clinton,   Dr. Essesltyn, Search - donportercancer, Wolf Blitzer's Interview with Bill Clinton, Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dean Ornish - How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease with a Plant-Based Heart Diet, Drs. Esselstyn and Ornish explain on national TV just how a Plant-Based Diet can prevent or reverse heart disease. Bill Clinton’s had past heart issues, noted the Diet’s similarity to an organic strict Plant Based Cancer Diet. Bill Clinton had quadruple bypass surgery to repair blocked arteries after experiencing chest pain. 2-10: Clinton had 2 stents placed in 1 of his previously-treated arteries, after one of his bypass grafts completely closed up. 5-10 The stents fail to prevent further cardiovascular blockages. CAUSE was not corrected. Clinton decides to read the medical literature about preventing/reversing heart disease. Bill discovers that there is only 1 way to do this--a strict PLANT BASED DIET loaded with green leafy vegetables, without meat, chicken, fish, dairy, or oils. Two physician's who are pioneers in this treatment approach are Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn & Dr. Dean Ornish.- Clinton decided to conduct his own personal clinical trial. Dr. E sselstyn- Zero cardiovascular events have occurred in Dr. Esselstyn's original group of 17 compliant patients that he has followed for over the past 25 yrs. Esselstyn continues to work with 100's of other patients who have similar success stories. There is no mortality, no morbidity, no expense from following a plant-based diet--if you eat in a way that makes the cap over your plaque super strong! Like most Americans, Wolf Blitzer didn't seem to understand why bypass surgery or stents cannot cure cardiovascular disease. These procedures only treat emergency blockages. Statins are no guarantee that it won't happen again. Too bad Dr. Esselstyn didn't have a chance to tell Blitzer this: "Some people think the "diet" is extreme. Half a million people a year will have their chests opened up and a vein taken from their leg and sewn onto their coronary artery. Some people would call that extreme." "The elephant in the room when we talk about stents & bypass surgery--those procedures don't protect from new heart attacks. Stents & bypasses are used to treat large arterial blockages don't seek CAUSE- it's IGNORED. . According to many research studies only a small % of heart attacks are caused by the largest build-up of plaque. The rest are caused by the more numerous newer blockages that are far more inflamed and much more likely to rupture than the larger older, more stable plaques. So this is why those procedures don't treat the disease.
Drs. and AMA are treating the symptoms- NOT the Cause A NO HEAL NO CURE AMA policy to Max Revenues. Organic Food is the BEST Medicine. Pay NOW or Drs. Later - Try Farmers Markets. STOP chemicals from entering our bodies and OVERWHELMING OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS & allowing many diseases, EAT a strict ORGANIC Plant Based Diet to Maximize your Health.  
Cancer requires an Acidic environment and can't exist in an oxygen environment. Alkaline or high pH creates oxygen and is fatal to cancer cells.

Also use Herbal Aloe Force Daily

Both VERY Important

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; thus, I have not been formally “miseducated.” I am not certified in medicine; therefore, there is no certificate or diploma disgracing the interior of my home or office and no monument to the biggest revenue generating fraud ever perpetrated on human kind. This Blog/website/Protocol is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, my experiences in beating Stage IV caner, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that I am practicing medicine. A conscious effort has been made to present information on my experiences that are both accurate and truthful. My statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.

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