Friday, December 19, 2014

11 Most Significant Factors Guaranteed To Depress Your Immune System

11 Most Significant Factors Guaranteed To Depress Your Immune System

1. Sugar

Sucrose suppresses the immune system, leads to weight gain and leaches precious minerals from your body. Even in small amounts, sugar is detrimental to your health. Eating or drinking 100 grams (8 tbsp.) of sugar, the equivalent of about two cans of soda, can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by forty percent. The immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts less than thirty minutes after ingestion and may last for five hours. In contrast, the ingestion of complex carbohydrates, or starches, has no effect on the immune system. It plays significant effect on your hormones, throwing your body out of balance and into a state of biochemical chaos. If you eat sugar, morning, noon and night, your body is always in this state of chaos leading to disease. Furthermore, sugar is actually an anti-nutrient, meaning that it leaches nutrients from your body! Because certain nutrients are removed from sugar in the refining process, your body cannot process it. So, it leaches minerals from your body to attach to the refined sugar molecules in order to move the sugar through your body.
2. Lack of Sleep
You may have noticed you’re more likely to catch a cold or other infection when you’re not getting enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can lead to higher levels of a stress hormone. It may also lead to more inflammation in your body. Although researchers aren’t exactly sure how sleep boosts the immune system, it’s clear that getting enough usually at least 7 hours for an adult — is one key for good health. Lack of sleep also effects the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful hydroxyl radical scavenger, and is more than twice as effective as vitamin E at scavenging peroxyl radicals.
3. Vaccines
Contrary to the advice of medical professionals, vaccines hamper the immune system and do not enhance it. Vaccinescontain many chemicals and heavy metals, like mercury and aluminum, which are in-themselves immuno-suppressing. Mercury actually causes changes in the lymphocyte activity and decreases lymphocyte viability. Vaccines also alter our t-cell helper/suppressor ratios … just like those seen with AIDS. This ratio is a key indicator of a proper functioning immune system. They suppress our immunity merely buy over-taxing our immune system with foreign material, heavy metals, pathogens and viruses. The heavy metals slow down our immune system, while the viruses set up shop to grow and divide. It is like being chained and handcuffed before swimming.
4. Drugs

More research on hundreds of different drugs are suggesting that the they increase a person’s susceptibility to infection by crippling immune function. Researchers found that certain people taking antibiotics had reduced levels of cytokines — the hormone messengers of the immune system. Many medications counter the synergistic effects of immune cells which network with tissues and organs that work together to defend the body against disease, infection and viruses. Most medications also contain a high level of specific toxins which inhibit good bacteria in the gut which a prime source of immunity in human beings. Consequently, long-term use is associated with a greater frequency of infections and longer duration’s in those who consume them.
5. Alcohol
Alcohol is known to cause long-term serious consequences for a persons body and mind. Drinking a couple of glasses of wine each day has generally been considered a good way to promote cardiovascular and brain health. But a Rutgers University study indicated that its still a risky behavior that can decrease the making of adult brain cells by as much as 40 percent. Alcohol also impedes the ability of the immune system to fight infection and disease. Excessive alcohol consumption or long term alcohol abuse can lead to immune deficiency in two ways — nutritional deficiency and reducing white blood cells. Alcohol impairs the normal digestion of nutrients due to damage caused to the cells in the digestive tract and by interfering with the secretion of enzymes needed for digestion. Alcohol can also impede the ability of the liver to store important vitamins.
6. Refined Grains
Refined grains, such as white flour, instant rice, enriched pasta, and many types of fast food contain few nutrients and little fiber compared to the natural whole grains they are derived from. Prolonged and excessive consumption of refined grains and highly processed foods containing pesticides, chemical additives, and preservatives can weaken the immune system and make you vulnerable to developing chronic conditions. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria is significantly hampered for up to 5 hours after eating 100 gm of processed foods. Our modern diet of processed foods, takeaways and microwave meals could be to blame for a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, including alopecia, asthma and eczema.
7. Chronic Stress
Mild stress can be a very a good thing for the body. The way we manage, react and deal with stress is the most significant factor in how stress affects our body. Many people ignore stress but it has a major influence on our immune system. Chronic stress — caused by stressful situations or events that last over a long period of time — raises cortisol levels of the body which decreases the production of ‘good’ prostaglandins. Chronic stress can make you more susceptible to colds and the flu, as well as more serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. By practicing stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation and laughter, you can keep your body from going into chronic stress mode.
8. Lack of Vitamin D
When vitamin D binds to specific receptors, it sets off a chain of events by which many toxic pathogens and agentsincluding cancer cells are rendered harmless. However, if there is not enough vitamin D the system can become overwhelmed and disease can develop. It’s one of the reasons that people living closest to the equator have a much lower incidence (or absence) of the common cold and disease in general which generally increase in locations further from the equator. Although vitamin D can be obtained from limited dietary sources, it is the directly exposure from the sun during the spring and summer months where we get the highest amounts of absorbable levels of the sunshine vitamin. Just 30 minutes exposing your torso to the sun in warmer months is equivalent to roughly 10,000 units (UI) of vitamin D.
9. Dehydration
Chronic dehydration can have a variety of different affects on chronic diseases. Some evidence indicates that dehydration may be related to susceptibility to specific cancers. It is vital to maintain a good level of hydration to assist in eliminating byproducts of any illness and help the immune system fight off infection. Dehydration can affect your energy and your sleep, and the ability to get toxins/waste material out of the body.
10. Anxiety and Fear
All negative emotions release something that can affect the functions of the body. Holding negative feelings too long can wear out the immune system and as a result, cortisol levels will increase dramatically. The dangers of modern life have a stranglehold on people’s imaginations. Sociologists call the phenomenon a risk society, describing cultures increasingly preoccupied with threats to safety, both real and perceived, but most definitely imagined. Fear creates a sense of urgency in the body and stimulates the sympathetic system to react. This signals defects causing infections pathogenetic mechanisms. Anxiety and fear influence the entire state of the body, hormonal levels and the way our immune cells are able to defend us.
11. Food Industry Additives and Toxins
Food industry additives and colors are one major cause of ADHD, asthma, cancer and many other disease creating a toxic environment for our health. Every year, food manufacturers pour 15 million pounds of artificial food dyes into U.S. foods — and that amount only factors in eight different varieties, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). In addition to considerations of organ damage, cancer, birth defects, and allergic reactions, mixtures of industry food toxins cause autoimmune disease.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

WW 3 is spreading ----Thx to Obama-Liberals

WW 3 is spreading  ----Thx to Obama-Liberals

To: All interested People -- especially liberals 12-10-2014

A view from a Democrat --- As I commented on over the weekend the war of minorities is expanding in the Middle East.  Eventually it will include Saudi Arabia.  The Sunni and Shiites are majority in one country and minority in another.  The Sunni's have attacked minorities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan.  The Shiites have responded.  Israel is on tenderhooks, as is Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and every other nation that has the potential for religious war.  If its not the Muslims fighting among themselves, its Christians and Muslims fighting each other in Nigeria.  Nigeria is the nation that stands the greatest risk in breaking down into a nation of chronic killing similar to Syria and Iraq.   Thus far hundred of thousands of people in Iraq and Syria have died.  Millions have been misplaced.  Thousands have died in Somila, Nigeria, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya,  and Afghanistan.  Deaths are beginning to increase in other Middle Eastern nations.  The number of Iranian military dying in Syria is increasing.  This war is spreading.  Religious wars have no  boundaries.  People who are psychologically attracted to extremism, will choose either a political or religious theatre.  Currently its an addiction to religious extremism that is creating massive misery for millions around the world.  The only way it can end is for moderates, those not attracted to extremism to decide that enough is enough.  We seem to be a long way from that happening.  If however extremist activity picks up in China, India, Russia, Europe and South and North America, the war will spread rapidly and viciously.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

PH Levels in The Blood Can Cure Cancer, or Be The Cause of It

PH Levels in The Blood Can Cure Cancer, or Be The Cause of It
PH balance
Did you know that science has discovered one definitive cause AND cure of cancer? Acidic blood is the root of cancer cells survival. The disease literally feeds off of the glucose human bodies are ingesting every single day and thriving in the environment we create for it. If our bodies maintain a slightly alkaline environment the cells will die off and your body will be cured of cancer and other potential diseases. Drs prescribe chemotherapy, radiation or heavy drugs to treat cancer. This is counter intuitive, as it adds to the acidity of our body. So while cancer cells might die in the process, healthy cells will die as well and the body is even more susceptible. The most effective and healthy method for eliminating cancer, or potential risk, is diet change.
pH stands for power of hydrogen, it is a scale to rate a substance as either 0-7 (acidic) or 7-14 (alkaline). If your body maintains a pH level of 7.5 or above, cancer literally cannot survive. Cancer is a metabolic disease that manifests through poor diet. Basically, the cells of this disease eat glucose and breathe acid. Glucose is most commonly known as sugar. Most things we eat on a daily basis are actually quite acidic and process in our bodies as glucose. The best way to alkalize your blood is to cut out some of these sugary acidic foods and consume a greater portion of high pH level goods.
If a body is too acidic, the cells are literally incapable of healing themselves. Cancer is not the only disease that can be cured with a more alkaline diet. Most disease that is degenerative such as; diabetes, fibromyalgia, and even arthritis can be healed through healthy eating habits.
 ‘The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.” ~Robert C. Peale

Taking harsh medication never benefits the body long term. Most drugs also raise the pH level in your blood and do not eliminate the need for more drugs. You are doing yourself a disservice by pumping in more chemicals, absorbing more radiation and toxins to try and cure a disease that feeds off of it. It’s disappointing how modern medicine is such an amazing thing, but is still led under so many misconceptions. Stories are popping up everywhere about people who cure their cancer through diet instead of treatment.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

DJP Baking Soda High Alkaline" Protocol

     DJP Baking Soda High Alkaline" Protocol
Oct. 28, 2014 updated
This Cancer resolving, 11 day, Baking Soda treatment, creates a high pH (8+), thereby killing Cancer Cells, & has worked for me for  7+ yrs., as well as many others. What must also be recognized is that Cancer is part of our bodies, and the dead cancer cells must by efficiently rebuilt by your strengthened/enhanced Immune System ! 

 I am not providing medical advice, simply “revealing my experiences & protocol”, resulting in eliminating my Stage IV Metasticised prostate cancer.
Therefore a special non chemical, special Organic Plant Based ALKALINE Diet (Macrobiotic) is important to restore/re-build Your immune system, as Anyone Can !   Seek to Get Alkaline (more oxygen in cells) & change Acidic Cell Environmental that creates Low Oxygen in cells !
I Did  “NO” Chemo, NO Radiation,  few Drugs. We all require 4 mos.  change our blood, so Good diet for 6 mos. minimum. CAUSE of Cancer is OVERWORKED Immune   Function. TOO MANY un-natural Chemicals in Packaged/fast foods!
AVOID Any forms of SUGAR-Eat Organic food-for about1 mo. (Severe cancer do Protocol sooner), then Initiate as follows:
·      1st day- 1 Teaspoon of BS soda with & 1 cup room temp water 2x day (away from meals by 2 hours), 2 Teaspoons of Black Strap molasses (“BSM”) Heat @ “LOW temp in pan for 5 min. STIR a lot to fully combine your sugar & BSM into “YOUR own Trojan Horse”. The molasses/maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15X more glucose than normal cells) & the baking soda, (which is dragged into the cancer cell by the BSM), being very alkaline, creates a rapid shift in pH thereby killing the cancer cells in hrs). We have Trillion of cells. 
·        2nd day–repeat, & "DEEP breathing-30x-3-10x day". OXYGEN KILLS cancer cells
·        3rd day – same  Cancer cells thrive on sugar so when you use molasses/sugar it’s like sending in “your own Trojan horse. The molasses is “not” going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies as the alkaline baking soda (9pH) is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow.
·        4th day – same  2X day goal get to 8.0 - 8.5 pH; hold 4-5 days &  cancer cells dormant @ pH 7.5+ & kills cancer cells @ 7.8-8.6.  My pH was 8.53 on 3rd day with a Saliva + urine test. 
·         5th day - started taking the double solution - 2 tspns BS - 2 Tsps BSM 2X day
·       6th day– repeat 2 Tspns BS 2 Tspn of BSM 1 cup of water 2x a day. My pH measured 8.35. That is what happens with cesium chloride/BS done by Italian Dr. Simoncini, mild nausea is good as it means the dead cancer cells are being discarded by your body. BREATHE DEEPLY - A LOT !
·        7th – All ok - lips tingled- an Oxygen Euphoria from a lots deep breathing. Oxygen assists in killing ALL cancer cells! Also on day 7, increased BS to 2+ Tspns., got a slight headache, backed off to 2 Tspns BS- I was a bit uncomfortable/nervous; had a slight headache, so I reduced it, had slight confusion.
·        8th day – double dose 3x a day to get temporary pH high-could some be health issues with too much BS
·        9th dayA little diarrhea, a little weak feeling, really began to up my potassium intakeAll experts said that high dosage of potassium (also with cesium chloride) is very important. Oxygenation euphoria all day from deep breathing.  KILLING cancer cells most important !   Walk Barefoot on ground
·      10th day - Headache more persistent, body sweats SO-cut back to a solution 2x a day; not 3x.
·         11th day – down to 1.5 Tspns to control headache, bit of loose stools, slight headache & night sweats. I cut back felt overloaded- 8.35 goal achieved & I wanted to maintain pH 8.0+ for 4-5 days. I did & killed ALL cancer - been 7+ years NOW!

NOTE: Take BS solution 2 hrs before or 2 hrs after eating, to give stomach acids time to digest food. Eat HIGH potassium (Take 200mg Potassium) organic foods Watch blood pressure - see Dr. Esselstyn.
 Add the following to regimen:
Calcium-Magnesium 1,200mg - Vit. D3 10,000 iu's - Turmeric - Maitake d-fraction- Potassium 200mg  -Astaxanthin      Sun Chlorella     Herbal ALOE Force    Astralagus      Theracurmin

Seek to maintain ORGANIC Alkaline Diet  to let your Immune System rebuild from MANY years of harmful chemicals, etc, in Pkgd/Fast foods!  Eat brown rice, oats, beans & lots of GREEN veggies,  NO fruit w/cancer. Pay for Organic now or pay Drs. Later. Room temp filtered water & Green teas- Kukicha, Bancha-Hojicha, Dandelion Root, Pu-erh, Turmeric Tea  
Potassium 200+mg day-IMPORTANT. Filtered water also & walk 30 min. daily.
Do 30+ DEEP breaths 6-10X per day–VERY IMPORTANT Oxygen kills cancer cells
Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.2 - 7.45).  A pH below 7.0 is acidic. A pH above 7.4 is alkaline. NO Beer/Wine/Liquor, Drugs, Dairy/Butter, Sugars, Sodas, Table Salt, Pork/Bacon/ Poultry/Beef, Easy/NO fish & related-clams-muscles-lobster, etc. Be good to your immune system - It WILL be good to you with - ORGANIC Alkaline Food        WASH ALL FOOD !   NO Overcooking!
Acidic cells create Cancer environment - Alkaline Environment KILLS cancer cells !
CANCER CURE? 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg, 2X Nobel Prize Winner PROVED that all forms of cancer are characterized by 2 basic conditions:  acidosis & hypoxia (lack of oxygen). “Cancerous tissues are acidic, healthy tissues are alkaline. Cancer can't survive in an alkaline cell or in Oxygen. All people with Cancer have a pH that is too acidic. High pH kills cancer cells !
 99% of terminal cancer victims are 1,000x more acidic than normal.
·         Search - donportercancer
CAUSES- IGNORED. . Drs. & AMA are treating the symptoms- NOT the Cause.  A NO HEAL NO CURE AMA policy to Max Revenues;  Organic Alkaline Food is the BEST Medicine.  Try Farmers Markets.  STOP chemicals from entering our bodies & OVERWHELMING OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS-   Creating ACIDITY, & allowing many diseases, EAT a strict ORGANIC  Alkaline Plant Based Diet to Maximize your Health.  Food is The Best Medicine !  No Pkgd. or Fast Foods. Lots of Deep Breathing.
I discovered -- There is "What we know".  There is "What we don't know".  PROBLEM - There is  "What we don't know, that we don't know".    Throw in opinions, beliefs, points-of-view, attitudes, positions, desire to be right, egos, greed, self serving, sophisticated Brainwashing/Marketing & related - then you have quite a formula for frustration.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor; thus, I have not been formally “miseducated.” I am not certified in medicine; therefore, there is no certificate or diploma disgracing the interior of my home or office and no monument to the biggest revenue generating fraud ever perpetrated on human kind. This Blog/website/Protocol  is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, my experiences in beating Stage IV caner, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that I am practicing medicine. A conscious effort has been made to present information on my experiences that are both accurate and truthful. Much is based on Dr. Otto Warburg. My statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Don Porter 10-11-2014

After reviewing about 8,000+  articles/books/research over several decades, and recent discoveries (including Oriental medicine), regarding the popular telomere-shortening theory of ageing and how we can benefit from some of these findings, combined with Gene Therapy, Lifestyle, and more - Here are a FEW,  HEAVILY shortened summaries.
Keep in mind the following:
·          Dangers of Revenue driven Drug cos. sophisticated dominance in America
·        "No Heal No Cure, Ignore causes"- health system, so as to Max revenues per patient
·        Research in America  MOSTLY funded by Pharmaceutical cos.
·        Most research is designed to benefit existing Drug-poisons - like Chemo
·         Marketing sophistication as, Mine is Best - BUY mine-Protect existing products                                technologies
  Modern Science—A "Full-Blown Enlightenment Malfunction/FRAUD"
The most popular–and feasible–theory of ageing in the fall of 2014 is the telomere shortening theory.
 Telomeres are the protective end-cap segments of chromosomes – similar to the plastic caps on the ends of shoelaces – that guard against its deterioration, or fusion with other chromosomes.  Successive rounds of DNA replication during sequential cell division causes a shortening of the telomeres. As they become increasingly shorter, their structural integrity weakens, and the cells age and die more rapidly. In recent years, shorter telomeres have been associated with a range of ageing-associated diseases including many types of cancer (including head and neck, urinary bladder, renal, lung, esophageal, and colorectal); stroke; vascular dementia; cardiovascular disease; diabetes; osteoporosis; and obesity.
Studies investigating the effects of telomere shortening have found:
·         Ultra-short telomeres are linked with osteoarthritis. 2012 research shows cells from osteoarthritic knees have abnormally shortened telomeres. Further, the percentage of cells with ultra-short telomeres increases close to the damaged area of the joint.
·         Telomeres of peripheral blood cells are significantly shorter in people with familial breast cancer than in the general population, according to 2011 research.
·         A 2012 study linked shortened telomeres to pancreatic cancer.
·        Japanese research published in 2013 found forced elongation of telomeres promotes cancer-cell differentiation, possibly reducing malignancy, which is strongly associated with a loss of cell differentiation. (I STRONGLY prefer oriental studies into enhancing Immune Systems)
·         Clearly, our genes, and our telomeres, are not necessarily our fate.

Major Study - comments by Dr. Dean Ornish, Univ. of CA, San Francisco clinical professor of medicine, founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute.  Ornish was also the lead author of a small pilot study, published online on Sept. 16 2013 in The Lancet Oncology, which showed that changes in diet, exercise, stress management and social support may result in longer telomeres – the first controlled trial to show that any intervention may lengthen telomeres over timeHis comment refers to these findings, which also “indicate that telomeres may lengthen to the degree that people change how they live,” he adds. “Research indicates that longer telomeres are associated with fewer illnesses and longer life.”
Lifestyle changes create longer telomeres
The study followed 35 men with localized, early-stage prostate cancer for 5 years to explore the relationship between lifestyle changes and telomere length and activity. 10 patients embarked on the following lifestyle changes:
·        Consuming a diet high in whole foods, fruits and vegetables, and plant-based proteins, but low in fat and  refined carbohydrates.
·        Performing moderate aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day, six days a week.
·        Managing stress for 1 hour each day with yoga-based stretches, meditation or breathing.
·        Increased social support via weekly support group sessions incorporating moderate exercise, stress
                management, training and counseling.
 The 2nd group of 25 participants was not asked to make major lifestyle changes.
 Comparing the two groups, the researchers found:
- The group that made changes experienced a significant increase in telomere length of approximately 10%
         even though telomere length usually decreases over time.
- Moreover, the more the men changed their behavior by adhering to the recommended lifestyle program,
 the more dramatic their improvements in telomere length.   The telomeres in  men in  control group who made no lifestyle changes were  almost  3%  shorter.
The researchers believe the outcome is likely to be relevant to the general population as they looked at telomeres in the participants’ blood, not their prostate tissue.
Although telomeres shorten with each cell division, dividing cells express a protein complex called telomerase, which synthesizes and elongates telomeres in an almost compensatory action. This study actually followed up to a similar, three-month pilot investigation in 2008 where the same participants were asked to adhere to the same lifestyle program. After 3 months, participants demonstrated significantly increased telomerase activity.
Turmeric and telomeres Research published in July 2014, suggests Curcurmin, the yellow pigment from the spice turmeric, could have the power to maintain and possibly even improve telomere length, and so slow the ageing process.    To test their hypothesis that curcumin could increase telomerase expression and so help to preserve telomere length, researchers investigated curcumin’s effects on telomerase expression in brain cells exposed to beta-amyloid, the prime source of oxidative damage and brain-cell death linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Its effects on cell survival and cell growth were measured, along with intracellular oxidative stress and telomerase expression. Results suggest the brain-protecting effects of curcumin in Alzheimer’s may relate to its influence on telomerase expression. When telomerase expression was inhibited the protective effects produced by curcumin disappeared.  A major issue with curcumin is absorption – and this may be the reason two previous clinical trials failed to find any benefit for the extract, despite considerable experimental evidence of its ability to protect against brain-related damage. For the reason it’s essential to use a brand that offers enhanced absorption, usually through the addition of piperine (black pepper extract).
Product is THERACURMIN   by  THERAVALUES Corp. increases Curcumin absorption 27X.
 Other important factors in telomere shortening
 It should be noted that some other factors are also associated with telomere shortening, including:
- Poor blood sugar control  - Smoking    - Chronic inflammation
Higher vitamin D levels are associated with longer telomeres.
So if these issues exist, it’s essential to deal with them in addition to adopting the lifestyle factors mentioned above – and using curcumin/Theracurmin.  Extensive research into this spice suggests it has the power to counter many health challenges.

Gene engineering, to some, is the most powerful existing tool for life extension. Mutations in certain genes result in up to 10-fold increase in nematode lifespan and in up to 2-fold increase in a mouse life expectancy. Gene therapy represents a unique tool to transfer achievements of gene engineering into medicine. This approach has already been proven successful for treatment of numerous diseases, in particular those of genetic and multigenic nature. More than 2000 clinical trials have been launched to date.    Proposals exist to developing a gene therapy that will radically extend lifespan. Genes that promote longevity of model animals will be used as therapeutic agents. Then manipulate not a single gene, but several aging mechanisms simultaneously. A combination of different approaches may lead to an additive or even a synergistic effect, resulting in a very long life expectancy. For this purpose, an animal will be affected by a set of genes that contribute to longevity. In addition, a gene therapy of all major age-related pathologies will be developed to improve the functioning of individual organs and tissues in old age. As a result, searchers will develop a comprehensive treatment that will not only dramatically extend lifespan, but will also prevent the decrepitude of the body. Experiments will be conducted in old mice.  with the safety assessment of the treatment.

Add Herbal Aloe Force:  aloe vera is the most impressive medicinal herb invented by nature, I don't make that statement lightly. Of all the herbs studied for disease prevention -- aloe vera is the most impressive herb of them all. (Garlic would be a close second, Astralagus likely 3rd.) There is nothing on this planet that offers the amazing variety of healing benefits granted by aloe vera. In a single plant, aloe vera offers potent, natural medicine that:

• Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
• Lowers high cholesterol.
• Repairs "sludge
blood",reverses "sticky blood".
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
• Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
• Protects the body from oxidative stress.
• Prevents kidney stones, protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea.
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders.
• Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
• Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete.
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
• Ends constipation.
• Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
• Prevents and treats candida infections.
• Protects the kidneys from disease.
• Functions as nature's own "sports drink" for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete.
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
• Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.

Actually, there is nothing else that compares to the medicinal potential of aloe vera. Sadly most people only know about the topical applications of aloe vera gel. They think it's only good for sunburns. In reality, aloe vera is useful for both external and internal use.
 Herbal Aloe Force, Organically Grown Unprocessed Whole Raw Aloe Vera
Top of Form
Life-Forcefull Aloe maximizes the biological delivery of it's own profound properties as well as these powerful herbs: The "Essiac" Herbs,
Cat's Claw Herb, Astragalus, Pau d' Arco, Chamomile, Hawthorne Berry
Revolutionary processing makes Herbal Extracts & Whole Leaf Aloe:
·        Uniquely purified, thus finally safe as a daily supplement.
·        Profoundly effective to deliver ALL their inherent health properties.

Add Astragalus Membranaceus from China and Mongolia where the Astragalus root has been used for several thousand years in a variety of herbal mixtures to treat everything from diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, to viral infections, cancer and immune disorders. Chinese Medicine considers astragalus herb to be one of the most important herbal tonics and as such it is valued for its ability to strengthen the primary energy of the body which we know as the immune system, as well as the metabolic, respiratory and eliminative functions.  This fact is being increasingly substantiated by western research. Astragalus first appeared in the west in the1800's, used by herbalists as a tonic and an ingredient in many herbal remedies. But it wasn't until the 1970's when research began to confirm it's abilities to stimulate the immune system and fight viruses and bacteria, subdue inflammation and protect the liver that it was brought it into popular use in the alternative medicine markets. There is evidence that this herb has far-reaching effects on the over all functioning and balance of the body, normalizing body functions and regenerating tissues.

Scientific study of cellular aging took an exciting turn when it was discovered in animal and human trials that an astragaloside compound derived from Astragalus membraneceus, a root used widely in traditional Chinese medicine, promotes telomerase activity and therefore lengthens telomeres.

Add Herbal Aloe Force as a SIGNIFICANT health and Immune System builder.  Aloe Vera Juice, Herbal Aloe Force, Organically Grown Unprocessed Whole Raw Aloe Vera - with these powerful herbs: The "Essiac" Herbs, Cat's Claw Herb, Astragalus, Pau d' Arco, Chamomile, Hawthorne Berry
Science of Our Human Health in the Grip of Powerful Hidden Political -Drug cos. AMA Forces   Many Articles make a strong cases for the idea that our health science is "in the grip of hidden political forces." article, "Expert" Detractors on California Prop 37 are Shills for Big Biotech. Reveals how for-profit corporations hire "3rd party experts" to bring their message to you, especially through the media.     This, is a commonly used form of propaganda, perfected by the tobacco industry, now used by the Drug pushers and AMA. It's nothing but advertising masquerading as "information," or worse, as "independently-verified evidence." In essence, it's a hidden form of social control, where the opinion of the masses is steered by industry- and/or government forces.  Maximizing Revenues/Profits are the Game.  America has a DISGUSTING health record as compared to rest of world !
As an example of what we're talking about here, take a look at cancer research. While a lot of research money is funneled into genetic research, virtually nothing is spent on determining the extent to which our food and environment triggers the disease. As stated earlier, your genes will express or suppress genetic data depending on the environment in which it finds itself, meaning the presence or absence of appropriate nutrients, toxins, and even your thoughts and feelings, which unleash hormones and other chemicals in your body. Research into the health of our ancient ancestors4 also suggests that cancer is indeed a manmade disease, in large part caused by environmental factors such as: OUR Immune System is our POWER, therefore ignored in America
Some Cancer causes IGNORED !
Pesticide- and other synthetic chemical exposures, also in foods
A predominance of sugars and grains which causes the body to burn sugar rather than fat as its primary fuel
Wireless technologies, dirty electricity, and medical diagnostic radiation exposure
Pharmaceutical drugs
Obesity, stress,  poor sleeping habits, packaged foods
Lack of sunshine exposure and use of sunscreens, along with exercise
50 Industry Groups Form a New Alliance to Manipulate Public Opinion
50 front groups, working on behalf of food and biotechnology trade groups―Monsanto being the most prominent― formed a coalition called Alliance to Feed the Future. This alliance, which is being coordinated by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), was ostensibly created to "balance the public dialogue" on modern agriculture and large-scale food production and technology, i.e. this group will aim to become the go-to source for "real" information about the junk being sold as "food."
However, the groups comprising this new alliance actually represent multi-national food companies, biotech industry, and chemical cos that generate hundreds of billions of dollars worth of revenue from food related sales every year. This hardly makes them a reliable source of independent information, yet unless the public becomes widely aware of this ruse to confuse them, they will likely succeed in their mission to manipulate public opinion about food.

There is a MAJOR research, clinical studies, International effort to Enhance the use of Stem Cell technology, Telomere lengthening and all related to Heal injuries/illnesses and improve longevity.  There is MUCH to be learned, however what we do know is this: there are certain supplements—multivitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, Astralagus, green tea extract—that are associated with longer telomere length. And while it is still too soon to know if these supplements actually promote telomerase activity, we do know that individuals who consume these supplements have longer telomeres.  Following these efforts for several years has seen meaningful strides. 
·        Organic foods (Diet Alkaline) still are #1
·        DEEP breathing is likely #2
·        Quality exercise likely #3
·        Minimize stress likely #4
In America, where the so called medical system DOES NOT seek to ENHANCE our immune systems, rather they TREAT health issues - NEVER HEAL or CURE,  or seek CAUSES, as that would destroy revenues.  They allow disgusting adulteration of foods with chemicals, gross overuse of drugs (Drug pushers), even ignore the use Drugs (Antibiotics) in farming and animal production.  Therefore adding some herbs,  acupuncture, Theracurimin, Astralagus,  Meditation/Yoga, etc., as noted above is valid.

Do NOT be Acidic - Acidic cell environment will likely cause knee & hip replacements - plus other negative health conditions !

Oriental medicine has ALWAYS been grounded in, "seeking to ENHANCE the Immune Systems functioning" - I seek to closely follow trends in China, Japan, top University's, etal.