Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to have EXCEPTIONAL Health and Beat Cancer along with other Illnesses/Diseases

How to have EXCEPTIONAL Health and Beat Cancer along with other Illnesses/Diseases

The NORMAL revenue driven medical research is very slanted towards profits, therefore is uninterested/blinded into looking to how 'drugs/science' can create growth for Profit... yet, right here on Earth - Nature has already made for us the best source of 'anti-aging' and 'growth' with its living Aloe Vera Plant. We have the fuel - made by Nature - that fuels our macrophages which produce growth factor which also orchestrates our growth and health from day one. Macrophages fuel the production of the physical manifestation of genes, of telemeres of stem cells - from day one! And now we have the only source that fuels our macrophages - the living ALOE plant.

So instead of 'turning off the aging genes' we can now fuel the growth cells and systems = the Truth of anti-aging is 'growth'....HOWEVER - there is limited revenue or profits from ALOE !

Following my success in Beating/Curing my Stage IV Metasticized 2007 Prostate Cancer, investing 14,000+ hours researching strategies that empowered our Immune Systems to beat off diseases and illnesses, I found that CATEGORICALLY ORGANIC FOOD IS THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD 

In addition, the reality of the ALOE Plant as likely the MOST empowering/healing/benefitting Plant on earth.

Why do we ALL not know this ?  An item called marketing driven product growth created by a POWERFUL desire for wealth/revenue/stock and option prices, etc. and badly distorts most reality. Remember a place called Washington, DC, Lobbyists, Super Bowl Ads, Fast Food Chains, Wal-Mart, Made in China, BIG Government, Growth in Entitlements, etc.

Aloe is NOT a good revenue or profit item !

Major food cos. make their foods to- Look Good, Smell Good, Taste Good, Be Addictive and LAST a LONG TIME - ALL done with Chemicals that are Un-Natural to our Immune System ! Marketing is ALSO- Brainwashing, Exaggeration, Half Truths, Lies, "Bye Mine" It is the BEST !

For the sake of Brevity here are some valuable supporting tools:

·         Anthony J. Sattilaro, M.D., was president of Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia when he was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer that had spread to his ribs, bones, brain, right shoulder, & testicles. He was operated on & given the usual AMA poisons, incl . 3 operations in 3 weeks.  He became perhaps the most famous advocate for the use of diet against cancer. In his best-selling book “Recalled by Life”, he told how he adopted a low-fat, Macrobiotic diet and far outlived (11 years) the grave prognosis he had been given. The diet he followed is called "Macrobiotic" which is drawn from the best elements of a traditional Asian diet, including generous amounts of rice, whole grains, vegetables, beans, & nuts, . NO –oil, sugar, flour, fish, fruit, and All organic.    Our immune systems are overwhelmed by the chemicals/preservatives (poisons), pesticides, growth hormones, etc. overly used to extend shelf life, make food look/taste & smell good & create revenues from packaged foods. We are the sickest country due to the money driven monopolistic FDA, Pharmaceutical cos., AMA, it’s MD’s ignoring chemicalized diets as “the cause of most illness & diseases” & MD's staggering abuse of drugs. This vile & parasitic medical establishment has sickened, maimed, & killed hundreds of millions of people while building a MASSIVE health care industry of ongoing poor health, chemical/pkgd. diets, with a strong overweight public component.

·         Highlights - “Confession of a Kamikaze Cowboy” by Dirk BenedictOf the A-Team, Battestar Galactica, Charlie’s Angels, etc.

·         Dirk’s “Old” Eating habits: Deer, Elk, Beef, Lamb, dairy, eggs, soda, poultry, sugar, chocolate, alcohol, honey, all flour products, coffee, all oils including unsaturated vegetable oils, salt, junk food, many chemicalized foods resulted in; a diagnosis of Serious Prostate Cancer !

·         Dirk went to Michio Kushi’s (Macrobiotic counselor) 5 room cabin in his Northeastern NH retreat in June 1975, 38 years ago, & beat his cancer with a Plant Based Macrobiotic Diet with:

  • No: TV-Radio-Telephone-Books just Dirks typewriter & paper.
  • Adjacent to Loch Lake – 1 mile long ½ mile wide in a builder’s collapsed community (Loch Lake Colony) or ghost town. Quiet place for a 30 year old TV actor with Prostate Cancer
  • A Major Transformation occurred.
  • Here is a BRIEF recap:
·         Breakfast: Oatmeal, Light miso soup with wakame

·         Lunch: Brown rice, lightly sautéed veggies, aduki or black beans cooked long & slowly with various kinds of seaweed added.

·         Dinner: Same as Lunch (lunch was leftovers from Dinner. ALL cooked in heavy iron pots.  Got veggies from surrounding area, concentrated on Dandelion & Roots sautéed in sesame oil, & a ginger compress.

  • Stopped thinking did meditation – nothing else to do.
  • Hours of walking - alone ! Found food as living things.
  • Found out in the walking in rain without his clothes that Life was special ! His new Baptism, Re-Birth  Started wearing less & less no one there nothing would fit lost 23 lbs in 6 weeks down to 152
  • We all have cravings (chemically induced & maintained) by a premeditated medical revenue driven system, run for profits, NOT health.  ENORMOUS research into addicting us so that we “HAVE” to consume Packaged chemically laden products (with minimum nutrition) that create revenue for the Medical system.  One heck of a business formula for decades. Dirk strongly condemns the American medical system !
  • Ignored wild strawberries – just got on hands & knees & smelled them  --- Commitment
  • Went thru a powerful & lonely experience – self exam-renewal-rebirth & the “Old” Dirk Benedict died &  a new one emerged  His new rule #1 - eat to live
  • Dirk got older & felt younger  Upon return his Mom asked “who was this 18 year old gal knocking on her door” (no haircut for months)   Many asked if he was ok.?
  • A-Team had a problem  - Call from Dr. on his new pre-shooting  physical  call ASAP – Ins. Co. had problem – as reports “now” were exceptional & glowing – Ins. Co does not insure anyone with cancer.
  • Weight now 132 now a total of 43 lbs. lost years later
  • Kushi’s cabin was easy “no temptations” -  in real world not so easy – he found out “how far out he was” – he couldn’t find his new foods   Met  Kushi who was thrilled – “another example of the healing power of whole foods, Mother Nature & “committed good behavior”.
·         Difference between Dirk & I is that I learned about high pH & had Verne, Varona,  Dr. Zhao,  Dr. Esselstyn & many others.  He only had Kushi. I was in NC @ 4,000 feet next to a lake Dirk was in the mountains of NH , next to a lake, many years ago.

·        Dirk Benedict’s Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy lives again.    The Internet is a wonderful thing. In the UK, Dirk Benedict - better known as Faceman from the A-Team & Starbuck in the 1970s version of Battlestar Galactica - turns up on a major reality TV show called Celebrity Big Brother.  Along with other celebrities looking for another 15 mins. in the limelight, he is filmed 24 hours a day & Britain is obsessed with the show.  Now, Dirk wrote a book back in 1987 called Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy about how he was diagnosed with cancer but cured himself by adopting a macrobiotic diet.


Her body ravaged by 2ndary progressive multiple sclerosis, Dr. Terry Wahls spent nearly 4 years dependent upon a tilt-recline wheelchair.

The above photographs reveal the remarkable changes which occurred between 2007 and 2009.  One year after beginning the intensive directed --"Plant Based Organic Diet"  nutrition & neuromuscular electrical stimulation interventions which she designed, Dr. Wahls was able to complete an 18 miles bicycle tour. The following year she completed a trail ride in the Canadian Rockies.  Anyone can replicate her wonderful accomplishments

Dr. Wahls is a clinical Professor of Medicine at the Univ. of Iowa where she sees teaches residents and medical students in primary care and traumatic brain injury clinics. She also conducts clinical research and has over a hundred abstracts, oral presentations and publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and meetings. Dr. Wahls is the process of conducting a clinical trials testing the efficacy of intensive, directed nutrition and neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the setting of secondary and primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

She is also committed to helping the public learn about the connection between the foods we eat and the health we have, or do not have. Her Food as Medicine lecture series has transformed the lives of thousands. Terry lives in Iowa City with her spouse, Jackie, and has 2 children.

The Above is a TINY example of what is Possible with Organic Foods & Quality Aloe !

My favorite single product with the widest beneficial applications is Herbal Aloe Force, that I Investigated Thoroughly !


Thanks for your dedication to the Truth and Seeking out Natural Healing and Curing methods with Plants & Organic Food!

Don Porter
ps: For more info see 4 blogs - donportercancer

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