Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Widely recommended simple NATURAL methods for quality health, beating cancer and Lengthen DNA Telomeres For A Longer Life

Having spent many years researching Overall Health, Curing Cancer, and "lengthening Telomeres" here are some widely recommended logical simple methods!  13+ nutrients, below in the order that many scientific studies demonstrate that  they have an important role to play (Dr. Mercola and MANY others are copied/quoted here)    
   2-4-2015       by Don Porter
1. Vitamin D
In one study of more than 2,000 women, those with higher vitamin D levels were found to have fewer aging-related changes in their DNA, as well as lowered inflammatory responsesiii. Women with higher levels of vitamin D are more likely to have longer telomeres, and vice versa. This means that people with higher levels of vitamin D may actually age more slowly than people with lower levels of vit D. Your leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is a predictor for aging related diseases. As you age, your LTL's become shorter, but, if you suffer from chronic inflammation, your telomeres decrease in length much faster, because your body's inflammatory response accelerates leukocyte turnover. Your vit. D concentrations also decrease with age, whereas your C-reactive protein (a mediator of inflammation) increases. This inverse double-whammy increases your overall risk of developing autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The good news is that vit D is a potent inhibitor of your body's inflammatory response, and by reducing inflammation, you diminish your turnover of leukocytes, effectively creating a positive chain reaction that can help protect you against a variety of diseases. In essence, it protects your body from the deterioration of aging. Researchers have found that subsets of leukocytes have receptors for the active form of vit D (D3), which allows the vitamin to have a direct effect on these cells. This may also explain the specific connection between vit D and autoimmune disease. The absolute best way to optimize your vit D levels would be through safe sun exposure. Many will not be able to implement this recommendation due to lifestyle constraints, but  feel I would be slanted if I did not emphasize how superior photo vit D is compared to oral. So for those who are able to find the times exposing your skin to the sun will actually produce vit D  max.
2. Astaxanthin (derived from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis)
In the 2009 study on multivitamin use and telomere length, longer telomeres were also associated with the use of antioxidant formulasiv. According to the authors, telomeres are particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress. Additionally, inflammation induces oxidative stress and lowers the activity of telomerase (again, that's the enzyme responsible for maintaining your telomeres). Astaxanthin has emerged as one of the most potent and beneficial antioxidants currently known, with potent anti-inflammatory and DNA-protective capabilities. Research has even shown that it can protect against DNA damage induced by gamma radiationv. It has a number of unique features that make it stand out from the crowd.  For example, it is by far the most powerful carotenoid antioxidant when it comes to free radical scavenging: astaxanthin is 65X more powerful than vitamin C, 54X more powerful than beta-carotene, and 14X more powerful than vitamin E.. It's also far more effective than other carotenoids at "singlet oxygen quenching," which is a particular type of oxidation. It is 550X more powerful than vitamin E, and 11X more powerful than beta-carotene at neutralizing singlet oxygen. Astaxanthin crosses both your blood-brain barrier AND your blood-retinal barrier (beta carotene and lycopene do not), which brings antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection to your eyes, brain and central nervous system. Another feature that separates astaxanthin from other carotenoids is that it cannot function as a pro-oxidant. Many antioxidants will act as pro-oxidants (meaning they start to cause rather than combat oxidation) when present in your tissues in sufficient concentrations. This is why you don't want to go overboard taking too many antioxidant supplements like beta-carotene, for example. Astaxanthin, on the other hand, does not function as a pro-oxidant, even when present in high amounts, which makes it highly beneficial.  Lastly, one of its most profound features is its unique ability to protect the entire cell from damage—both the water-soluble part and the fat-soluble portion of the cell. Other antioxidants affect just one or the other. This is due to astaxanthin's unique physical characteristics that allow it to reside within the cell membrane will also protecting the inside of the cell. To learn more about astaxanthin, please listen to the following interview with Dr. Robert Corish.
3. Herbal Aloe Force   I consider this Aloe, possibly the best in the world !
The Original Herbal Aloe Force Aloe Vera Juice formulation is Herbal Answer for Health Made Simple
Our Life-Force full Aloe maximizes the biological delivery of it's own profound properties as well as these powerful herbsThe "Essiac" Herbs, Cat's Claw Herb, Astragalus, Pau d' Arco, Chamomile, Hawthorne Berry actual contents ALL - (Aloe Vera Leaf, Cat's Claw Bark Extract, Chamomile Flowers Extract, Burdock Root Extract, Hawthorn Berry Extract, Astragalus Root Extract, Sheep Sorrel Herb Extract, Pau d' Arco Bark Extract, Slippery Elm Bark Extract, Rhubarb Root Extract
Revolutionary processing makes our Herbal Extracts & Whole Leaf Aloe:
  Uniquely purified, thus finally safe as a daily supplement.   Profoundly effective to deliver ALL their inherent health properties.
 Finally, we can experience The Full Promise - of these legendary plants because we protect Nature's Sacred Designs for Life & Health.
Herbal Answers Promise - We offer the Whole Truth of our Aloe processing, If Herbal Aloe Force is not all that we say it is we will offer a full manufacturers refund.
Original Health with Original Designs Created & Designed by Nature Protected & delivered by Bio-Protected Processing      Promotes Optimal Functioningand Health Especially for:
  Digestive/Gastrointestinal   Elimination/Purification/Detox(liver, skin & colon)   The Immune Systems
Not a Laxative - Naturally promotes
  Balanced bowel functioning   Gastrointestinal Health & Comfort     Increased absorption
  Purification/Detox & Cleansing - cellular level throughout all the systems & tissues in the body.
Original Health - Made Simple Herbal Aloe Force Re-Natures
the cells, tissues, glands, organs and all systems of the body to function asoriginally designed.
Protecting the "Structure" & "Life Force" provides     Maximum Biological Activity, Bio-Availability & Effectiveness.  Bio-Protected Processing Guarantee   Raw, Uncooked, Never Heated
No Heat is ever applied at any time in any part of the aloe processing. Stabilized and purified without even experiencing room temperatures above 90° F (always below body temp.)
No Water added or removed. Never concentrated, diluted or dried. Nature's original design, balance, proportions and synergy are protected and delivered.
Not a laxative, Non-Toxic    No Contraindications Aloin completely removed from the whole leaf & inner gel of the Aloe Barbadensis-Miller to less than/equal to 1ppm with NO damaging filtering.
Bio-Protected Herbal Extraction
Uniquely Pure, Safe & Effective     No damaging heat is ever used
No alcohol or any harsh solvents    Unique Herbal Delivery System
Our Bio-Protected Aloe is the extracting agent. Our unique process actually incorporates the herbs with the Aloe. This makes Herbal Aloe Force a profoundly pure and effective Herbal Delivery System.
Processed to deliver the full range of all naturally occurring constituents including the fragile enzymes and large polysaccharides (betaglucomannans)  Suggested Usage: As a Daily, Dietary Supplement:
Usage will always vary & fluctuate according to your health needs. From 1/2 to 4 oz., 2-5X day or as needed.
Refrigerate after opening Herbal Aloe Force is 96% Aloe and 4% Herbs (colloidal silver 2ppm; 0.1% mineral salt as preservative)
Important Info
If the digestive system is not working properly, it begins wrecking havoc on itself and all other systems of the body. An overworked digestive system can lead to acid production and dysfunction, as well, it can inhibit enzyme production. Scientific and clinical research has demonstrated many ways in which aloe can provide soothing comfort internally, enhance healthy functioning, acid balance, pH balance, and regenerate the tissues and organs of the gastrointestinal system.
Soothing Irritation and Inflamation
In addition to containing naturally occurring pain relieving constituents, fresh aloe vera is profoundly anti-inflammatory. Studies conducted with fresh aloe vera by Dr.Robert Davis, (as reported in his book Aloe Vera: A Scientific Approach Vantage Press 1997) demonstrate this benefit in 3 profound ways: The aloe plant contains naturally occurring plant sterols that act similarly to synthetic steroids in blocking inflammation; fresh aloe’s largest polysaccharides enhance the immune cells inflammation control mechanisms; other size polysaccharides block the inflammation repsonse directly.
Tissue Regenerating
Dr. Davis also demonstrated how aloe vera is tissue regenerating in 3 different ways. The large polysacchardes, unique to fresh, raw aloe vera, have been demonstrated to stimulate the release of growth factor by the immune cells thus stimulating new tissue production. A different size polysaccharide in aloe directly stimulates the tissue production cells to produce new tissue. And thirdly, whole aloe contains plant growth factors that act like human growth factor to stimulate the regeneration of tissue. This important property of aloe is most responsible for enhancing the body’s regeneration of the acid balancing function in the digestive system and promotion healthy lining of the gastrointestinal system.
Immune Enhancing
Dr Davis’ work (as well as others) has shown that constituents in fresh aloe can directly enhance the immune cell function up to ten times greater than normal. This helps to ‘clean up’ the digestive and elimination systems. The immune cells can now gobble up to 10 times more unwanted yeast, fungus and undigested food when enhanced by the aloe. The enhanced immune system also enhances tissue regeneration and repair where needed to restore optimum functioning. Thus, drinking aloe vera can provide these profound anti- inflammatory properties soothing irritated tissues throughout the gastrointestinal system, while providing comfort. At the same time, aloe provides properties that promote the body’s own healing. Dr. Davis comments that having something that does both these things at this same time is “awe inspiring” as all anti-inflammatory drugs also inhibit tissue regeneration.
Nutrition Absorption
Healthy tissue linings are important for proper absorption of digested nutrients. In addition to promoting healthy tissues, aloe vera is known as the most penetrating substance on earth. It catapults itself into cells 5 times more easily than water bringing nutrients into cells and encouraging the outflow of toxic waste. Dr Davis has done research demonstrating aloe’s profound penetration properties as a biological vehicle. He has shown that aloe carries other substances into cells. Thus, the aloe can help the absorption of nutrients by improving complete digestion of foods into absorbable nutrients, improving the tissues to allow for absorption.
Many alternative health practitioners have reported great success with their patients drinking aloe vera juice with every kind of digestive and gastrointestinal dysfunction from acid reflux to leaky gut to crohn's and including ulcers of all types as well as ulcerative colitis, IBS, etc. (as reported in Aloe Vera and the Human Digestive System by Dr. Lawrence Plaskett, PhD). They report increased energy, immune function, and comfort from their newly balanced and functioning digestive and elimination systems.
Financial constraints for large scale studies of natural remedies has kept aloe vera use from being widely known in the mainstream medical profession for its healing potential. In addition, in the case of aloe vera, damaging processing and compromised forms of aloe being marketed has also kept the full range of its healing properties from public awareness and usage.
A study by Dr. Jerff Bland,
The Effect of Orally Consumed Aloe Vera Juice on Gastrointestinal Function, published in Preventive Medicine, March/April 1985, demonstrated very favorable effects upon a number of gastrointestinal parameters: balance of stomach acids, pH, complete digestion and flora balance. Healthy acid production and shut down is crucial to providing the right environment in the stomach for complete digestion, especially of proteins. A healthy digestive system is also more efficient at killing bacteria as they enter the body. Aloe vera has been shown to contain many digestive enzymes as well as proteolytic enzymes (that help break down built up debris).
Aloe’s use as a natural whole, raw, alkalizing food can be a significant digestive ‘answer’ to promote healing and comfort, and to restore and maintain the proper acid, enzyme, and bacteria balance. Its many benefits as an aide for healthy functioning and complete digestion and for enhanced nutritional absorption are finally available to us.

4. Ubiquinol (CoQ10)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is the fifth most popular supplement in the United States, taken by about 53% of Americans, according to a 2010 survey by ConsumerLab.comvii. This is a good thing as one in every four Americans over 45 is taking a statin and every single one of these individuals needs to be taking it.  CoQ10 is used by every cell in your body. In fact, it is so important for your body's daily functions that it is also known as "ubiquinone" because it's 'ubiquitous' in the human body.What you may not know, however, is that to benefit from the form of the nutrient needed to produce cellular energy and help you reduce the typical signs of aging, your body must convert the ubiquinone to the reduced form, called ubiquinol -- and research is showing that this reduced form may actually be superior for your health in a number of ways. If you're under 25 years old your body is capable of converting CoQ10 from the oxidized to the reduced form. However, if you're older, your body becomes more and more challenged to convert the oxidized CoQ10 to ubiquinol.  Premature aging is one primary side effect of having too little CoQ10 because this essential vitamin recycles other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E. CoQ10 deficiency also accelerates DNA damage, and because CoQ10 is beneficial to heart health and muscle function this depletion leads to fatigue, muscle weakness, soreness and eventually heart failure.  In an interview with Dr. Stephen Sinatra, he recounts an experiment from the mid-90's on aging rats. The average lifespan of a rat is two years. Rats given CoQ10, at the end of their life, had more energy, better coats, and better appetites, compared to the rats that did not get CoQ10. The supplement basically had a potent anti-aging effect, in the sense it maintained youthfulness until the very end of their life. In terms of life extension, the effect was minimal. Dr. Sinatra also conducted his own research and found that CoQ10 given to both younger and older mice resulted in increased energy and vigor. Older mice traveled through mazes quicker, they had better memory, and had more locomotor activity than those who did not get CoQ10. So CoQ10 definitely appears to improve the quality of life, even if it may not significantly increase longevity per say. For more information and dosage recommendations, please see this previous CoQ10article.
5. Fermented Foods / Probiotics
It's quite clear that eating a diet consisting of high amounts of processed foods will shorten your life, yet 90 percent of the money Americans spend on food is spent on processed food, and the number one source of calories in the US comes from high fructose corn syrup – a staple ingredient in nearly all processed foods, from frozen dinners, to condiments, snacks, and soda. Researchers have even discovered that genetic mutations and malfunctions that cause disease are created in future generations when highly processed and artificial foods are consumed!  Part of the problem is that these processed, sugar- and chemical-laden foods effectively destroy your intestinal microflora. Your gut flora has incredible power over your immune system, which, of course, is your body's natural defense system. Antibiotics, stress, artificial sweeteners, chlorinated water and many other factors can also reduce the amount of probiotics (beneficial bacteria) in your gut, which can predispose you to illness and premature aging. Ideally, you'll want to make traditionally cultured and fermented foods a staple in your daily diet.   You can use a probiotic supplement, but getting your probiotics from food is definitely better as you can consume far more beneficial bacteria, in many cases up to 100X more. Fermented vegetables are an excellent alternative as they are both delicious and simple to make.
6. Krill Oil
According to Dr. William Harris, an expert on omega-3 fats, those who have an omega-3 index of less than four percent age much faster than those with indexes above eight percent. Therefore, your omega-3 index may also be an effective marker of your rate of aging. According to Dr. Harris' research, omega-3 fats appear to play a role in activating telomerase, which, again, has been shown to be able to actually reverse telomere shortening.  Although this research is preliminary, I would suggest that optimizing your omega-3 levels above 8% would be a good strategy if you're interested in delaying aging. (Your doctor can order the omega-3 index test from a lab called Health Diagnostic Laboratory in Richmond, VA.) After all, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by doing so, since omega-3 has proven to be extremely important for your health in so many respects.  A favorite animal-based omega-3 is krill oil, as it has a number of benefits not found in other omega-3 supplements such as fish oil. Aside from higher potential for contamination, fish oil supplements also have a higher risk of suffering oxidation damage and becoming rancid. Dr. Rudi Moerck has discussed these risks at great length in a previous interview. Krill oil also contains naturally-occurring astaxanthin, which makes it nearly 200X more resistant to oxidative damage compared to fish oil. Additionally, according to Dr. Harris' research, krill oil is also more potent gram for gram, as its absorption rate is much higher than fish oil. You get somewhere between 25- 50% more omega-3 per milligram when you take krill oil compared to fish oil, hence you don't need to take as much.
7. Vitamin K2
Vitamin K may very well be "the next vitamin D" as research continues to illuminate a growing number of benefits to your health. While most people get enough vitamin K from their diets to maintain adequate blood clotting, they're NOT enough to offer protection against more serious health problems. For ex., research over the past few years suggest that vitamin K2 can provide substantial protection from prostate cancer, which is one of the leading causes of cancer among men in the USA. And research results are similarly encouraging for the benefits of vit K to your cardiac health: In 2004, the Rotterdam Study, which was the first study demonstrating the beneficial effect of vit K2, showed that people who consume 45 mcg of K2 daily live 7 years longer than people getting 12 mcg per day.  In a subsequent study called the Prospect Studyx, 16,000 people were followed for 10 years. Researchers found that each additional 10 mcg of K2 in the diet results in 9% fewer cardiac events. K2 is present in fermented foods, particularly cheese and the Japanese food natto, which is by far the richest source of K2.
8. Magnesium
According to the featured research, magnesium also plays an important role in DNA replication, repair, and RNA synthesis, and dietary magnesium has been shown to positively correlate with increased telomere length in women. Other research has shown that long term deficiency leads to telomere shortening in rats and cell cultures. It appears the lack of magnesium ions has a negative influence on genome integrity. Insufficient amounts of magnesium also reduce your body's ability to repair damaged DNA, and can induce chromosomal abnormalities. According to the authors, it's reasonable to hypothesize that "magnesium influences telomere length by affecting DNA integrity and repair, in addition to its potential role in oxidative stress and inflammation."
9. Polyphenols
Polyphenols are potent antioxidant compounds in plant foods, many of which have been linked to anti-aging benefits and disease reduction. Here are but a few examples of these potent antioxidant compounds:
·                     Grapes (resveratrol) — Resveratrol deeply penetrates the center of your cell's nucleus, giving your DNA time to repair free radical damage. Research dating back to 2003 showed that resveratrol, a powerful polyphenol and anti-fungal chemical, was able to increase the lifespan of yeast cells. The findings showed that resveratrol could activate a gene called sirtuin1, which is also activated during calorie restriction in various species. Since then studies in nematode worms, fruit flies, fish, mice, and human cells have linked resveratrol to longer lives. Resveratrol is found in grapes, and there are numerous products on the market containing resveratrol. I recommend looking for one made from Muscadine grapes, and that uses WHOLE grape skins and seeds, as this is where many of the benefits are concentrated.
·                     Cacao — Quite a few studies have confirmed the potent antioxidant properties, and subsequent health benefits, of raw cocoa powder. Dark, organic, unprocessed chocolate has been found to benefit your glucose metabolism (diabetic control), blood pressure, and cardiovascular health.
Green tea — Polyphenols in tea, which include EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) and many others, have been found to offer protection against many types of cancer. The polyphenols in green tea may constitute up to 30 percent of the dry leaf weight, so, when you drink a cup of green tea, you're drinking a fairly potent solution of healthy tea polyphenols. Green tea is the least processed kind of tea, so it also contains the highest amounts of EGCG of all tea varieties. Keep in mind, however, that many green teas have been oxidized, and this process may take away many of its valuable properties. The easiest sign to look for when evaluating a green tea's quality is its color: if your green tea is brown rather than green, it's likely been oxidized. A favorite of some is matcha green tea because it contains the entire ground tea leaf, and can contain over 100X the EGCG provided from regular brewed green tea.
 How Drinking Green Tea Can Kill Cancer Cells, Penn State University Study   2/3/2015
Green Tea Ingredient May Target Protein To Kill Oral Cancer Cells 
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- A compound found in green tea may trigger a cycle that kills oral cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone, according to Penn State food scientists. The research could lead to treatments for oral cancer, as well as other types of cancer.   Earlier studies had shown that epigallocatechin-3-gallate -- EGCG -- a compound found in green tea, killed oral cancer cells without harming normal cells, but researchers did not understand the reasons for its ability to target the cancer cells, said Joshua Lambert, associate professor of food science and co-director of Penn State's Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health . The current study shows that EGCG may trigger a process in the mitochondria that leads to cell death. 
"EGCG is doing something to damage the mitochondria and that mitochondrial damage sets up a cycle causing more damage and it spirals out, until the cell undergoes programmed cell death," said Lambert. "It looks like EGCG causes the formation of reactive oxygen species in cancer cells, which damages the mitochondria, and the mitochondria responds by making more reactive oxygen species."  As this mitochondrial demise continues, the cancer cell also reduces the expression of anti-oxidant genes, further lowering its defenses. "So, it's turning off its mechanism of protection at the same time that EGCG is causing this oxidative stress," Lambert added. The EGCG did not cause this reaction in normal cells. In fact, it appeared to increase the protective capabilities of the cell, according to the researchers, who report their findings in the online issue of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.    The researchers studied normal human oral cells side-by-side with human oral cancer cells to determine how EGCG was affecting cancer cells differently than normal cells. They grew the normal and cancer cells on petri dishes and then exposed them to EGCG, the major polyphenol found in green tea, at concentrations typically found in the saliva after chewing green-tea chewing gum. At various times, the researchers would collect the cells and check for oxidative stress and signs of antioxidant response. "We also took a lot of pictures, so we could use fluorescent dyes that measure mitochondrial function and oxidative stress and actually see these things develop," said Lambert, who worked with Jong-Yung Park, a research technician and Ling Tao, a doctoral candidate in food science.   The researchers said that a protein called sirtuin 3 -- SIRT3 -- is critical to the process. "It plays an important role in mitochondrial function and in anti-oxidant response in lots of tissues in the body, so the idea that EGCG might selectively affect the activity of sirtuin 3 in cancer cells -- to turn it off -- and in normal cells -- to turn it on -- is probably applicable in multiple kinds of cancers," Lambert said.  The study builds on earlier research on how EGCG affected oral cancer, a disease that is expected to kill more than 8,000 people in the United States this year.  "We've published one paper previously just looking at the effect of these green tea polyphenols on oral cancer cells in cultures, and there have been other papers published using oral cancer cells and at least a couple of animal model studies that have looked at oral cancer and prevention of oral cancer," said Lambert.   He said the next step would be to study the mechanism in animals. If those tests and human trials are successful, the researchers then hope to create anti-cancer treatments that are as effective as current treatments without the harmful side effects.   "The problem with a lot of chemotherapy drugs -- especially early chemotherapy drugs -- is that they really just target rapidly dividing cells, so cancer divides rapidly, but so do cells in your hair follicles and cells in your intestines, so you have a lot of side effects," said Lambert. "But you don't see these sorts of side effects with green
10. Folate (aka Vitamin B9, or Folic Acid)
According to the featured study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, plasma concentrations of the B vitamin folate correspond to telomere length in both men and women. Folate plays an important role in the maintenance of DNA integrity and DNA methylation, both of which influence the length of your telomeres. It is useful for preventing depression, seizure disorders and brain atrophy. In fact, folate deficiency can lead to elevated homocysteine levels, which can be a major contributor to heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. One unfortunate and preventable reason why some believe folate numbers are slipping is the increased prevalence of obesity, which negatively affects the way most people metabolize this important vitamin. The ideal way to raise your folate levels is to eat plenty of fresh, raw, organic leafy green vegetables, and beans. Please note that it is the natural folate from food that has been found to be beneficial. This may not be true for the supplement folic acid.
11. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is fittingly known as "the energy vitamin," and your body requires it for a number of vital functions. Among them: energy production, blood formation, DNA synthesis, and myelin formation. (Myelin is insulation that protects your nerve endings and allows them to communicate with one another.) Unfortunately, research suggests about 25 percent of American adults are deficient in this vitally important nutrient, and nearly half the population has suboptimal blood levels. Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal tissues, including foods like beef and beef liver, lamb, snapper, venison, salmon, shrimp, scallops, poultry and eggs. It's not readily available in plants, so if you do not eat meat or animal products you are at risk of deficiency. The few plant foods that are sources of B12 are actually B12 analogs. An analog is a substance that blocks the uptake of true B12, so your body's need for the nutrient actually increases. If you aren't getting sufficient B12 in your diet, I recommend you begin supplementation immediately with this vital nutrient with either an under-the-tongue fine mist spray or vit B12 injections. Ensuring your body has adequate B12 can vastly improve the quality of your life and prevent debilitating, even life-threatening diseases which result from a deficiency of this all-important nutrient.
12. Curcumin (Turmeric) Theracurmin
Curcumin — the active ingredient in the spice turmeric—acts both as an immune booster and potent anti-inflammatory. But perhaps its greatest value lies in its anti-cancer potential, and it has the most evidence based literature backing up its anti-cancer claims of any other nutrient. It affects over 100 different pathways once it gets into a cell—among them, a key biological pathway needed for development of melanoma and other cancers. The spice actually stops laboratory strains of melanoma from proliferating and pushes the cancer cells to commit suicide by shutting down nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), a powerful protein known to induce abnormal inflammatory response that leads to an assortment of disorders such as arthritis and cancer.To get the full benefits that curcumin has to offer, you will want to look for a turmeric extract with at least 95 percent curcuminoids that contains only 100%  certified organic ingredients. The formula should be free of fillers, additives and excipients (a substance added to the supplement as a processing or stability aid), and the manufacturer should use safe production practices at all stages: planting, cultivation, selective harvesting, and then producing and packaging the final product.  Creation of trademarked Theracurmin is IMPRESSIVE.
Theravalues: Extensive Clinical Trials Affirms the Benefits of Theracurmin™ on Diastolic Function in Hypertensive Patients
The Research Group Examines the Unprecedented Efficacy of the Newly Developed Drug
March 25, 2012  CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The research group led by Dr. Koji Hasegawa, Dir. of the Translational Research Div. at the National Hospital Org. Kyoto Medical Ctr and Dr. Tatsuya Morimoto, Prof. @ the Molecular Medicine School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ of Shizuoka, announced today based on the recent human clinical trials, that Theracurmin™ has continuously shown positive impact on human diastolic functions. Theracurmin™ is a patented absorption-enhanced form of curcumin, developed by Theravalues Corp, a Japanese bio-venture.  “Chronic inflammation often leads to several forms of illness such as cancer, metabolic disease, neuro-cognitive diseases, and arthritis. We anticipate that Theracurmin™ will potentially alleviate these conditions.”
At the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Session held in Nov. 2011, the research group unveiled the results of a 24-week long human clinical trial, which affirmed Theracurmin™’s efficacy in improving the symptoms of the left ventricular diastolic failure.
“After demonstrating the positive impact of Theracurmin™ at AHA 2011, we have completed clinical trials administering Theracurmin™ for 24 weeks to another 8 participants,” said Dr. Morimoto. The analysis on the clinical trials for 38 participants conducted by the end of 2011 has been presented at the American College of Cardiology 2012. “We are very excited to discover that the result of the clinical trials underscores the effectiveness of Theracurmin™ in the improvement of the diastolic function in hypertensive patients.”   Curcumin, a polyphenol derived from turmeric (Curcuma Longa L), has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant therapeutic properties, which effectively treat chronic inflammatory diseases. However, its poor bioavailability due to low oral absorption has been an ongoing challenge. Theravalues’ innovative technology, which has been applied to Theracurmin™, addresses this issue by creating surface controlled colloidal dispersion, which enhances body absorption by 27 times compared to that of conventional curcumin powder
13. Vitamin A
According to the featured study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, telomere length is positively associated with dietary intake of vitamin A in women who do not take multivitaminsxiv. It plays an important role in your immune response, and if you're deficient, you become predisposed to infections that can promote telomere shortening. However, vitamin A does not appear to have a dose-dependent effect on telomere length, so you don't need high amounts.
Two Additional Lifestyle Strategies that Affect Telomere Length
While a nutritious diet accounts for about 80 percent of the benefits derived from a healthy lifestyle, exercise cannot be ignored, and there's evidence suggesting that exercise protects against telomere shortening as well. Yet another lifestyle strategy that can have a beneficial impact is intermittent fasting.
·                     Exercise — One recent study on post-menopausal women suffering from chronic stress found that "vigorous physical activity appears to protect those experiencing high stress by buffering its relationship with telomere length (TL)."  In fact, among the women who did not exercise, each unit increase in the Perceived Stress Scale was related to a 15-fold increase in the odds of having short telomeres. Those who did exercise regularly showed no correlation between telomere length and perceived stress!
High-intensity exercise appears to be the most effective all-natural approach to slow down the aging process by reducing telomere shortening. In fact, research has shown there's a direct association between reduced telomere shortening in your later years and high-intensity-type exercisesxvi: Greta Blackburn's book The Immortality Edge: Realize the Secrets of Your Telomeres for a Longer, Healthier Lifexvii further details the importance of high-intensity exercise to prevent telomere shortening.
·                     Intermittent Fasting or smaller meals — Previous research has shown that you can extend your lifespan by reducing your caloric intake, and I've written about this technique in the past. The problem is that most people do not understand how to properly cut calories, because in order to remain healthy, you have to cut out the right kind of calories—namelycarbohydrates. Research by Professor Cynthia Kenyon has shown that avoiding carbs will activate genes that govern youthfulness and longevity. But the health benefits of calorie restriction can also be achieved by intermittent fasting (keep in mind you still need to cut out sugars and grains).  
Over the past long periods MANY have tried to convince the world of a couple of radical things. Another outlook !
The three most important are:
1)      We should treat aging as a disease because it is one. Part and parcel of that is that fixing aging would save billions of research dollars in trying to “cure” heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease etc because to me they are the symptoms of the real disease known as aging!
2)      The best way to achieve #1 is re-lengthen your telomeres to a more youthful measurement thus reversing biologic age.
3)      DIET, Ideally Organic, Get lots of Oxygen, and Healthy Alkalinity levels
Now there have been some significant previous studies on this and all of them have shown exactly that.
Jerry Shay who I mentioned in a previous blog used fetal fibroblasts and turned on telomerase in an ongoing fashion creating a cancer free immortal cell line. That was 1999.  In 2002 Walter Funk de-aged human skin grafted on to mice by turning on the telomerase in the mice. In 2010 JAMA a Journal known to be anti-alternative medicine and a stalwart of traditional allopathic medical care published a study showing the association of SHORT telomeres with increased incidence of cancer and worsening prognosis in cancer. Bottom line short telomeres area  a major risk factor for cancer! Keep your telomeres long!
In 2012 Maria Blasco set the telomere world on its ear with 2 studies. The first showed a 25% increase in life span in old mice with improved health parameters and no increases in cancer. The second used TA-65 to improve health span parameters in mice again with no increase in cancer. That same year Ron DePinho who was known not to hold much stock in telomerase therapy published a study while at Dana Farber reversing aging in mice by turning on telomerase. The mice became more sexually active and could reproduce again. Those with Alzheimers improved the measure of cognitive performance and brain function. They became stronger faster and more coordinated and all the parameters correlated with a return to a youthful appearance and biomarkers of young mice.  Critics will say that is mice and human cell lines. Human studies were published using the only really tested telomerase activator.  While it is currently very difficult to design a study showing extension of human life, 2 studies, one published in 2011 the other in 2013 showed improved biomarkers of aging and health span.
Ok back to the newest study.
Researchers at Stanford developed a mimic for the telomerase component known as hTERT (human telomerase reverse transcriptase). Using this on human skin cell lines increased the ability of these cells to replicate by 40X or in simpler terms, reversed aging by 10 years. The key thing and one thing that is shared with TA-65 is that this was an “on-off” phenomenon. This means the telomeres are lengthened in a very fast reaction and then the lengthening stops until you use it again.
So how does this compare to TA-65?
Well I published my own results after 4 years of use of High Dose TA-65. I was able to lengthen my telomeres by 1400 base pairs. Now the researchers at Standford said 1,000 base pairs equals 10 years.  That would mean I de-aged by 14 years!  I should also tell you that sadly the Standford stuff is not going to be available for human consumption at any time soon. The tell tale comment was the usual, “We hope this will lead to the development of new drugs to cure diseases”.  Yep the Big Pharma pay day is the reason we have most of these labs and the thing that most researchers wish for in their dreams.  But at least there was a passing comment on how this might affect aging.   Skeptics are going to be hard to find very soon!

While we cheer on these efforts and hope that scientists will begin to look at aging as a curable disease.  In the meantime you really only have two options: do nothing, or do all or most of the above.

Your choice,  I made mine 8 years ago when I was  diagnosed with Stage IV, Metasticised Prostate Cancer 
and given 3 years to live !

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