Sunday, December 20, 2015

Review of Longevity/Health Benefits of THERACURMIN®

Review of Longevity/Health Benefits of THERACURMIN®  

Don Porter 11-20-2015 - Intro to Telomere lengthening for health/extended longevity with THERACURMIN®

Drs. in India call it the “all in one solution.” Their “all in one solution” is Curcumin. Why would medical professionals describe curcumin with such a powerful statement? Could it really be so powerful that it truly is the “all in one solution”? More and more say "Yes" !

The result of all of this NEW technology is a dramatic increase in the absorption of curcumin -27 Times as compared to all other commercial forms that have been tested, including other enhanced forms of Curcumin.

I have researched herbs and nutrition for 30+ years, last 8 years have gotten quite serious, developed good knowledge of many of the top medicinal plants in the world. However, several years ago came across a number of studies on "Curcumin" from different scien­tific institutions in various parts of the world. In all, identified 5,200+ studies conducted on Curcumin over the last several years, and many new studies every month - a 1st in my experiences ! My curiosity went into overdrive - why has this plant intrigued so many scientists? This large amount of research is a clue that scientists are seeing a tremendous medici­nal benefit of Curcumin. This really intrigued me, and while not having a specific technical background,  I have a passion for R&D combined with Due Diligence of high quality - Healing/Curing medicinal products, NOT Drugs . Initiated serious searching with healers scientists around the world to inquire as to what they were discovering and why there was this huge influx of scientific research. Eventually, my internet digging identified scientists @ a conference in India on curcumin. What I discovered was amazing. after 30+ years looking @ health food industry - alternative medicine,

 I never thought I would have the opportunity to see a plant with such medicinal benefits,  even extending Telemere length - A UNIQUE ENORMOUS benefit!   
Enhacing the Benefits of Curcumin  -  Many studies show curcumin has serious benefits, major issue limiting its clinical use has been that it is not Very Well Absorbed. Several types of curcumin products have now been developed (BCM -95 + others) to more effectively raise blood and tissue levels of curcumin. THERACURMIN®,  by  THERAVALUES Corp. is by far the most advanced of these techniques. This all-natural preparation reduces the particle size of curcumin, while dramatically increasing its solubility. The average particle size of typical curcumin is 22.75 μm. In Theracurmin, the particle size has been reduced to 0.19 to 0.3 μm—a reduction of over 100X  This reduced particle size curcumin is then mixed with natural emulsifiers to suspend it in a highly bioavailable mixture that is then dried.  This Photo showing the IMPRESSIVE  dissolution of Theracurmin in water compared to regular curcumin powder on left. This dramatic dispersion in water translates to the dramatic increases in bioavailability seen with  THERACURMIN®, by  THERAVALUES Corp.

Telomere length, and Stem Cells has emerged as the "Keys" to Health and Longevity in humans.  Therefore, as you get older, your telomeres get shorter and shorter. Eventually, DNA replication and cell division ceases completely, at which point you die. However, a growing body of research is showing that certain nutrients play a Large role in protecting telomere length; greatly affecting how long you live. High Tech Billionaires are investing hundreds of millions, along with Venture Capitalist, to Extend Longevity along with health.
THERACURMIN® Increases “Free” Curcumin - In addition to being poorly absorbed, regular curcumin is rapidly metabolized in the liver. When measuring levels of curcumin in the blood during absorption studies, the value of curcumin is based upon total curcuminoids, including metabolites. The only product form that has shown to actually increase the free curcumin form is Theracurmin. Since free curcumin is significantly more active than the metabolites, it appears highly likely that Theracurmin is not only better absorbed, but it also produces additional benefits as compared to other supplemental forms of curcumin. Health Benefits of Theracurmin - Because Theracurmin enhances the absorption of curcumin, all of the benefits associated with curcumin are also enhanced. Theracurmin has been the subject of Many impressive  clinical studies that have shown Theracurmin possesses an ability to reduce tissue damage caused by inflammation, improve liver function, increase the ability of the heart to function more efficiently, and increase the flexibility of the arteries. Currently, Theracurmin is being investigated for additional properties at some of the major univ/research centers in the world. The dosage recommendation of Theracurmin, based upon the existing clinical evaluation, is 300-600 mg per day.
THERACURMIN® is the Most Bioavailable Form of Curcumin - Having now reviewed many graphs, charts, videos, medical school results: Clinical Research Inst-National Hospital, Org. Kyoto Medical Center, Columbia-Dept of System Chemotherapy and Molecular Sciences, Div.of Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics, Alzheimer’s prevention at the UCLA Longevity Ctr, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences-Kyoto Univ, including data from,  Div. of Molecular Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ of Shizuoka, Outpatient Oncology Unit, Kyoto Univ Hospital, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Univ of Tsukuba, The Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and THERAVALUES Corp this demonstrates Theracurmin is by far the most bioavailable form of curcumin. Theracurmin is the only curcumin preparation currently available that produces a clear dose response. What that means is that even small dosages of Theracurmin increase blood measurements of curcumin, and, as the dosage increases, so does the blood level. This increase is linear, meaning that it increases in the blood in a parallel fashion to the dosage. This absorption profile is extremely important; as the effectiveness of curcumin within the body requires achieving effective concentrations. Theracurmin is able to achieve necessary concentrations within the body that are not likely to be easily achieved, if at all, with other curcumin preparations.
A Few Key Bullet points of. THERACURMIN®  :
·       2,400 studies conducted on curcumin last several years, a dozen new studies every month
·       Curcumin effective any kind of inflam­mation cause of 80% of diseases – heart disease, obesity, arthritis osteo-rheumatoid, bursitis, bronchitis, lupus, sinusitis, asthma, fibromyalgia-migraine headaches, hypertension, gall stones, MS, asthma, Indicates THERACURMIN® heal­ing benefits top of plant medicines-Organic - unheated Aloe also
·       Major Studies -  THERACURMIN is the 1st nanoparticle formulation of curcumin that demonstrates  improved bioavailability in human subjects. This compound could be a promising tool when testing the potential anticancer effects of curcumin in clinical trials. THERACURMIN absorbtion  found to be more than 40X higher than that of curcumin powder in rats. Healthy human volunteers were administered orally 30 mg of THERACURMIN or curcumin powder. The Aabsorbtion of THERACURMIN was 27X higher than that of curcumin powder. In addition, THERACURMIN exhibited an inhibitory action against alcohol intoxication after drinking in humans, as evidenced by the reduced acetaldehyde concentration of the blood. These findings demonstrate that THERACURMIN shows a much higher bioavailability than currently available preparations
Pharmacy News March 25, 2012 by Rx Times Leave a Comment Theravalues: Extensive Clinical Trials Affirms the Benefits of Theracurmin™ on Diastolic Function in Hypertensive Patients CHICAGO–(BUS. WIRE)–Theracurmin, an absorption-enhanced form of curcumin, developed by Theravalues Corp., a Japanese bio-venture, is affirmed to be beneficial on diastolic function in hypertensive patients. American College of Cardiology Poster Abstract Shows Standard Lipid Profile Inaccurate for LDL Cholesterol Below 70 mg/dL CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Science presented today at the American College of Cardiology’s 61st Annual Scientific Sessions in Chicago reveals the importance of directly measured lipoprotein cholesterol levels. New Data Suggests Results of PLATO Genetic Sub-Study Outcomes for BRILINTA® (Ticagrelor) Not Driven by Poor Metabolizers of Clopidogrel CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AstraZeneca (NYSE: AZN) today announced results from a sub-analysis of the PLATO genetic sub-study that evaluated the impact of poor metabolizers of clopidogrel. Data suggests results were consistent with the overall outcome of the PLATO study, with BRILINTA (ticagrelor) compared to clopidogrel, even after poor clopidogrel metabolizers were excluded. Results of this sub-analysis were presented today at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions (ACC), in Chi New Data Suggests BRILINTA® (ticagrelor) Reduced First and Recurrent Cardiovascular and Ischemic Events CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AstraZeneca (NYSE: AZN) today announced new data from a sub-analysis of the PLATO study that suggests that BRILINTA® (ticagrelor) tablets resulted in a reduction in hazard for time to first events, recurrent cardiovascular (CV) and ischemic events, when compared to clopidogrel. These data were presented today by Dr. Payal Kohli of the TIMI Study Group and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions (ACC), in Chicago, Ill. “The - See more at:

Are Telomeres The Key To Aging And Cancer?

Inside the nucleus of a cell, our genes are arranged along twisted, double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the ends of the chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres, which protect our genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide, and hold some secrets to how we age and get cancer.Telomeres have been compared with the plastic tips on shoelaces, because they keep chromosome ends from fraying and sticking to each other, which would destroy or scramble an organism's genetic information.
Yet, each time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter.  When they get too short, the cell can no longer divide; it becomes inactive or "senescent" or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, cancer, and a higher risk of death. So telomeres also have been compared with a bomb fuse.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to see a plant with such medicinal benefits,  even extending Telemere length as   THERACURMIN® apparently can !
 JETRO RIT Programme: Hokkaido BioIndustrial Exchange
The Hokkaido Ministry of Economy Trade & Industry (METI) together with the Hokkaido Bio Industrial Cluster Forum, are engaging with Natural Products New Zealand, in a program of Industrial Exchange.On 15th Oct 2009, 13 Hokkaido cos. and 9 New Zealand cos. participated in the Health Ingredients Japan Trade Show (Tokyo Big Sight). Business talks were held (20 meetings). Following this, 5 New Zealand participants were invited to Sapporo, from 22nd - 24th Feb. 2010, in order to promote long-term market enlargement, the formation of new alliances and technology exchange.  Participating enterprises had the opportunity to introduce their respective cos. through poster presentations and pamphlets showcasing their products and technologies. In addition, cos. delivered presentations highlighting their key technologies and selling points and to indicate desired areas of collaboration and partnering opportunities. After the reception, further networking over dinner provided opportunity to deepen business relationships. Cos. involved in the programme are listed below:
Theravalues -Contract research provider for researchers and industry, including Analysis Service for Nuclear Receptors Nuclear receptors (intracellular proteins, that migrate into the nucleus to regulate the transcription of survival-related genes when bound to vitamins, hormones, fatty acids, etc.) 48 kinds of nuclear receptors are known to exist in humans and are reported to be involved in diabetes, arteriosclerosis, obesity, osteoporosis, insomnia, and carcinogenesis. They are also known to be the drug targets for hyperglycemia and hyperlipemia. Theravalues offer services for reporter gene assays to test the activation of nuclear receptors. They are developing a range of functional materials in collaboration with leading universities and research institutes, developing formulation techniques, and focusing on the development of new value chains for functional materials. Research interests include: Curucmin DDS, Nuclear receptor activation materials, Thioredoxin, Xanthines, and activation of human transcription factors  involved anti-cancer, antiviral, detoxification and immunoactivation, by Bamboo grass extract.
® .. Our unique form of curcumin with markedly improved absorptivity.
Curcumin is relatively insoluble in water. When orally ingested, most of the curcumin is excreted without being absorbed in the small intestine. It is clear that, to obtain maximum benefits, it is most important to improve the body’s systemic absorption of the ingested curcumin.    Theracurmin® is an innovative curcumin formulation featuring dramatically enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Developed using our fine granulation and suspension technology, Theracurmin® is in the form of sub-micron particles that are stabilized when dispersed in water.        Human clinical study demonstrates increased absorption  Theracurmin® Compared to Ordinary Curcumin Powder Plasma

Curcumin Level

AUC 0-6 hrs

Seven healthy adult men and women ingested a single dose (30 mg) of curcumin as ordinary curcumin powder or Theracurmin®. Blood was collected over time at 1-6 hours after ingestion to determine blood curcumin levels. The trial confirmed Theracurmin® results in 27 times higher bioavailability when compared to ordinary curcumin powder.

Theracurmin® Compared to Competitors’ Products Plasma Curcumin Level AUC 0-6 hrs per 1mg curcumin
Nine healthy adult men and women ingested a single dose of Theracurmin®, Product M and Product B under randomized controlled cross-over trial. Blood was collected over time at 1-6 hours after ingestion to determine plasma curcumin levels. The trial confirmed Theracurmin® results in 4 times and 18 times higher bioavailability when compared to Product M and Product.

Highly stable within most manufacturing processes and conditions  Theracurmin® Stability When Dispersed in Water
Because of our unique technology, Theracurmin® is stably dispersed and dissolved in water and can easily be used in beverages.
 Theracurmin® Stability When Exposed to Light
Theracurmin® proved stable in a light irradiation test. Theracurmin® is compatible with transparent containers, such as PET bottles.
Theracurmin® Stability When Exposed to Heat

Theracurmin® proved stable in a heat resistance test at 95C and 120C. No change was noted in the residual ratio of curcumin. Theracurmin® can be used under pasteurization conditions for beverages and food

Theracurmin® is safe for human use.

Study results for oral dosage and the safety of curcumin have shown:

• No toxicity was found after acute toxicity test (administration of 2,000 mg/kg of curcumin), sub-acute toxicity test (1,000 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks) and repeated dose toxicity test (100mg/kg/day for 90 days).
• Negative mutagenicity test

 Theracurmin® — Summary of Key Features.
Markedly improved biological absorption

• Equivalent or higher absorptivity with approx. 1/30 the dosage of conventional products
• Easily dispersible in water with almost no precipitation
• Brilliant yellow color
• Almost no taste or smell
• Excellent light and heat resistance
• Readily washable production line
• Applicable to various products regardless of their forms

Turmeric: A Wellness Promoting Tonic At Low Doses, Research Reveals

Carol Greider, molecular biologist at Johns Hopkins Univ. , says "understanding the caps on the ends of chromosomes  may soon translate to understanding cancer, lung diseases,  and even normal aging".....

For a brief snapshot of the ways in which turmeric/Curumin protect against chemical and/or toxin exposure, take a look at the experimentally verified forms of protection it offers against the following toxic substances:

·                 Acetametaphen (Tylenol) Toxicity
·                 Acrylonitrate Toxicity
·                 Acrylamide Toxicity
·                 Aflatoxin Toxicity
·                 Alcohol Toxicity
·                 Antibiotic Toxicity
·                 Arsenic Toxicity
·                 Benzene Toxicity
·                 Benzo[a]pyrene-induced Toxicity
·                 Cadmium Toxicity
·                 Chemotherapy-Induced Toxicity
·                 Cortisone Toxicity
·                 Dioxin Toxicity
·                 Drug-Induced Toxicity (various)
·                 Fluoride Toxicity
·                 Heterocyclic Amine Toxicity
·                 HIV Drug Toxicity
·                 Iron Toxicity
·                 Lead Toxicity
·                 Lipopolysaccharide (Bacterial) Toxicity
·                 Malathion Toxicity
·                 Mercury ToxicityMethanol Toxicity
·                 Naphtalene Toxicity
·                 Nicotine/Tobacco Toxicity
·                 Nitrite Toxicity
·                 NSAID Toxicity
·                 Pesticide Toxicity
·                 Phthalate Toxicity

Diet works. The new information from the Ornish study demonstrates that a healthy diet and exercise enhance telomerase concentrations in normal cells. It confirms what other researchers have already shown: telomere length can be manipulated. Telomere homeostasis can be tweaked for the better with stress reduction, exercise, a healthy diet, antioxidants, and adaptogenic herbs like Astragalus.
Ten Ways To Promote Longer Telomeres
1.     Consume a chemical-free, non-GMO, plant-based diet - Organic
2.     Eat less animal and dairy fat
3.     Don’t over eat: consume 10-30% less calories
4.     Take Melatonin, Resveratrol,  Astragalus extract,  Curcumin-Theracurmin, Astaxanthin, Green teas,
5.     Take 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate), the active form of folic acid
6.     K2 is present in fermented foods, particularly cheese and the Japanese food natto, which is by far the richest source of K2
7.     Exercise Daily, meditate and practice yoga
8.     Lower stress, 8+ hours sleep, naps p.m.,
9.  Include: Vitamin B12,B-6,B-complex, C, D, E, folic acid, zinc, magnesium 400-800 day more for stress,  omega-3 fatty acids, multi vitamin with essential minerals.
·        How Turmeric can Regenerate a Damaged Brain, Boost Brain’s Stem Cells   AND Protect Against Fluoride- BY MIKE BARRETT ON JAN. 26, 2015
·       It is estimated that the human body consists of apprrox.10 trillion cells. Almost all of these cells get turned over within approximately 100 days. That means we’re like a new person every three months.
·       Beneficial effects of Curcumin.Theracurmin on Alzheimer's
·       Turmeric is More Powerful and Effective Than 14 Drugs  By Green Med Info

Disease is caused by 2 major factors: oxidation and inflammation. For decades, we’ve been told that synthetic drugs are the cure for our ills, but most of the time they just make things worse. There is an amazingly effective natural solution – high-absorption Curcumin that addresses these causes of disease, it has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, and has been the focus of over 5,000+ published studies.. The best curcumin is Theravalues Theracutmin, for 27X the absorption and greater blood retention at meaningful levels as compared to standard curcumin. This amazing botanical is the single most helpful natural ingredient you can take for almost every disease or illness, including:   Cancer,  Heart Disease, Bronchitis and Asthma, Depression, Alzheimer’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diabetes, Leukemia, Cirrhosis, Psoriasis, Wounds, Fatigue

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