Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why are fried foods terrible for your health - Fear Them?

Health Basics: Why are fried foods terrible for your health - Fear Them?

Dec 26, 2011 by: S. D. Wells

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NaturalNews) Fried foods damage your body and brain in many different ways, and it's not just a long term consequence, but a short term detriment as well. We ALL should fear fast & Pkgd. foods. Just as a car needs good clean oil to run efficiently and not break down, your body needs food that can be digested properly and not clog the one and only "machine" you have for your entire life.
You simply can't lie to yourself much with fried food because the ill effects are just too obvious. Simply grab some belly fat or pinch an inch on a hip or thigh, and then try to convince yourself it's okay. Plus, obesity basically means people are storing fried foods and carbohydrates as body fat, and for about a third of Americans, it's like carry-on luggage you can't set down, or at least not until you sit down. Face the facts:
• Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzeimer's.
• Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms.
• Canola oil is one of the top 3 GMO products (genetically modified to contain pesticides) in U.S. and is used by almost all restaurants and for nearly all fried products you find in stores.

• Canola oil (rapeseed oil) is synthetic and deprives cells of oxygen, causing emphysema and respiratory distress, eventually leading to cancer.
• Soy and soy by-products are almost all GMO.
• Corn oil and corn by-products (breading on almost everything) are also GMO and contain pesticide (
• Most fried foods contain MSG (toxic salts) to enhance "dead food" flavor
• Taking antacids makes things worse - prevents natural enzyme production by the body. It also adds bad calcium which is armor (protection) for parasites/infection.
• Most meats are from animals, fowl and "farm raised" fish that are loaded with hormones and antibiotics.
• Fried means inflammatory foods which create problems with joints.
• Arterial plaque increases blood pressure.
• Potatoes and most bread (buns/pizza crust/pitas/tortillas, etc.) soak up the canola oil and turn to sugar in the stomach.

• Modified, processed and fried foods don't break down in body properly; remaining in kidneys, liver, intestines, prostate and colon for extended periods of time, if not forever.
• Gluten (mutant food glue): Used for pizza crust, fried seafood, pre-prepped Chinese, corn dogs, crackers, pastries, cakes, and the list is a mile long.
• Sugar and carbs feed infection; makes you want more of the same; feeding the vicious cycle.
• Empty calories are totally void of nutrients, so the body keeps searching for anything of nutritional value. Feeling "full" wears off sooner.
Eating fried chicken and pan pizza bread is like drinking oil straight from the vat

Basically, fried food breading soaks up nearly every drop of the canola oil, so eating fried chicken and pan pizza is like drinking oil straight from the vat. This increases your low-density or "bad" cholesterol. The inner portion of your arteries is meant to be smooth and unrestricted, but the buildup from these saturated fats, cholesterol and trans fats can cause hard deposits (plaque) to form. Then, like a clog in a drain, your blood flow can become completely blocked and result in a heart attack or stroke, especially if a piece of the plaque breaks away.
Also, the closer your fat is to your heart, the more the heart is strained. It's worse for men because the belly is closer to the heart than the hips and thighs, where women are more prone to keep the fried foods "stored." That is one reason women have a longer life span than men on average (
The great news is that you can unclog your arteries without surgery or drugs. If you've been binging on fried foods, you need to detoxify your blood and refortify organs. Take plenty of organic B vitamins, and check into dandelion root and milk thistle. Periodic detoxification is like changing the oil in your car; it must be done (
Look online and find your local vitamin shop and health food stores. You must plan and prepare healthy meals, so when you have a hunger attack you won't cave in. Get creative! Want to fry some foods at home so you don't feel left out? Dip your favorite vegetables in organic eggs and then roll them in organic bread crumbs. In about a quarter inch of olive oil, slightly brown one side and then flip them over. Artichokes are just like fried oysters and mushrooms replace fries.

Start today, right now, with your very next meal, and just keep the trend going. Assume that you're only choices for cooked food are grilled, baked, broiled or sauteed. Before you know it, you won't be eating fried foods very much anymore.
Sources for this article include ,,,,
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Top Ten Medicinal Herbs for a Survival Garden & Eat a Plant Based Diet - Organic

Top Ten Medicinal Herbs for a Survival Garden
Cayenne Pepper – (Capsicum minimum)
“Cayenne pepper is a powerful stimulant, producing a sense of heat in the stomach, and a general glow ove r the body without a narcotic effect. A few grains in hot tea will aid in sluggish digestion and flatulence.” (Source – Herbal Medicine: The Natural Way To Get Well and Stay Well)

• This pepper can assist as a digestion aid. Using sparingly, sprinkle a bit over food or in a hot soup.
• Cayenne pepper is a good source of Vitamin C.
• Mixing cayenne pepper to a citrus drink such as grapefruit juice can be a very effective energizing drink.
• Cayenne pepper can be used to combat a sore throat and can also be used in a sore throat gargle mix.
• An effective anti flu drink uses 2 tsp. of cayenne pepper, 1 1/2 tsp. of salt, 1 cup of boiling water, 1 c. apple cider vinegar. Most adults can take between 1 tsp.-1 tbls. every half hour.
• Sprinkling cayenne pepper in shoes will warm the feet when it is cold outside. Caution: it will stain the area where it is sprinkled, but it is quite effective.
• Cayenne has a history of being used during malignant sore throats and in scarlet fever where it is used internally and as a gargle.
• Cayenne tea can be used as a control for internal or external bleeding and should be used for those health emergencies where no medical or nursing help is available.
• A few grains on the gums of cayenne will smart on the gum, and in a cavity and act as a temporary pain alleviator.
Chamomile – (Anthemis nobilis )
• This herb is known for it’s uses as a mild sedative.
• Some homeopathic and natural remedies for children with ADD/ADHD have used chamomiles calming properties.
• The flowers can be strained out of the tea and placed into a warm compress to use on ear infections.
• Tea compresses and tea rinses can be used to treat eye problems.
• It also has the power to assist in healing of indigestion, morning sickness, nervousness, neuralgia, painful periods and assists as a sleeping agent.

Dandelion – (Taraxacum officinale)
• The salt in this plant acts to neutralize the acids in the blood and is considered a cleaning tonic.
• When the flowers and a few leaves are gathered and made into a tea that treats biliousness (gastric disorder caused by liver or gall bladder disorder) and reducing ankle swelling.
• To jump start a slow functioning liver, drink two to four ounces of freshly sliced dandelion root in two pints of water until the water is reduced to 1 ounce.
• A coffee can be made from the root to cleanse the liver and also has a tonic effect on the pancreas, the spleen and the female organs.
• If a person is suffering from gallstones, dandelion can also be used. Combine an ounce of each: dandelion root, parsley root, lemon balm with a half ounce each of licorice root and ginger root. Add two quarts of boiling water, simmer down to one quart, strain the liquid and drink a half glass every two hours.
• The Chinese “barefoot doctors” use the entire dandelion in their healing practices. The leaves and the tops are simmered together in a decoction, or they are crushed and used as a poultice for boils and abscesses on the body.
• Dandelion has also been known to lower elevated cholesterol levels, as well as normalize blood sugar levels in diabetics, and can also help cure symptoms of gout due to its uric acid content.
• Additionally, young leaves can be gathered in the spring time to make a lovely salad or a steamed side dish.
Echinacea – (Echinacea Paradoxa, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pallida)
• There are three types of echinacea plants, and all have the same healing properties. The chemical constituents are different in some, but the healing is the same.
• Although the root is most widely used for it’s medicinal purposes, truly the entire plant can be used.
• This herb strengthens the body’s ability to resist infection and stimulates production of white blood cells. Echinacea stimulates the body in non chronic illness such as colds, bronchitis, sore throats, abscesses and for recurrences of yeast infections.

• Echinacea can also be taken as an anti-inflammatory for arthritis.
• A gargling solution can also be made with the tea to use with a sore throat. For cases that are not strep throat related: add 10-16 drops to water or to sage or ginger tea and use as a gargling agent. If a person is fighting strep throat: every two hours, gargle with the above mentioned teas to which add a dropful of echinacea extract. If only tablet or capsules are available, take then every two hours during the acute stage.
• It also helps eliminates mucus and phlegm associated with certain respiratory conditions.
Garlic - (Allium sativum)
• Garlic is an absolute must for a medicinal garden. Garlic has so many healing properties, they cannot all be listed.
• Garlic has natural antibiotic properties.
• In Russia, garlic is used as an anti flu remedy.
• Garlic draws out the pain from joints, toothaches, and earaches. Place a crushed raw piece of garlic on some gauze (otherwise some of these strong herbs can cause blisters) and place the gauze over the area of pain. For the joints, use a garlic paste. For the ear, use slivers in gauze. It takes about 5 days to cure the ear infection.
• Garlic also helps alleviate and draw out infection from abscesses in teeth as well as in the body.
Marigold- (Calendula officinalis)

• Marigold is an excellent herb to have on hand for skin issues such as eczema, skin inflammations, soothing varicose veins, soothing chapped hands and can be used to reduce body scars.
• Creating a plaster by combing marigold ointment and peppermint can be used on the chest to ease the heart during inte4nse fevers.
• Dipping a compress into marigold tea and using equal parts of apple cider vinegar can alleviate inflammation.
• The author believes that marigold is “the greatest healing agent for all wounds.”
• Using marigold in the case of open wounds that will not heal is an effective way to promote rapid healing.
• This flower is also a haemostatid after a tooth extraction.
• A douche can made from marigold to aid in leukorrhea (vaginal discharges)
• Due to marigolds cleansing properties, it can also be used as dressing a terrible wound.
• Marigold was also used as a toothache and headache preventative in the 1500′s in England.
• This is also a great companion plant to many garden vegetables.
Peppermint – (Mentha piperita)
• Peppermint is used in a tea in conjunction with chamomile as a digestive aid.

• It has stimulating and refreshing properties that dispels headaches.
• Peppermint tea will also assist in overcoming muscle spasms and cramps.
• Due to the camphorous principles in peppermint, if peppermint is applied to a wet wash cloth it can be used externally to relieve pain.
• This herb also hep clear sinus infections. Apply a large, warm peppermint pack to the sinus area.
Sage- (Salvia officinalis)
• A tea made of common sage can help lift depression. A pinch of bruised cloves and a pinch of pure ginseng can also be added as these herbs are also used as antidepression herbs.
• Rubbing the sage leaves across the teeth can be used to clean the teeth and assist in bad breath. The tea can also be used to gargle with.
• Sage tea rub downs and sage baths can be used to ring down a fever. American Indians used this type of fever reducer. Note: adding apple cider vinegar to the tea for reduction can be quite effective and the patient simply feel better.
• Sage tea can used as an antiseptic by chewing the sage leaves to cleanse the system of impurities or drank as tea.
• Sage has also been known to assist with hot flashes associated with menopause.
• If a person has stomach troubles, cold sage tea can used to alleviate the symptoms.
• Sage can also be used to treat the flu. Using the tea before and during any type of epidemics and to hasten healing during a flu attack.
• Sage leaves can be wrapped around a wound like a band aid to help heal the wound faster.
Tea Tree- (Melaleuca alternifolia)
• The Aborigines have used this plant for centuries as an antiseptic to heal insect bites, stings, abrasions , cuts & warts.
• Because of tea tree oils high antibacterial properties it can also be used as an antiseptic to treat acne.
• Applying tea tree oil directly to fungus on feet (Athlete’s foot), or adding drops into a foot bath will help treat the fungus.
• Tea tree oil can also be used to cure cold sores.
• Diluting the tea tree oil (4 drops of oil & a pint of water) in water can also be used as a douche to cure yeast infections.
• Adding a few drops on tea tree oil to a fine tooth comb and combing through hair to catch lice eggs is also effective.
Thyme - (Thymus vulgaris)
• Although thyme is normally used in culinary recipes, it has a great range of use.
• Thyme can help alleviate gastric problems such as wind, colic and bad breath.
• Thyme also has properties to help eliminate phlegm and is helpful in overcoming shortness of breath and help with most lung problems.
• If it also effective in fighting sore throat and post nasal drip.
• If a person has the whooping cough, make a syrup of thyme tea and honey to help treat the disease.
• Thyme can also be used to treat a fever. It is recommended to mix thyme with other herbs to have a better medicinal quality. Herbs used in conjunction with thyme to treat a high fever could be: marshmallow root tea, slippery elm powder (or tablets), fenugreek or comfrey root or leaf tea.
• This herb also helps relax the nervous system and can relive a headache.
• Thyme can be used as a first aid poultice. Make up a paste of moist (hot-moistened) thyme leaves and apply it to the skin to relieve the pain of an abscess, boil or swelling. A hot poultice of thyme can help relieve the pain of a sciatic attack, too.
• An antiseptic can be make for both internal and external use. It is also used as a local anaesthetic. Medicate gauze and worrl for surgical dressings with theyme.
• his herb is also great for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, parasitic skin infections and burns.
• A insect spray (combined with lavender) can assist in keeping gnats and mosquitoes away. In fact, the Greeks used thyme as a fumigator.
• This herb can also be used to dispel worms and parasites.
Good to Know Herbs
1. Aloe Vera – Antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, wound and burn healer, natural laxative, soothes stomach, helps skin disorders.
2. Basil – Powerful antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-infectious, antibacterial, soothes stomach.
3. Black Cohosh – Relieves menopausal hot flashes, relieves menstrual cramps, helps circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, useful for nervousness and stress. Note: Do not use during pregnancy.
4. Black Walnut – Good for eliminating parasites, good for fungal infections, good for warts and poison ivy, aids digestion.
5. Cinnamon – It has been proven that 99.9% of viruses and bacteria can not live in the presence of cinnamon. So it makes a great antibacterial and antiviral weapon.
6. Cayenne- Catalyst for other herbs, useful for arthritis and rheumatism (topically and internally), good for colds, flu viruses, sinus infection and sore throat, useful for headache and fever, aids organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach, increase thermogenesis for weight loss.
7. Clove Bud – Improves the immune system, they are also an antioxidant and doubles as an antibacterial and antimicrobial fighter.
8. Cypress – The therapeutic properties of cypress oil are astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, deodorant, diuretic, haemostatic, hepatic, styptic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor, respiratory tonic and sedative.
9. Dandelion – Helpful for PMS, good for menopause, increases ovarian hormones.
10. Echinacea (coneflower) – Boosts white blood cell production, immune system support, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, good for colds, flu and infection. Note: Use no more than two weeks at a time. Do not use if you are allergic to sunflowers or related species.
11. Eucalyptus – Anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral.
12. Garlic – Helps fight infection, detoxifies the body, enhances immunity, lowers blood fats, assists yeast infections, helps asthma, cancer, sinusitis, circulatory problems and heart conditions.
13. German Chamomile – Helps stress, anxiety and insomnia, good for indigestion, useful for colitis and most digestive problems, effective blood cleanser and helps increase liver function and supports the pancreas. Improves bile flow from the liver, it is good for healing of the skin that might come from a blistering chemical agent.
14. Geranium – Dilates bile ducts for liver detoxification, antispasmodic, stops bleeding, anti-infectious, antibacterial.
15. Ginger – Helps nausea, motion sickness and vomiting, useful for circulatory problems, good for indigestion, and is also an effective antioxidant.
16. Lavender – Assists with burns, antiseptic, used as a stress reliever, good for depression, aids skin health and beauty.
17. Lemon – Is known for its antiseptic properties, Essential Science Publishing says that: According to Jean Valnet, M.D. the vaporized essence of lemon can kill meningococcal bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in 1 hour, Staphylococcus aureus in 2 hours and Pneumococcus bacteria within 3 hours. Lemon also improves micro-circulation, promotes white blood cell formation, & improves immune function.
18. Marjoram – Anti-infectious, antibacterial, dilates blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, soothes muscles.
19. Marshmallow – Aids bladder infections, diuretic (helps fluid retention), helps kidney problems, soothes coughs, sore throats, indigestion, and as a topical agent it is said to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing.
20. Melissa – Assists in issues with the nervous system, blisters, and has antimicrobial properties.
21. Mullein – Can be used as a laxative, good for asthma and bronchitis, useful for difficulty breathing, helps hay fever.
22. Myrrh – Anti-infectious, antiviral, soothes skin conditions and supports immune system. Also an antispasmodic that helps to reduce spasming due to spasms caused by nerve agents.
23. Oregano – is a powerful antibiotic and has been proven to be more effective in neutralizing germs than some chemical antibiotics. It has been effective against germs like Staphylococcus aureas, Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
24. Pine – Antidiabetic, cortisone-like, severe infections, hypertensive
25. Rosemary – Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Cleansing and detoxes the body. Supports the liver and combats cirrhosis.
26. Rosewood – Anti-infectious, antibacterial, and antiviral.
27. Sage – Used in anxiety, nervous disorders, as astringent, in abdominal disorders, anti inflammatory.
28. Spearmint – To calm the Nervous System, aide with Nerve Agents.
29. Tea Tree – Disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-fungal, burns, good for all skin conditions.
30. Thyme – Effective against Anthrax and Tuberculosis

Thursday, December 22, 2011

HEALING OUTSIDE THE BOX -“You Can Beat Cancer, This Man Did” with Donald J. Porter


Viewed in 18 Towns in Southern Connecticut & on ATT Uverse anywhere in the state of CT.

NHTV Show #91. “You Can Beat Cancer, This Man Did” with Donald J. Porter
Don Porter Beat Cancer

For addit Info: Tel: 860-227-1328 -Email: – Contact Person: Kimberly Porter Dowie

HEALING OUTSIDE THE BOX Host – Jimmy Driscoll is a Native from Methuen, MA. A graduate from Dean College, he also attended Boston University & The New England School of Broadasting, majoring in theatre arts & communications. In 1986 he signed with Chrysalis Records as the lead singer in the heavy metal band “Trouble Tribe”. From there the band appeared on MTV, & toured the county. As the music changed, Jimmy was asked to become the production coordinator for Peter Gation who owned 4 night clugs in Manhattan, The Palladium, The Limelight, Club USA & The Tunnel. They were, at that time, the New York City “Hot Spots” for night clubs & entertainment. Some of the events were “Aretha Franklin, Queen Latifa, Mary J. Bligh, Prince, Tupac, Dream theatre, LL Cool J, Pearl Jam, Ice Cube, MTV Music awards, Friday night video, “Madonna Exposed”, College Music Festival, Bill Cinton Democratic Thank You Party, The Muppets Christmas Carol, Dan Akroyd & Bo Didly.

Movies: Bright Lights, Big City with Michael J. Fox, Stranger Among Us, with Melanie Griffith, Night In The City with Robert Dinero & Carlito’s Way with Al Pacino & Sean Penn.

Jimmy moved to New London, CT in 1995, became a union carpenter & got back into regional theatre & independent film work. He continued to work in the city as an actor on episodic TV, major motion pictures & the cable network. For the past 7 years, Jimmy, has produced & co-directed his own independent films & has formed his own film company “Drefus Films” where he hopes to continue financed productions with global distribution.
Jimmy’s latest project, which he produced & stars in is the movie “The Fence”. Jimmy may be reached at

To access our show on ATT Uverse, please go to & follow the directions. The show times will be the same as listed under North Haven Public Television - NHTV – Channel 18.
Here’s where and when to catch the show in your town….
To access our show on ATT Uverse, please go to and follow the directions. The show times will be the same as listed under North Haven Public Television -
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Wednesdays at 7:00 PM Also, our show will be seen on other days in the week at different times every week. For show schedules, please visit:
CLINTON COMCAST -CTTV Channel 19 Show Schedule
Every Wednesday at 2 PM & 8
PM – Serving Clinton, Chester, Deep River, Durham, Essex, Haddam, Killingworth, Old Saybrook & Westbrook.
Please go to their website to see days and times our show will be playing.
NEW HAVEN, HAMDEN & WEST HAVEN (CTV – Channel 26)Show Schedule
Every Saturday night at 8:00 PM
NORTH BRANFORD PUBLIC TELEVISION – (Totoket – Channel 18)Show Schedule
Please go to their website to see days and times our show will be playing.
NORTHFORD PUBLIC TELEVISION – (Totoket – Channel 18)Show Schedule
Please goto their website to see days and times our show will be playing.

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I Heavily researched these products !
» I recommend this Aloe due to the Organic quality& inclusion of: Essiac, Cats Claw, Astragalus, Pau d’Arco, Chamomile, Hawthorne Berry. Name is Herbal Aloe Force.

» I recommend this Sun Chlorella, as it is a 40 year old Japanese product, the ONLY one with 95% pulverized chlorella cell wall with no heat or chemicals.

» I also Strongly recommend a very high quality whole food “Backup product” due to the MANY questions that I receive about ‘Eating out” for business, relatives, friends,
pleasure, travelling, etc. Called Juice Plus+ —–JuicePlus+ Product Facts
» Q: Is Juice Plus+® a vitamin supplement? FACT: No. Juice Plus+ is not a vitamin supplement. Juice Plus+ is a whole food based nutritional product containing a wide variety of naturally occurring nutrients – including antioxidants and other phytonutrients – from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains in powdered concentrate form. Read More
» Q: Does Juice Plus+® replace the need to eat real fruits and
» FACT: No. Juice Plus+ should never replace a diet filled with a wide and colorful variety of fruits and vegetables. It is a convenient way for people to get even more of the whole
food based nutrition from fruits and vegetables that is so important to a
healthy diet – and so lacking in our diets today. Read More
» Q: How is Juice Plus+® made?
» FACT: Juice Plus+ is made from fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables are juiced, and the juices are then concentrated into powders using a proprietary drying process that carefully maintains temperatures at levels that preserve as much of the original nutrient quality as possible. Read More & Get More Facts on the Product
» Clinical Research Facts
» Q:Has Juice Plus+® been the subject of independent, peer-reviewed clinical research?
» FACT: Yes. To date, Juice Plus+ has been the subject of more than 20 published clinical research studies examining its impact on a variety of measures of good health, from biomarkers of oxidative stress to key indicators of cardiovascular wellness. Read More
» Q: Are the clinical research studies regarding Juice Plus+® truly independent and unbiased?
» FACT: Yes. While Juice Plus+
provides funding to ensure that high-quality independent clinical trials are conducted on Juice Plus+ by leading researchers in their fields, the company carefully follows established protocols within the academic community to ensure that findings are independent and unbiased. Read More
» Q: Has Juice Plus+® been proven to prevent or cure any disease?
» FACT: No. Juice Plus+ is not a medicine, treatment or cure for any disease or condition. It is whole food based nutrition that complements a healthy diet. Read More

Juice Plus+® clinical research has been published in peer-reviewed medicaland scientific journals, including:

» Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition
» British Journal of Nutrition
» Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
» Current Therapeutic Research
» Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine
» Integrative Medicine
» International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
» Journal of American College of Cardiology
» Journal of American College of Nutrition
» Journal of Clinical Periodontology
» Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
» Journal of Nutrition
» Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
» Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
» Nutrition Journal
» Nutrition Research
» Skin Pharmacology and Physiology
Examples of current & past Juice Plus+ clinical research affiliations:
Brigham Young Univ Georgetown Univ King’s College, London, England
Medical Univ of Graz, Austria Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Tokyo Women’s Medical Univ, Japan - Univ of Arizona - Univ of Birmingham, England -Univ of California, Los Angeles Univ of Florida Univ of Maryland School of Medicine -Univ of Milan, Italy Univ of Mississippi Medical Center Univ of NC-Greensboro - Univ of South Carolina - Univ Sydney, Australia Univ of Texas Health Science Center - Univ of Texas/MD Anderson Univ of Wurzburg, Germany Vanderbilt Univ School of Medicine
Wake Forest Univ (with the NCI-National Institutes of Health) = Yale Univ-Griffin HospitalPrevention Research Center - 860-227-1328 -

I consider these 3 products as the top 3 “Back up” requirements to an Organic Plant Based Diet, TO ALLOW EATING OUT AND QUALITY HEALTH!
Juice Plus+, Herbal Aloe Force, & Sun Chlorella

Disclaimer: I am not a Dr. & I have not had any medical training. I am just a person who has corrected my former cancer problem & simply chooses to share what I have learned with others. My hope is that it will give you the incentive to do some research yourself & then educate others about what you have learned. The only way we can truly be free is if we
rely on ourselves to find the truth & not rely on others who have vested interests in presenting us with their marketing version of the “truth”. Plant Based Diet is the KEY !

Posted in Beat Cancer, Beat most Diseases with a Plant Based Diet, Clinton Weight Loss, Diets, Don J Porter, Dr. Esselstyn Stop Heart Attacks, Nutrition, Stop Heart Attacks Bill Clinton | Edit | No Comments »

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Flame retardant chemical found in US soft drinks

Flame retardant chemical found in US soft drinks
Tues, Dec 20, 2011 by: Tara Green
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A substance patented as a flame retardant and banned as a food ingredient throughout Europe and in Japan is present in 10% of all soft drinks in the US. The Dec. 12, 2011 issue of Environmental Health News reviews the history of this toxic ingredient, including the fact that "extreme soda binges - not too far from what many video gamers regularly consume" have resulted in skin lesions, memory loss, nerve disorders.
Fruit-flavored flame retardant
Mountain Dew, Fanta Orange, Squirt, some flavors of Gatorade and Powerade, as well as other fruit-flavored beverages contain brominated vegetable oil (BVO). On the Nutrition Connection page of its website, the Coca-Cola Company, which manufactures Fanta, defines BVO's as "stabilizers to prevent the citrus flavoring oils from floating to the surface in beverages." In other words, as Environmental Health News explains, BVO weighs down the citrus flavoring so that it mixes with the other soda ingredients, just as flame retardants slow down the chemical reactions which can cause fires.
FDA says safe?

Brominated vegetable oil is derived from soybean or corn and contains bromine atoms. BVO was removed from the FDA's "Generally Recognized as Safe List" for flavor additives in 1970. The Flavor Extract Manufacturers' Association subsequently petitioned to get BVO re-approved, this time as a stabilizer rather than a flavor additive. Following the submission of industry-generated studies showing that BVO was harmless when present in soft drinks within "safe limits." The FDA in 1977 granted "interim approval" for use of the substance, limiting it to 15 parts per million. That interim has so far lasted 30 years. The Environmental Health News article quotes an FDA spokesperson as saying that re-examining the status of BVO "is not a public health priority for the agency at this time."
Many critics in the past have likened the reliance of governmental watchdog agencies like the FDA on industry studies to "the fox guarding the henhouse." One therefore might have cause to wonder about the scientific accuracy of those 1970s industry-generated data which persuaded the FDA to re-approve BVO. Even if those studies were accurate, toxicity testing has improved significantly in the past three decades.
Recent Research
Both animal research and human studies of bromine have demonstrated its toxicity, finding links to lowered fertility, early puberty onset and impaired neurological development. Studies have also shown that bromine builds up in the heart, liver and fat tissue. The accumulation may also appear in breast milk. Because of this evidence, some health safety experts are concerned about bromine's use even as a flame retardant which can be present in many household items.
Given the high levels of soda many people consume in the US, its presence in soft drinks is alarming. Health experts point in particular to the gamer culture where people may play video games for hours, drinking soft drinks throughout an extended session of gaming. Some soft drink companies, such as Mountain Dew, even offer game tie-ins, awarding players bonus points for drinking more of the soda.
Chemicals, Dollars and Health
The perspective of other countries on this US public health concern offers some interesting perspective. Wim Thielemans, a chemical engineer at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, points out soda manufacturers use natural hydrocolloids to perform BVO's emulsification function in countries where BVO is banned. Since there are viable alternatives to BVO's, Thielmans speculates that "the main driver for not replacing them may be cost."
BVO's are another in a long list of reasons to avoid drinking sodas, and to teach your children to appreciate healthier beverages. In addition to the high fructose corn syrup of "regular" sodas or aspartame in diet drinks, both of which bring a host of health risks, these are one more poison in the cocktail of chemicals contained in soda.

Sources:, http://productnutrition.thecoca-col..,. http://www.environmentalhealthnews.... ,
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Study confirms that many survivors of breast cancer chemotherapy treatments suffer from brain damage

Study confirms that many survivors of breast cancer chemotherapy treatments suffer from brain damage

Jonathan Benson NaturalNews Dec 13, 2011

Just like they often do in response to the numerous health problems brought about by things like Morgellons Disease and the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix, doctors commonly deny that the cognitive problems reported by breast cancer patients following chemotherapy are in any way related to the toxic treatment. But a new study published in the journal Archives of Neurology suggests otherwise, as it points to clear evidence of what is known as “chemo brain,” or brain damage caused by chemotherapy.

Shelli Kesler from the Stanford University School of Medicine in California evaluated 25 breast cancer patients that had been treated with chemotherapy, 19 breast cancer patients that had surgery, and 18 healthy women, as part of her study. All the women were instructed to solve various problems and complete a variety of tasks. They also filled out questionnaires about their perceived cognitive abilities.

During the process, researchers monitored the women’s brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and discovered that those in the chemotherapy group had reduced cognitive ability in three key areas of the brain’s prefrontal cortex — two of the areas were associated with working memory, cognitive control, and monitoring, while the other was associated with executive function, or the area where planning activities take place in the brain.

“This is a huge validation for these women who are telling their doctors ‘something is wrong with me’,” Kesler is quoted as saying by Reuters Health. “This shows that when a patient reports she is struggling with these types of problems, there’s a good chance there has been a brain change.”

That any doctor would even deny a potential link between chemotherapy and brain damage in the first place is quite disturbing. Chemotherapy drugs, of course, are widely known to damage both healthy and malignant cells in the body — and many chemotherapy drugs admittedly cause permanent DNA, heart, and other damage (…).

And the new findings give breast cancer patients yet another valid reason to reconsider going the conventional treatment route. With so many other safe, alternative methods of breast cancer prevention and treatment, why would any woman want to subject herself to potentially permanent brain and other damage caused by chemotherapy? (…)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Guilty as Charged: Six Pesticide and Biotechnology Corporations

Guilty as Charged: Six Pesticide and Biotechnology Corporations
By Kathryn Gilje Pan North America, Dec 7, 2011 Straight to the Source
For related articles and more information, please visit OCA's Millions Against Monsanto page and our Environment and Climate Resource Center page.
Truth be told, there were tears in my eyes as I sat there, translating and tweeting amongst the bustling crowd of media and hundreds of people, most of them farmers. After an intensive public trial covering a range of human rights violations, on December 6, the jurors issued a scathing verdict to the six largest pesticide and biotechnology corporations, urging governments to take action to prevent further harm. The crowd erupted in a roar of applause, and later, congratulations were shared in at least seven languages.

The verdict was handed down to the six largest pesticide corporations - Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer, BASF, Dow and Dupont - collectively known as the "Big 6," for their human rights violations, including internationally recognized rights to life, livelihood and health. The agrichemical industry is valued at over $42 billion and operates with impunity while over 355,000 people die from pesticide poisoning every year, and hundreds of thousands more are made ill. In addition, pesticide corporations have put livelihoods and jobs in jeopardy, including those of farmers, beekeepers and indigenous peoples.

The preliminary findings, to be elaborated and finalized by the jury over the next two weeks, include these recommendations for governments:

Prosecute corporations for criminal liability, rather than civil liability only;
Fully commit to and legislate for the precautionary principle; and
Prevent corporations from directly or indirectly harassing and intimidating scientists, farmers and human rights and environmental defenders, in any form.
The tribunal was only made possible through the incredible collaboration of many people - and the support of 400 organizations and more than 7,000 individual people, worldwide. The Center for Food Safety, Alaska Community Action on Toxics, and Farmworker Association of Florida were key contributors in United States.
As for my part, I'm elated and exhausted, both. But that's just tonight. Tomorrow, it's time for the planning meeting for what comes next, and I'm energized and honored to take part, and for PAN to be part of the growing momentum around the world that seeks an end to corporate abuse, putting fairness and dignity in its place.
Nearly 30 years after the the original "Dirty Dozen" campaign that launched PAN International, I feel another global groundswell coming on.

Overuse of Pesticides - for PROFIT = is destroying where we ALL LIVE--
the Planet
Note Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone !

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Breast cancer prevention alternatives - know your options before leaping

Breast cancer prevention alternatives - know your options before leaping
Monday, Dec 05, 2011 by: Tara Green
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(NaturalNews) Fear, pain, poison, and "pre-emptive" surgery characterize mainstream medicine's philosophy of breast cancer awareness. The cancer industry's attitude toward breast health is rooted in harrowing more than healing, its motives based in profit rather than prevention.
Dangerous Diagnostic Procedures
Although many thoroughly indoctrinated scientists would have you believe that measures such as self-exams, mammograms and in some cases even pre-emptive breast removal are wise precautions, there are dissenting voices even within the medical community. The Cancer Prevention Coalition founded by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., states "Mammography screening is a profit-driven technology posing risks compounded by unreliability." (

The same article notes that routine mammograms can result in "significant, cumulative" radiation risks as well as the risk of cancer from breast compression. Mammograms readings, the Coalition notes, are often inaccurate, and increased mammograms in recent years have failed to reduce rates of breast cancer mortality.
Negative consequences of self-exams
Self-administered breast exams are equally unreliable and can also result in unnecessary treatment. A 2003 Danish study found that regular self-exams increased the risk of unneeded medical procedures. The Danish researchers found no difference in cancer mortality rates between those who performed self-exams and those who did not. Women's health expert Dr. Christiane Northrup points out that, as currently taught, breast self-exams tend to encourage a "search and destroy" attitude. Northrup encourages women to avoid this approach: "Examining your breasts in a spirit of fear simply increases the fear and is the opposite of what you need to create healthy breast tissue." (
Cancer drug that can cause cancer
Women who have been identified as high risk of breast cancer may be prescribed the drug Tamoxifen, a selective estrogen receptor-modulating (SERM) drug. Side-effects of Tamoxifen include strokes, blood clots and uterine cancer. Tamoxifen is designed to prevent estrogen receptor-positive tumors. However, women who taken Tamoxifen but still develop breast cancer are more likely to have estrogen receptor-negative tumors, which have a worse prognosis. A 2006 study involving researchers from UC Davis, UCSF, the University of Pittsburgh and McMaster University in Ontario, Canada concluded that Tamoxifen does not increase life expectancy for women at high risk for breast cancer.
A closer look at genes and surgery
Increasingly, the mainstream cancer industry has been urging women considered at extremely high risk because they carry abnormal breast cancer genes one (BRCA1) or two (BRC2) to undergo pre-emptive mastectomies. The fear-mongering literature on this topic is designed to make women believe their only choices are surgery or death. However, only five to ten percent of all new breast cancers occur among women who carry these genes. A research project at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center assessed breast cancer risk factors among 2,000 women from different countries. The study found that the mutated genes were only one risk factor among many, and that diet and lifestyle choices also determined the likelihood of breast cancer occurrence.
Profit-driven prevention campaigns
Much of what seems to be health education is actually public relations and advertising. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is sponsored by AstraZeneca, the company who produces the cancer drug Tamoxifen. All broadcast and print media campaigns for this so-called health education effort are paid for by AstraZeneca. Diet and lifestyle changes which can prevent cancer are given less space in media campaigns compared with ads urging women to receive mammograms.

Allopathic medicine tends to emphasize extreme heroic measures -- which is exactly what you need if you are a gunshot victim or have been in a car accident. However, the concept of wellness, of promoting and maintaining health through everyday measures such as dietary choices has not yet been integrated into the medical education. Since the medical profession has strong financial ties to the medical devices and pharmaceutical industries, this state of affairs is likely to continue.

Other styles of healing, ironically referred to as "alternative" although most of them have a longer history than western medicine, take the approach of protecting and sustaining wellness, rather than waiting for a crisis to occur. In part 2 of this report, we will look at research on therapies which offer more hope for preserving breast health.


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Monday, December 5, 2011

Prevent & Beat cancer with green tea

Prevent & Beat cancer with green tea - What kind & how much is needed

Don Porter & Ethan Evers 12-1-11

Kukicha Organic
I have obtained (after 10,000 hours of Investigation & Due Diligence) the top names in Green Teas for enhancing the Immune System & preventing and/or Beating Cancer. Studies strongly indicate that green tea will reduce your risk of cancer, if you are drinking the appropriate amounts & not consuming high risk chemical filled foods. A significant number of large studies have begun to shed light on how much green tea is required to provide meaningful reductions in risk for several major cancers & assist in beating existing cancer issues. I beat Stage IV metastasized prostate cancer with the extensive use of decaffeinated greet teas. I used the Green Teas recommended by Michio Kushi, Verne Varona & respected other experts. I used Kukicha, Bancha, Dandelion Root, Easy Now & a few others. I use about nine bags daily, filtered water & organic lemon or lime juice in every cup for alkalinity levels.Green Tea: The Most Studied Anti-Cancer PlantReports indicate that there are now more active clinical trials using green tea against cancer than any other plant extract. 22 trials are currently running (amny still active). PubMed now lists nearly 1,600 peer-reviewed research articles, which mention "green tea" and "cancer," and the list is growing at about 150 per year. Despite all this research, a clear-cut recommendation for green tea intake has been frustrated by several factors. Population studies have based their data on "cups per day" consumed, but the amount of cancer-fightingpolyphenols per cup changes dramatically according to brewing time, amount used per cup, and type of tea (sencha, bancha, genmaicha, etc.). Even the same tea will yield different EGCG contents according to time of harvest and position on the plant from which the leaves are harvested.Bancha Organic
What Exactly is a Cup of Green Tea?

Because of these differences, a common basis is needed among researchers. Therefore the standard Japanese-style cup of green tea has been defined in some research papers as being 120 ml in volume and containing 50 mg EGCG (among other polyphenols). This is somewhat less than the USDA's current data, which estimates a 120 ml cup of tea to contain 77 mg EGCG.

Green Tea Consumption Versus Cancer Risk

Keeping the above definitions in mind, recent meta-studies show the following levels of consumption may reduce cancer risk as indicated.

5 cups/day or more: - 56% less oral cancer - 54% less prostate cancer - 42% less liver cancer - 22% less endometrial cancer

2 cups/day or more: - 18% less lung cancer (for general population)

1 cup/day or more:
- 60% less lung cancer (for female non-smokers) - 44% less ovarian cancer

Dandelion Root
Most people taking part in the above studies consumed a maximum of 5 cups per day (very few consumed 10 or more), which limits how much risk reduction was experienced. This level still offers good protection from several major cancers. The risk reduction is not so clear yet for cancers of the breast, colon, stomach or pancreas - they may require even higher levels of consumption. Note: smoking seriously decreases the benefits of green tea against lung cancer, which is why non-smoking women see a 60% risk reduction with just 1 cup daily; whereas, the general population (smokers included) need 2 cups daily just to realize an 18% risk reduction. For most cancers, there is a "dose-response" relationship in which more green tea leads to greater reduction of cancer risk. For example, every 2 additional cups daily leads to an additional risk reduction of 18% for lung cancer and 22% for prostate cancer.

Green Tea for Cancer Prevention: At Least 5 Cups Daily

Therefore 5 cups of green tea daily appears to be the minimum consumption level in order to achieve meaningful reduction of cancer risk. If you don't want caffeine, decaf green tea is an option, but it contains only about one third the EGCG content per cup compared to regular green tea. If you want a more steady, reliable intake of cancer-fighting polyphenols than brewed tea provides, then consider green tea supplements standardized to at least 250mg of EGCG per dose (according to the Japanese standard cup).

I find that simply increasing the number of Green Tea bags, filtered water, & lemon or lime for higher alkaline levels is ideal for all. (see types above or see my blogs: donportercancer @ google search).

I am not recommending any specific beands - simply showing some that I used !

Sources for this article include:

Credit to the author of this study : Ethan Evers is author of the award-winning medical thriller “The Eden Prescription,” in which natural medicine outperforms a billion-dollar chemo drug and threatens the entire $50
billion cancer drug industry. Ethan based The Eden Prescription on the latest science on natural medicine for cancer, and wrote it to show the future reality that natural medicine can bring us—and to warn of the strategies now being used by those who are trying to stop it. Ethan has a PhD in Applied Science. The Eden Prescription is available on amazon: For breaking news and research updates on natural medicine for cancer, see Ethan’s Facebook Page:

For more info:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Add 'chemo brain' to the list of chemotherapy side effects

(NaturalNews) Chemotherapy can make your hair fall out and cause vomiting. The immune system is actually depressed during chemotherapy. But hair grows back and whenever you stop vomiting you'll be able to eat again. Chemo brain is characterized by diminished mental acuity, memory, and increased fogginess. And it can stay with you long after the last chemo session.

About chemotherapy
Technically, the use of synthetically produced pharmaceutical drugs to kill microbes or cells is chemotherapy. But this term is generally understood as the chemical treatment for cancer. The origin of drugs used to kill cancer cells is mustard gas, the stuff used to kill people in earlier wars before being declared illegal.

At first, very similar chemicals were used on cancer patients by injection or IV, since breathing it in was lethal. There has since been a plethora of newly approved drugs to use as cancer chemo. Nevertheless, they are toxic to all cells, not just cancer cells.

Someone with cancer can look forward to all sorts of debilitating side effects, making it difficult to go on with normal life while undergoing treatments. And there are those ridiculous medical bills to endure (

In fact, Eustice Mullins, author of Murder by Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America, asserted in a 1980s TV interview that the cancer industry also helped create the health insurance business for covering those extreme expenses.

So those struggling to make health insurance premiums or keep their jobs in an increasingly jobless culture have very limited options for cancer treatments. The inexpensive treatments that do work without toxicity are not covered, and the cancer industry makes sure its propaganda as the only hope keeps everyone in line - to get their chemo.

That propaganda includes a few different ways the cancer industry skews survival report numbers. If you search chemo cancer survival rates, you'll find all sorts of confusing and conflicting survival and remission reports. But the facts are the cancer industry has a few deceptive tricks up their sleeves when it comes to recovery stats. Read more here (

They also tend to omit reports of those who die from the chemo itself. Killing cancer cells is the objective. Patients who die are collateral damage in the war on cancer.

About chemo brain
For several years, several chemo patients complained about a mental malaise, which made them feel something wasn't quite right. They usually noticed inability to multi-task or plan, which was part of their work, or a loss of short term memory. Some chemo patients reported vision loss and early dementia.

These complaints of cognitive impairment were usually dismissed as a slow recovery from the shock of cancer or the fatigue from treatments. After all, side effects don't exist except in the imagination of the cancer patient.

Stanford University tested cancer patient cognitive skills and discovered that chemo cancer patients had made the most errors. Magnetic resolution imagery devices (MRIs) clearly showed that the parts of their brains used for planning and memory were functioning poorly. The Stanford study was reported in the Archives of Neurology.

An earlier (2008) joint study by the Harvard Medical School and the University of Rochester Medical Center linked a widely used chemotherapy drug, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), to healthy brain cell deterioration. They recommended trying to determine which cancer patients may be most prone to chemo brain before administering chemotherapy.

Perhaps Big Pharma will come up with some more expensive medications, such as psychoactive drugs that can make them suicidal, to assuage those nagging mental deficiencies that tend to persist even after cancer patients survive their treatments.

Sources for this article include
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Half of all hospital rooms contaminated with deadly superbugs

Half of all hospital rooms contaminated with deadly superbugs

Jonathan Benson NaturalNews Nov 7, 2011

Many people still assume that hospitals are generally clean, sanitized places where harmful pathogens would have a difficult time surviving. But a new study published in the American Journal of Infection Control says otherwise, having found that nearly half of all hospital rooms tested were contaminated with a deadly, drug-resistant superbug known as Acinetobacter baumannii (MDR-AB).

For their study, researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine tested bed rails, tables, supply
carts, door knobs, nurse call buttons, infusion pumps, various equipment touch pads, and floors for the bacteria. They found that in 48% of rooms tested, nearly 10% of surface samples contained MDR-AB.

Leading the pack were cart handles, which were found to be contaminated 20% of the time. Floors around hospital beds were second, representing a 16% contamination rate. Following these were infusion pumps at 14%, ventilator touch pads at 11.4%, and bed rails at just over 10%.

“For patients with MDR-AB, the surrounding environment is frequently contaminated, even among patients with a remote history of MDR-AB,” said the researchers in their journal release. “In addition, surfaces often touched by health care workers during routine patient care are commonly contaminated and may be a source of (hospital-based) transmission. The results of this study are consistent with studies of other important hospital pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus and Clostridium difficile.”

Because MDR-AB infections typically only take hold in people who are already ill or who have weakened immune systems, those admitted to hospitals have the highest risk of infection. In fact, a 2010 study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that 48,000 hospital patients die every year from infection with hospital superbugs (…).

But the solution is not to pump more drugs into patients with the hopes that they will somehow gain better protection from infection. On the contrary, boosting a patients immune systems naturally through improved nutrition and superfoods, for instance, is one way to help them stave off deadly infection.

Another way is to disinfect hospitals naturally with things like copper solution, which has been shown to
kill 97% of hospital superbugs, rather than conventional chemical solutions that are only increasing the prevalence and severity of existing superbugs (…).

Sourcesfor this article include:…


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Health Thru Nutrition

1. Introduction
2. Disease and its CAUSE
3. The Healing Capability of the Body

Dr. Robbins did his undergraduate work at San Jacinto College in Houston, TX, majoring in pre-med. In 1978 he graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City, MO. with a degree in Chiropractic, (DC). He did a residency in Clinical Nutrition and received his Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) degree from anglo-American Institute of Drugless Therapy. Dr. Robbins received his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the British West Indies College of Medicine. Dr. Robbins has been operating his Health and Wellness practice in Tulsa, OK since 1978. His goal is to find truth concerning health and disease and then pass this knowledge on to sincere health seekers, so they too can have the gift of health.

If we take an honest look at nature, we will observe that three things are present:
1) Nature follows definite laws which are not subject to opinion or variance; and
2) Every aspect of life is reflected by nature.
3) Nature is governed by the law of CAUSE and EFFECT.
If we have violated a natural law, we have created a Cause, for which we will suffer an Effect.
Our ignorance of the laws of Nature does not change these laws.
There are two reasons for disease, or lack of health
1) Ignorance
2) Laziness

In the field of health, there are a few good rules to follow to achieve health.
1) Follow the laws of Nature
2) Let Truth be your authority, not authority your truth.
One of the Laws of Nature is that the innate intelligence of the body strives to keep the body alive, regardless of the cost. The "cost" is what we call "disease". Disease is the effort of the body to keep us alive.
The body will keep us alive and healthy provided that we feed it "Real Food". Real food is a food which is compatible with the body; that in no way takes from the body, but lends itself to the building up of health and maintaining life. It contains nothing that is harmful, toxic or non usable by the body.
Real Food is defined for us by Nature as follows:
1) Something edible grown by Nature - of the Plant Kingdom
2) Food which can be eaten without processing in any way.
3) Food which comes to us from Nature as "complete packages", that is, they contain naturally everything in them necessary for the body to process and assimilate that food.
The only qualities of food which the body requires in a complete package are the following:
If all of these components are in the food, the food is complete. If any of these are missing, the food is not "Real Food".
Real Food is provided by Nature in this form as raw fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables contain all of the parts mentioned above. If food has been processed, cooked or altered in any way so as to change or eliminate any of the above ingredients, it is no longer "Real Food" as far as the Human Body is concerned.
The plant kingdom utilizes sunshine, carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and organic minerals in the process of photosynthesis to feed itself and grow. The result is a living plant (food for animal consumption) containing:

* glucose
* protein
* fatty acids
* organic minerals
* organic enzymes (vitamins)
* water (pure)

Inorganic Mineral from the Earth + Photosynthesis = Organic Minerals from Plants which provide Protein and Enzymes for animals and humans.
The animal kingdom does not possess the ability to perform photosynthesis, therefore must rely on the plant kingdom to prepare its food.
Any form of processing nature's foods (such as pasteurization, cooking, adding preservatives, etc.) breaks the bonds between the food components and their attached enzymes as well as destroys the enzyme. The result is inorganic or denatured food components and thus inorganic food.
The enzyme must be alive and attached to the mineral or food component in order for the body to utilize it. The enzyme acts as a "passport" to get the mineral into the cell of the body and aids in the cell's utilization of that mineral. Raw foods are living and thus produce life in the body; because they have intact enzymes they are organic. Enzymes are catalysts - substances which help the body work more efficiently in utilizing food for life maintaining purposes.
An example of an inorganic substance is table salt. It is simply sodium and chloride. No enzymes, thus it is dead and the body cannot use it. Our bodies cannot attach an enzyme to inorganic substances, except at great cost. It is only the plant kingdom, through the process of photosynthesis, that can attach enzymes to inorganics and make them living or organic.
The more we process a food, the less nutrient value it retains. This is because living foods are organic foods. Processed foods, to various degrees, are inorganic or "dead" foods.
The following is the hierarchy of food preparation starting at the top with no preparation leaving the food with its full nutrient content, ending at the bottom with the most processing, rendering the food dead and useless to the body - little or no nutrient value retained:
JUICED and consumed immediately once the skin of fruits or vegetables is broken, oxygen combines with the enzymes and kills them (this process is called "oxidation")
loses 2-5% of nutrient value dried without chemicals or additives
commercial brands of dried fruit contain sulfur dioxide; exception: raisins)
freshly picked and frozen immediately
loses 5-30% of nutrient value
loses 15 - 60% of nutrient value
steamed means the green bean is still a bit crispy (if it's limp, its cooked)
baked, broiled, boiled, grilled, steamed too long, home canned
the green bean is limp
loses 40 -100% of nutrient value, depending on how long it is cooked
Loses 90 - 99% of nutrient value
these not only lose 100% of their nutrient value, but have toxins added to them

The Textbook of Medical Physiology by Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., probably the most recognized authority on human physiology states: "...the regulation of hydrogen ion concentration (pH or acid/alkaline balance) is one of the most important aspects of homeostasis." (Homeostasis is where the components involved seek an equilibrium.)
ph = measure of how acid or how alkaline a substance is.
ph scale = scale of measurement for acidity and alkalinity.
acid neutral alkaline
1 7 14
All chemical processes have an ideal pH at which they are most efficient. For example the body functions best with an internal chemistry being slightly alkaline (pH of 7.0 to 8.0). The pH of the blood is even more specific:
BLOOD ph 7.4 = Normal 7.2 = DEATH
Our internal body chemistry functions in an alkaline environment. Our blood must maintain a pH of 7.4. If it drops below that to 7.2 we die.
The cells of the body in health are alkaline. In disease the cell pH is below 7.0. The more acid the cells become, the sicker we are and feel. The cells won't die until their pH gets to about 3.5. Our bodies produce acid as a by-product of normal metabolism. This is the result of our bodies burning or using alkaline to remain alive. Since our bodies do not manufacture alkaline, we must supply the alkaline from an outside source to keep us from becoming acid and dying.
Food is the means of replenishing the alkaline to the body. The main determining factor of alkaline is the organic minerals. One can equate organic minerals with alkaline for better understanding. Foods are of two types, acid or alkaline. This refers to the ash value of a food. (Meaning the type of residue that remains after the food is digested and processed). Is it acid, or is it alkaline? If there is an acid residue (inorganic acids), the body must neutralize this acid to keep the blood from getting acid. The acid is neutralized with alkaline.
Ideally there is adequate alkaline in the diet to do this. However, if there is not, the body must extract alkaline from its cells to neutralize the acid. This, of course, causes the cells to become acid, and thus diseased. Because our bodies are an alkaline entity, in order to maintain health, the majority of our diet must consist of alkaline ash foods.
We can remain in health by consuming a diet that is 70-80% alkaline and 20-30% acid. The more alkaline the better. If we become too alkaline by eating a majority of alkaline foods, we will lose our appetite and automatically want to fast, during which time the normal acid metabolic by-products will return the body's pH back to normal. It is interesting to note that some foods which qualify as a real food have an acid ash reaction. This is probably nature's way of keeping a balance so that the real food consumer does not become too alkaline. Also note that the acid content of these acid ash real foods is very low and they still contain valuable nutrients which can be utilized by the body.
On this page is a chart of the acid and alkaline foods:
The breakdown of foods into acid ash and alkaline ash categories would generally be as follows:
NOTE: Foods in the Acid Ash column are listed in order of least acid to most acid; in the alkaline ash column, foods are listed in order from most alkaline to least alkaline.
SOME RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (cranberries, blueberries, plums, prunes, squash)
DAIRY PRODUCTS (cheese, eggs, milk, etc.)
WHITE MEAT (fish, fowl) Raw, Rare, Well Done
RED MEATS (beef, pork, mutton) Raw, Rare, Well Done
RAW NUTS (almonds, pecans, cashews, etc.)
HERBS, SPICES, CONDIMENTS, SPICY FOODS (garlic, hot peppers, onions, horseradish, etc.)
The average American diet consists of: 20-30% alkaline foods, & the diet should consist of at least: 70-80% ALKALINE FOODS & 20-30% ACID FOODS. It is not unusual for the average American to go 7 to 14 days without eating ANY alkaline foods.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If Joe Frazier had done what I did - he would likely still be alive !

If Joe Frazier had done what I did - he would likely still be alive ! Why didnt his Drs. advise him to strengthen his immune system as many have ?
PHILADELPHIA -- He beat Muhammad Ali in the Fight of the Century, battled him nearly to the death in the Thrilla in Manila. Then Joe Frazier spent the rest of his life trying to fight his way out of Ali's shadow.

That was one fight Frazier never could win. UNLESS he had done what Don Porter did.
Joe Frazier will be forever linked with Muhammad Ali, but Smokin' Joe was so much more than Ali's foil, writes Dan Rafael. Story

• Mulvaney: The "Fight of the Century"
• Photos: Frazier through the years
• Topics: Joe Frazier | Thrilla in Manila
• Sporting world remembers Frazier

He was once a heavyweight champion, and a great one at that. Ali would say as much after Frazier knocked him down in the 15th round en route to becoming the first man to beat Ali at Madison Square Garden in March 1971.

But he bore the burden of being Ali's foil, and he paid the price. Bitter for years about the taunts his former nemesis once threw his way, Frazier only in recent times came to terms with what happened in the past and said he had forgiven Ali for everything he said.

Frazier, who died Monday night after a brief battle with liver cancer at the age of 67, will forever be linked to Ali. But no one in boxing would ever dream of anointing Ali as "The Greatest" unless he, too, was linked to Smokin' Joe.

"I will always remember Joe with respect and admiration," Ali said in a statement. "My sympathy goes out to his family and loved ones."

They fought three times, twice in the heart of New York City and once in the morning in a steamy arena in the Philippines. They went 41 rounds together, with neither giving an inch and both giving it their all.

In their last fight in Manila in 1975, they traded punches with a fervor that seemed unimaginable among heavyweights. Frazier gave almost as good as he got for 14 rounds, then had to be held back by trainer Eddie Futch as he tried to go out for the final round, unable to see.

"Closest thing to dying that I know of," Ali said afterward.

Ali was as merciless with Frazier out of the ring as he was inside it. He called him a gorilla, and mocked him as an Uncle Tom. But he respected him as a fighter, especially after Frazier won a decision to defend his heavyweight title against the then-unbeaten Ali in a fight that was so big Frank Sinatra was shooting pictures at ringside and both fighters earned an astonishing $2.5 million.

The night at the Garden 40 years ago remained fresh in Frazier's mind as he talked about his life, career and relationship with Ali a few months before he died.

"I can't go nowhere where it's not mentioned," he told The Associated Press. "That was the greatest thing that ever happened in my life."

Don King, who promoted the Thrilla in Manila, was described by a spokesman as too upset to talk about Frazier's death. Bob Arum, who once promoted Ali, said he was saddened by Frazier's passing.

"He was such an inspirational guy. A decent guy. A man of his word," Arum said. "I'm torn up by Joe dying at this relatively young age. I can't say enough about Joe."

Frazier's death was announced in a statement by his family, who asked to be able to grieve privately and said they would announce "our father's homecoming celebration" as soon as possible.

Manny Pacquiao learned of it shortly after he arrived in Las Vegas for his fight Saturday night with Juan Manuel Marquez. Like Frazier in his prime, Pacquiao has a powerful left hook that he has used in his remarkable run to stardom.

"Boxing lost a great champion, and the sport lost a great ambassador," Pacquiao said.

Don King, who promoted the Thrilla in Manila, was described by a spokesman as too upset to talk about Frazier's death.

Though slowed in his later years and his speech slurred by the toll of punches taken in the ring, Frazier was still active on the autograph circuit in the months before he died. In September he went to Las Vegas, where he signed autographs in the lobby of the MGM Grand hotel-casino shortly before Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s fight against Victor Ortiz.

An old friend, Gene Kilroy, visited with him and watched Frazier work the crowd.

"He was so nice to everybody," Kilroy said. "He would say to each of them, 'Joe Frazier, sharp as a razor, what's your name?' "

Frazier was small for a heavyweight, weighing just 205 pounds when he won the title by stopping Jimmy Ellis in the fifth round of their 1970 fight at Madison Square Garden. But he fought every minute of every round going forward behind a vicious left hook, and there were few fighters who could withstand his constant pressure.

AP PhotoJoe Frazier's decision victory over Muhammad Ali in 1971 was the first in a trio of legendary fights.

His reign as heavyweight champion lasted only four fights -- including the win over Ali -- before he ran into an even more fearsome slugger than himself. George Foreman responded to Frazier's constant attack by dropping him three times in the first round and three more in the second before their 1973 fight in Jamaica was waved to a close and the world had a new heavyweight champion.

"Good night Joe Frazier. I love you dear friend. George Foreman" read Foreman's Twitter page.

Two fights later, Frazier met Ali in a rematch of their first fight, only this time the outcome was different. Ali won a 12-round decision, and later that year stopped Foreman in the Rumble in the Jungle in Zaire.

There had to be a third fight, though, and what a fight it was. With Ali's heavyweight title at stake, the two met in Manila in a bout that will long be seared in boxing history.

Frazier went after Ali round after round, landing his left hook with regularity as he made Ali backpedal around the ring. But Ali responded with left jabs and right hands that found their mark again and again. Even the intense heat inside the arena couldn't stop the two as they fought every minute of every round, with neither willing to concede the other one second of the round.

"They told me Joe Frazier was through," Ali told Frazier at one point during the fight.

"They lied," Frazier said, before hitting Ali with a left hook.

Finally, though, Frazier simply couldn't see and Futch would not let him go out for the 15th round. Ali won the fight while on his stool, exhausted and contemplating himself whether to go on.

It was one of the greatest fights ever, but it took a toll. Frazier would fight only two more times, getting knocked out in a rematch with Foreman eight months later before coming back in 1981 for an ill-advised fight with Jumbo Cummings.

"They should have both retired after the Manila fight," former AP boxing writer Ed Schuyler Jr. said. "They left every bit of talent they had in the ring that day."

Born in Beaufort, S.C., on Jan. 12, 1944, Frazier took up boxing early after watching weekly fights on the black-and-white television on his family's small farm. He was a top amateur for several years, and became the only American fighter to win a gold medal in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo despite fighting in the final bout with an injured left thumb.

I thought he was as honest and as real a fighter as there ever was. He followed in a tradition of (Jack) Dempsey and (Rocky) Marciano as the 'Warrior King.'
” -- HBO broadcaster Larry Merchant
on Joe Frazier's fighting prowess

"Joe Frazier should be remembered as one of the greatest fighters of all time and a real man," Arum told the AP in a telephone interview Monday night. "He's a guy that stood up for himself. He didn't compromise and always gave 100 percent in the ring. There was never a fight in the ring where Joe didn't give 100 percent."

After turning pro in 1965, Frazier quickly became known for his punching power, stopping his first 11 opponents. Within three years he was fighting world-class opposition and, in 1970, beat Ellis to win the heavyweight title that he would hold for more than two years.

A woman who answered Ellis' phone in Kentucky said the former champion suffers from Alzheimer's disease, but she wanted to pass along the family's condolences.

In Frazier's adopted hometown of Philadelphia, a fellow Philly fighter, longtime middleweight champion Bernard Hopkins, said Frazier was so big in the city that he should have his own shadow, like the fictional Rocky character.

"I saw him at one of my car washes a few weeks ago. He was in a car, just hollering at us, 'They're trying to get me!' That was his, hi," Hopkins said. "I'm glad I got to see him in the last couple of months. At the end of the day, I respect the man. I believe at the end of his life, he was fighting to get that respect."

HBO broadcaster Larry Merchant, who became close with Frazier after covering him as a reporter in Philadelphia, was crushed by the news.

"This is a body blow to me because I knew him personally as well as professionally," Merchant told's Dan Rafael. "I thought he was as honest and as real a fighter as there ever was. He followed in a tradition of (Jack) Dempsey and (Rocky) Marciano as the 'Warrior King.' "

It was his fights with Ali that would define Frazier. Though Ali was gracious in defeat in the first fight, he was as vicious with his words as he was with his punches in promoting all three fights -- and he never missed a chance to get a jab in at Frazier.

Frazier, who in his later years would have financial trouble and end up running a gym in Philadelphia, took the jabs personally. He felt Ali made fun of him by calling him names and said things that were not true just to get under his skin. Those feelings were only magnified as Ali went from being an icon in the ring to one of the most beloved people in the world.

After a trembling Ali lit the Olympic torch in 1996 in Atlanta, Frazier was asked by a reporter what he thought about it.

"They should have thrown him in," Frazier responded.

He mellowed, though, in recent years, preferring to remember the good from his fights with Ali rather than the bad. Just before the 40th anniversary of his win over Ali earlier this year -- a day Frazier celebrated with parties in New York -- he said he no longer felt any bitterness toward Ali, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and is mostly mute.

"I forgive him," Frazier. "He's in a bad way."

Information from The Associated Press contributed to this report.