Monday, December 5, 2011

Prevent & Beat cancer with green tea

Prevent & Beat cancer with green tea - What kind & how much is needed

Don Porter & Ethan Evers 12-1-11

Kukicha Organic
I have obtained (after 10,000 hours of Investigation & Due Diligence) the top names in Green Teas for enhancing the Immune System & preventing and/or Beating Cancer. Studies strongly indicate that green tea will reduce your risk of cancer, if you are drinking the appropriate amounts & not consuming high risk chemical filled foods. A significant number of large studies have begun to shed light on how much green tea is required to provide meaningful reductions in risk for several major cancers & assist in beating existing cancer issues. I beat Stage IV metastasized prostate cancer with the extensive use of decaffeinated greet teas. I used the Green Teas recommended by Michio Kushi, Verne Varona & respected other experts. I used Kukicha, Bancha, Dandelion Root, Easy Now & a few others. I use about nine bags daily, filtered water & organic lemon or lime juice in every cup for alkalinity levels.Green Tea: The Most Studied Anti-Cancer PlantReports indicate that there are now more active clinical trials using green tea against cancer than any other plant extract. 22 trials are currently running (amny still active). PubMed now lists nearly 1,600 peer-reviewed research articles, which mention "green tea" and "cancer," and the list is growing at about 150 per year. Despite all this research, a clear-cut recommendation for green tea intake has been frustrated by several factors. Population studies have based their data on "cups per day" consumed, but the amount of cancer-fightingpolyphenols per cup changes dramatically according to brewing time, amount used per cup, and type of tea (sencha, bancha, genmaicha, etc.). Even the same tea will yield different EGCG contents according to time of harvest and position on the plant from which the leaves are harvested.Bancha Organic
What Exactly is a Cup of Green Tea?

Because of these differences, a common basis is needed among researchers. Therefore the standard Japanese-style cup of green tea has been defined in some research papers as being 120 ml in volume and containing 50 mg EGCG (among other polyphenols). This is somewhat less than the USDA's current data, which estimates a 120 ml cup of tea to contain 77 mg EGCG.

Green Tea Consumption Versus Cancer Risk

Keeping the above definitions in mind, recent meta-studies show the following levels of consumption may reduce cancer risk as indicated.

5 cups/day or more: - 56% less oral cancer - 54% less prostate cancer - 42% less liver cancer - 22% less endometrial cancer

2 cups/day or more: - 18% less lung cancer (for general population)

1 cup/day or more:
- 60% less lung cancer (for female non-smokers) - 44% less ovarian cancer

Dandelion Root
Most people taking part in the above studies consumed a maximum of 5 cups per day (very few consumed 10 or more), which limits how much risk reduction was experienced. This level still offers good protection from several major cancers. The risk reduction is not so clear yet for cancers of the breast, colon, stomach or pancreas - they may require even higher levels of consumption. Note: smoking seriously decreases the benefits of green tea against lung cancer, which is why non-smoking women see a 60% risk reduction with just 1 cup daily; whereas, the general population (smokers included) need 2 cups daily just to realize an 18% risk reduction. For most cancers, there is a "dose-response" relationship in which more green tea leads to greater reduction of cancer risk. For example, every 2 additional cups daily leads to an additional risk reduction of 18% for lung cancer and 22% for prostate cancer.

Green Tea for Cancer Prevention: At Least 5 Cups Daily

Therefore 5 cups of green tea daily appears to be the minimum consumption level in order to achieve meaningful reduction of cancer risk. If you don't want caffeine, decaf green tea is an option, but it contains only about one third the EGCG content per cup compared to regular green tea. If you want a more steady, reliable intake of cancer-fighting polyphenols than brewed tea provides, then consider green tea supplements standardized to at least 250mg of EGCG per dose (according to the Japanese standard cup).

I find that simply increasing the number of Green Tea bags, filtered water, & lemon or lime for higher alkaline levels is ideal for all. (see types above or see my blogs: donportercancer @ google search).

I am not recommending any specific beands - simply showing some that I used !

Sources for this article include:

Credit to the author of this study : Ethan Evers is author of the award-winning medical thriller “The Eden Prescription,” in which natural medicine outperforms a billion-dollar chemo drug and threatens the entire $50
billion cancer drug industry. Ethan based The Eden Prescription on the latest science on natural medicine for cancer, and wrote it to show the future reality that natural medicine can bring us—and to warn of the strategies now being used by those who are trying to stop it. Ethan has a PhD in Applied Science. The Eden Prescription is available on amazon: For breaking news and research updates on natural medicine for cancer, see Ethan’s Facebook Page:

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