Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why are fried foods terrible for your health - Fear Them?

Health Basics: Why are fried foods terrible for your health - Fear Them?

Dec 26, 2011 by: S. D. Wells

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NaturalNews) Fried foods damage your body and brain in many different ways, and it's not just a long term consequence, but a short term detriment as well. We ALL should fear fast & Pkgd. foods. Just as a car needs good clean oil to run efficiently and not break down, your body needs food that can be digested properly and not clog the one and only "machine" you have for your entire life.
You simply can't lie to yourself much with fried food because the ill effects are just too obvious. Simply grab some belly fat or pinch an inch on a hip or thigh, and then try to convince yourself it's okay. Plus, obesity basically means people are storing fried foods and carbohydrates as body fat, and for about a third of Americans, it's like carry-on luggage you can't set down, or at least not until you sit down. Face the facts:
• Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzeimer's.
• Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms.
• Canola oil is one of the top 3 GMO products (genetically modified to contain pesticides) in U.S. and is used by almost all restaurants and for nearly all fried products you find in stores.

• Canola oil (rapeseed oil) is synthetic and deprives cells of oxygen, causing emphysema and respiratory distress, eventually leading to cancer.
• Soy and soy by-products are almost all GMO.
• Corn oil and corn by-products (breading on almost everything) are also GMO and contain pesticide (
• Most fried foods contain MSG (toxic salts) to enhance "dead food" flavor
• Taking antacids makes things worse - prevents natural enzyme production by the body. It also adds bad calcium which is armor (protection) for parasites/infection.
• Most meats are from animals, fowl and "farm raised" fish that are loaded with hormones and antibiotics.
• Fried means inflammatory foods which create problems with joints.
• Arterial plaque increases blood pressure.
• Potatoes and most bread (buns/pizza crust/pitas/tortillas, etc.) soak up the canola oil and turn to sugar in the stomach.

• Modified, processed and fried foods don't break down in body properly; remaining in kidneys, liver, intestines, prostate and colon for extended periods of time, if not forever.
• Gluten (mutant food glue): Used for pizza crust, fried seafood, pre-prepped Chinese, corn dogs, crackers, pastries, cakes, and the list is a mile long.
• Sugar and carbs feed infection; makes you want more of the same; feeding the vicious cycle.
• Empty calories are totally void of nutrients, so the body keeps searching for anything of nutritional value. Feeling "full" wears off sooner.
Eating fried chicken and pan pizza bread is like drinking oil straight from the vat

Basically, fried food breading soaks up nearly every drop of the canola oil, so eating fried chicken and pan pizza is like drinking oil straight from the vat. This increases your low-density or "bad" cholesterol. The inner portion of your arteries is meant to be smooth and unrestricted, but the buildup from these saturated fats, cholesterol and trans fats can cause hard deposits (plaque) to form. Then, like a clog in a drain, your blood flow can become completely blocked and result in a heart attack or stroke, especially if a piece of the plaque breaks away.
Also, the closer your fat is to your heart, the more the heart is strained. It's worse for men because the belly is closer to the heart than the hips and thighs, where women are more prone to keep the fried foods "stored." That is one reason women have a longer life span than men on average (
The great news is that you can unclog your arteries without surgery or drugs. If you've been binging on fried foods, you need to detoxify your blood and refortify organs. Take plenty of organic B vitamins, and check into dandelion root and milk thistle. Periodic detoxification is like changing the oil in your car; it must be done (
Look online and find your local vitamin shop and health food stores. You must plan and prepare healthy meals, so when you have a hunger attack you won't cave in. Get creative! Want to fry some foods at home so you don't feel left out? Dip your favorite vegetables in organic eggs and then roll them in organic bread crumbs. In about a quarter inch of olive oil, slightly brown one side and then flip them over. Artichokes are just like fried oysters and mushrooms replace fries.

Start today, right now, with your very next meal, and just keep the trend going. Assume that you're only choices for cooked food are grilled, baked, broiled or sauteed. Before you know it, you won't be eating fried foods very much anymore.
Sources for this article include ,,,,
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