Monday, June 4, 2012

Alternative Cancer Treatment or Cures vs Conventional Cancer Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatment or Cures vs Conventional Cancer Treatment that is "A No Heal No Cure Revenue Driven Choice that NEVER Seeks the CAUSE of Health Problems". Mar. 20, 2012 Don Porter also see, donportercancer, etal I have listened to and read many opinions, point-of-view, positions, attitudes, & beliefs of many people that, support the $200 Billion establishment/entrenched cancer industry position on cancer treatments, so called cancer cures, cancer research and related issues. I can understand how someone could, and would, believe the medical authorities. They’re the authorities! They are the ones that have all of the institutions, the schools, the degrees, the fellowships, the publications, the experts, the God like tendencies, the massive Brainwashing, REVENUE DRIVEN and related matters. They are the ones that spend and/or expend the resources of time and money to study things like cancer, and they report their findings to us. They are people, and they and their family members suffer & die from cancer, just like everybody else does. So who in their right mind would question their dedication, their work, their never-ending quest to beat cancer? As you probably already figured out, that would be many and me, and other inquisitive, common sense driven people like me, who don’t accept pronouncements from ‘authority’ just because it emanates from those that represent so called authority. As I’ve stated before, the status quo is usually defended by the established experts of the time because they are experts on the way things are, and the way that they have been. I guess that you could characterize them as being a part of the shallow thinking that has gotten us to the place/disaster where we are. Revenue drives Most people & big cos. protect their revenues aggressively! The problem is that in order to make progress, we must expand our thinking. We must not become enslaved to protect dogma or what we believe is true because our present level of thinking is what has created, or has caused the problems we experience to persist. In order to eradicate our problems, we cannot utilize the level of thinking that created the problem in the first place. The problem is that people are creatures of habit. We become nice & cozy, and love to be comfortable with a static existence. The technical term for this is homeostasis. We like to have some continuity and a stable existence. We don't want to challenge the System ! When new ideas on things are publicized, people have a ‘knee-jerk’ reaction to reject it. It’s natural, so natural that people have written books about it. In fact, people have a tendency to subconsciously link their belief system to their identity. So this is the explanation of the phenomenon you experience when you try to introduce a paradigm-changing concept to most people. They vehemently bristle at you! They will fight you like you are the Antichrist, or a bitter enemy or a bit "Out There".. If you really observe a medical establishment apologist’s argument to support the cancer industry, the funniest thing is that the validity or proof of your argument really doesn’t matter to the person supporting the status quo. I noticed that this is because their belief isn’t based on fact or reasoning, but on faith. Faith in other people; faith in an institution; faith in the system. A belief that if they themselves would not do something, other people would not do it either. Keep in mind the following: There is what we know, There is what we don't know. PROBLEM there is what we don't even know that we don't know ! I have studied many subjects, as a retired Investment Banker. One thing that is amazing to me is the blind faith that many people have in institutions and similar artificial entities. The reality is that there is no such thing as a corporation, a government or organizations. They are all artificial. They are abstractions, concepts in our minds. They are only an excuse for people to act under a shield or proxy for their own actions. Governments and corporations can’t do anything because they only exist on a piece of paper in their charters. But men and women acting in the name of a government or a corporation or a media source can and do perform every action that we attribute to these artificial entities. This may sound like a fine, nitpicky point, but it is a lot more relevant than you would think. I guess that we need to expand our thinking and get some personal responsibility. Despite the people in government being caught foisting lies, deceptions and doing other dastardly deeds on a very regular basis,(especially in banks and Wash., DC) the vast majority of us continue to believe the lies, allow them to continue to do damaging/bad things. I’m not sure why, but it is astonishing to hear people continue to believe the lies after it has been amply shown that lying, deception, brainwashing and doing unthinkable things are the standard operating procedure of the people in these organizations. Maybe it is the right thing to do. But it doesn’t sit right with many to just sit back and be another corporate/government drone, and to just accept lies and crap because we’re supposed to do it. Says who? If you haven’t figured it out, some of what I’m referring to is the case with cancer research, Big Pharma, cancer treatment, disease fundraisers, thousands of employees, and related activities. Regardless of what mainstreamers say, even if you assume that 95% of all the 400+ existing alternative cancer treatment methods are pure quackery, that leaves 5% of them that are not, and are promising. That equals about 20 cancer treatments that have promise, and that have been summarily dismissed by mainstream medicine. I BEAT Stage IV Metastasized Cancer, along with a MOVIE/TV STAR, CEO-MD of a large PA Hospital, that both wrote books about 40 years ago about beating CANCER with a Plant Based Diet, THEREFORE ANYONE can do what we did ! I hate having to rely on non-scientific data, observations and similar non-substantiated info. But with all of the corruption in science and government, it doesn’t appear that the truth has a chance against entrenched financial interests. Witness the situation with GMO foods. Virtually all of the preliminary experimental evidence points to caution and for extended testing of these foods. But people associated with the Big Agricultural cos (like Monsanto) have put a ban on any labeling of GM foods in America. They couldn’t get away with it in Europe, but they zealously defend their ability to force people in America to be ignorant of the GMO content of their foods. Scientists in the FDA who wanted GM foods to be labeled and tested were quickly railroaded and moved out of the way, and we now have these dangerous genes and organisms in our food. The bottom line is that people are turning us, and our future generations into guinea pigs for their own GREED, Self Serving, revenue/profit; options, common stock levels/bonuses, etc. None of the claims these people are making about GM foods (i.e., that they increase production, are safe, reduce the use of pesticides & chemicals, etc.) are turning out to be true about them. I use the case of the GM foods as a metaphor for the cancer industry and Big Pharma’s ‘profits at all, or any cost’ strategy. If the people associated with these mega-corporations have no qualms poisoning us with their GM frankenfoods, do you really think they would draw the line at ‘treating’ people with poisons as medicine? Do you think they would have moral crisis over suppressing effective natural cures for cancer and other diseases? Do you think they would tell the truth about health if it meant killing company reveues/profits, put them on the unemployment line, or actually get them indicted on criminal charges for fraud, price-fixing, profiteering off of the pain and misery of others, and other assorted crimes against humanity? The evidence that these people are not genuine in their search for a cure for cancer is found in how they treat people who admit to them that they are using different strategies to treat their cancer. In numerous reports from people who are successful with alternative cancer treatments, their health care professionals are astonished when they show amazing recoveries, or recover without the usual side effects that people on chemo and radiation experience. Almost to a man, none of the doctors or nurses are in the least bit curious about what a cancer patient is doing to succeed in beating their cancer. Now isn’t that very interesting?? I’m sure that some know that they would become mortal enemies of the medical and cancer establishment if they tried to use anything except their approved protocols & procedures. The "Medical establishment DOES NOT ALLOW Healing or Curing or seeking the CAUSE of illness or disease. These discoveries would severely damage revenues/profits & place POWR in the hands of the Population or common folks. It’s time for people to step up and show some guts because these dangerous people are not going to stop the madness voluntarily. We’ve seen that FOR A long TIME. It’s time to put your pacifier away and trade in your diaper for some big breeches. In my studies (10,000+ HOURS 5 years), I’ve read about numerous alternative cancer treatment practitioners with non-toxic treatments and cures for cancer get erased from the ‘official’ history of oncology. Nothing works 100% of the time, but I’ve seen reports of cure rates that are very high for some treatments, incl. Baking Soda high pH. DJP Baking Soda Protocol – This creates a high pH (8+) thereby kills cancer cells, & has worked for me, after following a modified Kushi/V.Varona “Plant Based Diet” to restore/re-build my immune system For the controllers of the cancer establishment, an effective cancer treatment is the enemy to mega-profits. Maybe one day, people will be less profit oriented and will seek the truth. But as of today, there will be no effective, cheap, non-toxic treatment for cancer, and that’s because the people that run the cancer and medical industries (as well as the other corporate vultures that make their fortunes off of treating disease instead of curing and/or preventing disease) will do their best, and use every resource available to them to make sure those treatments never get publicized.

1 comment:

  1. We are currently joining the battle against cancer. My brother is on his second round of six sessions of chemotherapy. And we are very positive about the outcome! This year has been such a learning experience for us and we have met SO many wonderful the medical staff and in fellow patients on the same journey. Thanks to cancer treatment centers and their existence.
