Saturday, March 14, 2015

35 Incredible Facts About The Human Body That Might Surprise You

35 Incredible Facts About The Human Body That Might Surprise You

It is amazing what the human body is capable of. Its potential is greater than you might imagine. Some of the facts you are about to read may seem unbelievable but they are actually true and most of them are processes that are happening in your body right now.
o                  The speed of the nerve impulses that travel from and to the brain reaches up to 250 miles per hour.
o                  Our bodies completely replace our old skin with a new one every month. In his lifetime, a person sheds 40 pounds of their skin.
o                  The atoms that our bodies are made of are 13.7 billion years old as they are the same ones that were formed during the Big Bang.
o                  Some people, and in particular WOMEN, have the ability to see a wider range of colors than an average person can. Most of us have 3 types of color receptors, but some WOMEN have 4 or 5 of these.
o                  Humans have the best endurance when it comes to long-distance running. In the past, thousands of years ago, we used to run after the prey until they no longer had energy to go on.
·                     With every new pound of FAT or muscle you gain, your body produces seven miles of new blood vessels.
·                     Our fingers are sensitive to such extent that if they were the size of our planet, we would be able to tell the difference between a car and a house.
·                     The strength of our bones can be compared to the strength of granite. A matchbox sized block of human bone could support 9 tons.
·                     When we are in love, our bodies release the same variety of neurotransmitters and hormones that are released when under the influence of amphetamines. The common symptoms are loss of sleep and appetite, feelings of excitement and increased heart rate.
·                     The muscles in our eyes that are responsible for focusing, move 100 000 times every day. If you want to do the same workout but with your legs, you would have to walk 50 miles.
·                     Our bodies give off so much heat for 30 minutes that would be enough to boil a gallon of water.
·                     50% of a human’s DNA is the same as a banana’s.
·                     Our eyes are impressively sensitive organs, too. They are so sensitive that if the Earth was flat, you could see a candle burning at night from 30 miles away.
·                     When a pregnant woman experiences some kind of an organ damage (a heart attack, for example), the fetus can help with the recovery process as it sends stem cells to the damaged area. What is more, women who have been pregnant can show neurological protection against the disease.
·                     Ever wondered what the inside of your bellybutton looks like? Well, it contains thousands of bacteria forming an ecosystem that can be compared to the size of a rainforest.
·                     A head of human hair can support up to 12 tons.
·                     You might think that the only senses a person has are sound, touch, taste, sight and smell. Well, there are 15 more (balance, pain, temperature, thirst etc.).
·                     The amount of hair we have all over our bodies is equivalent to a chimpanzee’s. Only ours may seem more invisible as it is lighter and finer on parts of our bodies.
·                     If our brains were computers, they could perform 38 thousand-trillion operations for a second. In comparison, the most powerful supercomputer in the world can do only 0.002% of that.
·                     The human body has around 60 000 miles of blood vessels in average. The Earth can be circumnavigated two and a half times with that length.
·                     One sperm has 37.5mb of male DNA in it that is needed to create a child. An average ejaculation is equivalent to 1.500 terabytes of information.
·                     The human muscles are actually much more powerful than you might have thought. When in a dangerous situation, our bodies release adrenaline which provides us with the energy rush we need to preserve ourselves. There are people who have managed to lift boulders or cars off themselves. In normal conditions, our strength is limited in order our tendons and muscles to be prevented from harming.
·                     Synesthesia is a condition that causes senses to overlap which means that some people can feel the taste of words and hear the sound of colors.
·                     90% of the cells in our bodies aren’t human cells. They are mostly bacteria.
·                     A person can read up to 1000 words for a minute.
·                     There are around 0.2 mg of gold in our bodies. It is contained mostly in the blood. But if you wanted to make a single 8g coin out of gold of the human body, you would need the blood of around 40 000 people.
·                     An adult person is actually made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms. To get a clearer picture in your head, just remind yourself that there are 300,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy we are in.
·                     It is proven that when a person is lonely, he feels physical pain. And just you have an instinct to keep away from physical pain, you have the same drive with avoiding loneliness.
·                     Every 13 seconds your body produces more cells than there are people in the USA. Each second it produces 25 million new cells.
·                     We glow in the dark! The problem is that the light we emit is 1000 times weaker than our eyes can see.
·                     The lining of your stomach starts blushing, if you do.
·                     The blood travels 12 000 miles daily in the body (4 times the distance from coast to coast across the US).
·                     Our brain’s microstructure is similar to the structure of the universe. The connection between the neurons in the brain is analogous to the way the world is structured.
·                     Crying decreases the feelings of anger or sadness. This means it can physically help letting it all out.
·                     Depending on the reason we are crying, the structures of our tears differ.

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