Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Alkalinity to BEAT Cancer and Most Diseases

"IF"  Your Body is Acidic. Here is What You Need to Do (The Real Truth behind Cancer that You Will Never Hear from Your Doctor)
 Mar 8,  2017  Don Porter @ donportercancer
If your Body is Acidic. Here is What You Need to Do (The Real Truth behind Cancer that You Will Never Hear from Your Doctor):
The real cause of cancer has been found long ago  (1931), by the Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto Warburg. Namely, he has discovered that the major reason for the incidence of all cancer types is, in fact, oxygen insufficiency.

This means that if the body lacks oxygen), the organism will become acidic and this will speed up the development of cancer.  Moreover, Dr. Warburg also found that cancer cells are anaerobic, meaning that they cannot survive in an alkaline environment (high in oxygen). Namely, without any exceptions, “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”
What we can do to maintain the balance of our pH levels is to consume a healthy and balanced diet. pH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline cells and fluids in the organism.  Our body needs to maintain the  pH levels in the blood at an alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive.
However, modern living has made all of us, especially Americans, eat dangerous, toxic, unhealthy, and acid-forming products, including processed sugars, refined grains, GMOs, and the like. These unhealthy eating habits cause detrimental acidic pH levels.   In the case of an imbalance of the pH levels, there will be an interruption of the cellular functions and activities in the body.

Moreover, it the levels of the pH slope to the acidic side, they will lead t numerous health issues, ailments, and diseases, from heartburn and osteoporosis to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Furthermore, if this state of the body lasts for a longer period of time, it will accelerate the aging process as well.
In his book “The pH Miracle”,   Robert O. Young also claims that the main culprit for the incidence of numerous diseases is, in fact, the acidic state of the body.  Namely, all kinds of dangerous organisms that destroy our health, such as bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, or Candida survive and multiply in an acidic state, but cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.
Therefore, in order to prevent health issues and preserve your health, you need to take some measures and maintain the alkaline state of your body and the balance of pH levels.
In keeping with Dr. Warburg's concepts, along with MANY others, we will offer you a QUALITY natural remedy for acidity that will help you eliminate all health threats:
§  2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar, organic lemon juice, and Black Strap molasses
§  1 teaspoon baking soda
Method of preparation:
You need to mix the ingredients (in WARM water) until the mixture is FULLY dissolved. At least 60 times. Next, pour the mixture into a glass of water. (8oz.)
Drink the prepared remedy all at once. Drink this 2 hours away from meals as  your stomach needs to maintain an acidic state to digest food efficiently.

This incredibly effective natural remedy will create an alkaline state in your body (not your blood as it takes 4 months to change your blood) by neutralization of the pH levels, and will thus help you prevent all kinds of diseases, including cancer.

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